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Posts posted by chonabot

  1. I have had at least 4 interviews for teaching positions that have gone very well - and then I am asked to show my qualifications/resume etc.

    Inevitiably when I produce my Bachelors degree certificate ( OU ) I am asked ' what is the Open University?'

    I explain as best I can and then I am asked ' Is it an Internet Univeristy?' rolleyes.gif

    As the eyes narrow I try and continue, saying it is a top 40 UK University, the largest in Europe and is listed in the top 500 Universities in the world by the Academic ranking of Universities.

    A room full of American teachers denied ever hearing of it, this made the Thai interviewer more suspicious, I explained it was one of only 3 UK universities accredited in the USA

    by the Middle states Commission on higher education. This gets more blank stares.

    I then explain that it is recognised by the MOE in Thailand and please can the interviewer call them and call the OU to check my credentials.

    The degree took 6 years of part time study, including numerous week long summer course, monthly assignments, year end exams at Oxford University exam halls.

    I was bloody proud of this achievement but why should I need to explain the Open University's existence at these interviews?

    I believe the OU even exists in Thailand as part of Ramkhamheng University (sp )

    Any tips on what I should be saying to attain some kind of reasonable response in kind?

  2. We took our westie to the vet in Kalasin yesterday for a booster and haircut.

    On collection I noticed she was very drowsy - almost comatose.

    The Vet informed me that she had given my dog a calming tablet - as she always does with dogs when cutting their hair/fur.

    It's now 18 hours later and our dog still is not fully awake.

    I am pissed off that the Vet has done this without calling us first and worried about the side effects - particularly on a small dog that cost us over 100k to bring tio Thailand 5 months ago.

    Has any had similar experience?

  3. My son has an Xbox360 plus the Kinect equipment plus loads of games - he no longer plays the 360 ( Thank God )

    I was thinking of sending it back to the UK but was told it is fairly rare in these parts - any idea of a value for this piece of kit ? in decent condition)

    If any gamers out there are interested please drop me a msg !

    Thanks in advance smile.png

  4. My son has an Xbox360 plus the Kinect equipment plus loads for games - he no longer plays the 360 ( Thank God )

    I was thinking of sending it back to the UK but was told it is fairly rare in these parts - any idea of a value for this piece of kit ? in decent condition)

    Thanks in advance smile.png

    Just realised this is in the worng section - will repost - mods please delete - thanks

  5. . Also taking into consideration that back then it was much more difficult for those of little wealth to come and settle in Thailand because the Immigration regulations were much tighter enforced, so as a whole, the farangs that moved here in them days, were higher educated, financially better off

    I kind of see your point here , but can also see why some(..them.. ) may infer a sense of elitism from your implications.

    ps I have a degree and a Post Office savings account wink.png

    I was employed by a PR company based in Spain for over 35 years, most of my assignments where within South East Asia. I was on legal contracts to work in South East Asia and in Thailand.

    Have now fully retired on a generous pension and a healthy bank account, can live with peace of mind in Thailand 100% legal with no concerns or the need to look over my shoulder to see who is watching me. I can walk into Immigration once a year for my visa extension and all done within 20 minutes. I am by no means rich, but do believe I did everything the right way and for this reason I feel quite proud of myself, so I’m blowing my own trumpet here.

    If on my travels and I happen to meet other ex-pats that have the need to run over the borders every 5 minutes, work in bars paying the police beer money so as to convince them they’re not really there, struggling to keep they’re Thai girl friends from the underclass’s of Thai society content and happy, hoping to find any job, doing anything to support themselves here, than I have to ask myself, do I truly want to become involved and socialise with them? And the answer is no. Why? Because I don`t need to.

    Call it elitism, snobbery or what you like, but the worst that can happen is that those sorts wont like me. So what, I certainly would not lose any sleep over that, plus I know there are plenty more living in similar situations as myself in Thailand and will think the same way. So I am being straight and up front with you regarding how it really is. Some may respect that and some may not, either way it makes no difference to me.

    Nice reply..hung me out to dry.. :)

  6. . Also taking into consideration that back then it was much more difficult for those of little wealth to come and settle in Thailand because the Immigration regulations were much tighter enforced, so as a whole, the farangs that moved here in them days, were higher educated, financially better off

    I kind of see your point here , but can also see why some(..them.. ) may infer a sense of elitism from your implications.

    ps I have a degree and a Post Office savings account wink.png

  7. Hi Karen - I think tehre are probably too many 'Snake in my Garden ' posts in retrospect to my temper tantrum :)

    It is called ' Indo-Chinese rate snake' - Latin - Ptyas korros (Schlegel, 1837).

    They are very common and sadly get killed bu the hundreds every day - afterwards the owners wonder why the rat/mice population has tripled...

  8. Guesthouse, I dont get why the guy launched into a tirade against you. I might just be being thick, but the 3 questions he asked seem quite normal, or am I abnormal. Anyway anyone want to fill me in?

    Regarding the op, I think that expats are are funny bunch. Many will completely blank me as I say hello or pretend they didnt here. I have a running joke with my wife that whenever we see a farang and he sees me that he will look at the floor immediately. Are they all international criminals. At this point I must point out that I dont live in an area with lots of farang. One guy was even behind me in the queue in Tesco's and ignored me and looked at everything he could, except my way. Maybe I'm scary looking or such an arsehol_e that people know not to talk to me.

    Many farang I've met like to turn every conversation into a pissing contest. One guy would always tell me whatever I bought was shit and that his was the best........and I mean everything fridge, sofa, car, even said to me, 'my wife speaks better english than yours'.

    I wonder why so many farang see each other as direct competition??

    I totally agree on the 'looking at the floor ' quote.

    Originally I was not bothered and even happy to avoid them - but recently it has become a sport of mine to try and elicit a conversation.

    It must be the ex-Wallingford look that we both have smile.png

    On the ' my wife can speak better English' line..at my school, recently the head of the English Department was confused when my wife introduced the phrasal verb " Never back down' into the conversation......

    The few expats I have actually chatted to in Kalasin have seemed ok but not really people that I would cross the road to meet back home.

    • Like 1
  9. This is funny...

    So yesterday I spent a good few hours with the wife and the first pisshead gardener cutting the grass and catching snakes etc.

    Today all that remains to be done is to either burn or remove the grass/debris/snake traps.

    anotehr gardener just rocked up - fair play he looks sober which is a bonus.

    He insepcted the garden and announced he could do a great job - 600 baht once per month should do it.

    I thought hmmmm ok why not - starting next month.

    But he then tells us as a special bonus he will remove the grass today as a special favour.

    I thought..wow a real gent....

    But he will charge us a thousand baht for the process.

    Even though that part of the job would be included in the 600 baht next month.

    I was stunned when my wife asked me what I thought.....

    Of course I said no - and the guy now has it in his head that the farang said no - not the Thai lady...lmao

    • Like 1
  10. Just caught a nice ngoo-singh in my garden whilst clearing grass and other debris.

    Usual Thai reaction - wife screaming in terror -, hired gardener approaching with our petrol driven grass slayer waving madly.

    I recognised it fairly quickly ( hello mate : )

    Caught it, chased the gardener and wife for a while and then jogged down the lane and released it in an abandoned rat-filled plot down the road.

    I used to live in South Africa and caught snakes ( including bad ones ) for fun as a nipper.

    Came back to hear the gardener boast about the 20 foot Cobra he caught last week.......


    • Like 2
  11. Ask local friends to recommend a gardener or gardening company.

    I think you have been unlucky as my experience has been different. The first gardening company I employed used staff that were obviously being paid peanuts, so not at all interested - but, they still did a reasonable job and never turned up pissed or drank whilst here.

    A local garden centre then recommended a gardener (obviously a friend/relative as I'd said nothing about gardening services) and, although I was dubious, gave him a try and (so far) he has been brilliant and, happy to give advice on all my plants smile.png .

    'Doing it yourself' depends on the size of your garden... Its hot and time consuming. Even weeding takes hours for a small bed as everything grows so quickly.

    Agreed - between the 2 drunkards they seem to have sorted the weeds more or less - just piles of debris left plus the grass.

    One question - why do the Gardeners cut the grass and then insist on burning the debris on the lawn - leaving a huge burn mark - usually bang in the middle of the lawn?

    If they were pissed, then they haven't dug out the weeds by their roots - so they'll be back in no time.

    My gardeners have never burned the debris at my home - they take it away.

    More reasons for me to be happy - great :)

  12. Ask local friends to recommend a gardener or gardening company.

    I think you have been unlucky as my experience has been different. The first gardening company I employed used staff that were obviously being paid peanuts, so not at all interested - but, they still did a reasonable job and never turned up pissed or drank whilst here.

    A local garden centre then recommended a gardener (obviously a friend/relative as I'd said nothing about gardening services) and, although I was dubious, gave him a try and (so far) he has been brilliant and, happy to give advice on all my plants smile.png .

    'Doing it yourself' depends on the size of your garden... Its hot and time consuming. Even weeding takes hours for a small bed as everything grows so quickly.

    Agreed - between the 2 drunkards they seem to have sorted the weeds more or less - just piles of debris left plus the grass.

    One question - why do the Gardeners cut the grass and then insist on burning the debris on the lawn - leaving a huge burn mark - usually bang in the middle of the lawn?

  13. I would definitely take the second option - alas looks like the sweaty first option has been thrust upon me.

    Wife just returned from the hardware shop with a lethal weapon loosely described as a lawnmower ( 1800 baht - ouch )

    It kind of reminds me of a strimmer but has a bare blade that is on the end of a 5 foot tube that is connected to your body by a wrap around thingamejig..... petrol driven ( is that good or bad ? )

    I will check on my insurance policy before continuing....

    No need, your wife already has. That is why she came back with this particular tool. Nearly 5,000 posts too, we're going to miss you!

    It was fun smile.png....aarrghhhh blink.png

    • Like 1
  14. I would definitely take the second option - alas looks like the sweaty first option has been thrust upon me.

    Wife just returned from the hardware shop with a lethal weapon loosely described as a lawnmower ( 1800 baht - ouch )

    It kind of reminds me of a strimmer but has a bare blade that is on the end of a 5 foot tube that is connected to your body by a wrap around thingamejig..... petrol driven ( is that good or bad ? )

    I will check on my insurance policy before continuing....

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