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Everything posted by shackleton

  1. Well at least we have a decision made no throwing water A few people will be happy can't see many tourists getting involved Probably same in Pattaya always next year for people to ????
  2. Agree with the comments made the police need to take faster action Against the husband throwing acid is a hideous crime and he should be brought to account
  3. Tourists will return to Thailand once the Corivirus restrictions are lifted Paperwork travelling into Thailand required ect Pattaya Phuket bar scene will not be on the scale as before As we know the Government is trying to show Thailand as a family holiday Scene not girls and bars Thailand does have more to show and will recover in the future 2023 onwards
  4. Well the good news can't see many foreigners arriving in Thailand for the Songkran 2022 The ones here know what's expected so if you want to enjoy go ahead others like me stay away especially from areas like Khao San Road and Pattaya Enjoy ????
  5. In my compound there are a few Farangs when we talk there is no mention of the Russian/ Ukraine war Unless you are from that part of the world it does not effect you Same majority of Thais who would as already been mentioned would not know where in the world its happening Unless you are in the Tourist business Hotels restaurants ect
  6. The moral of this story is don't leave money or valuables lying around Provide a secure safe or put in a Bank deposit box ???? A lesson painfully learned
  7. The Government says one thing and Provincial government officials do what they want ???? Khao San Road traders are already asking for water to be allowed plus whatever else alcohol ect No doubt they will get their wish
  8. I put my name to the pensions petition months back I am surprised its not moved up by Much there must be thousands plus retired pensioners around the world who are in the same boat Anyone have a idea of how many in Thailand ????
  9. 50% of the money in shares UK 25% cash in the bank UK 25% cash bank in Thailand
  10. Most of the Country adheres to the traditional custom over Songkran ???? Pattaya and Kao San Road are for mainly tourists to throw blast each other with iced water plastic water guns ect plenty of alcohol involved ???? Will be interesting to see how many actual tourists will be there if there is no water celebrations allowed ????
  11. If this had been in the UK straight to the newspapers make some money ????
  12. All depends who you ask in the happiness survey have a job =happy ???? ???? Not have a job = not Happy ????
  13. If it was me I would not be travelling to Thailand unless they get rid of all the requirements But there will be people for what ever reason not those who live or work here but actual Tourists who will still put up with the requirements and travel to Thailand ie Saudis and Indians the future for Tourism 2022
  14. Who are these people that can afford to pay the prices quoted I was under the impression people could not afford to spend this sort of money more were concerned with putting food on the table and paying bills And don't tell me supporters will be flying in to watch the game from the UK
  15. Well looks like Indian and Saudi tourists coming to Phuket and Pattaya Let's wait until Songkran and see who does come Happy Days are here again ????????
  16. They will both be happy to have cheap accommodation provided especially those with children I don't think many of them will hold resentment against each other They are Tourists who were on holiday when the invasion of the Ukraine happened not their fault ????
  17. Can't get to worked up it it's a small inconvenience to put up with We all know or most of us here in Thailand the times you can buy and not to buy It's available in some places for those in the know if you are really desperate for a drink
  18. I wear the face mask ???? until I reach the training walking area in the park Plenty of available space not close to people mask off When I finish mask back on Not a inconvenience or problem one gets used to it
  19. Good to see the British Empire still exists ???? There's me thinking it had finished Thought it was now Global Britain ????
  20. The Russians Putin in Particular will be looking for a way out as he is not going to win this war The Russian people are not stupid either same as the people around Putin Who know its them next unless Putin calls a halt and gets a agreement with the Ukraine one way or the other to end this war The clock is ticking
  21. Try driving in the UK I know most of the price is tax but still expensive in relation to Thailand
  22. Yes CP will enjoy making money ???? exporting chickens to Saudi Arabia its a big Market after goat and lamb ????
  23. After spending a few years in jail he will be wishing the death penalty was carried out ????
  24. Must be missing a few brain cells most places now have CCTV installed Should not take to long in identifying the culprits Probably a fine and a slap on the wrist must not upset the Tourists ????
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