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Posts posted by chonabot

  1. I have kind of moved here at least a dozen times and felt the same way on each occasion.

    This time it's more permanent and yes the home comforts make it easier.

    It's hard to stay in one place unless you have some kind of affiliation.

    I would say continue to enjoy youself and things will work themselves out if it is meant to be :)

    • Like 1
  2. The point is his conditioning. He learned nothing. He will go out to another restaurant and have another steak and complain about Thai beef.

    His whole world is in his head and it can't change.

    He evaluates everything by his own culture and can't get over or outside of it.

    He is like a turtle carrying his culture on his back like a shell.

    He will never learn not to order beef in Thailand. He will complain about if for however many years it takes to convince himself to leave and go back to a place where beef is like he remembers it.

    I agree that these types exist, but how long did you have to spend in his company before you had his psychological profile nailed?

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  3. Under no circumstance send by airfrieght what ever people tell you. If you send by airfreight you will have real problems.

    Not so - we sent our Westie over from the UK to Bangkok last year as airfreight and had no problems. Just use a decent Pet Import company in Thailand and you will be fine.

    Pm me if you want more details.

  4. I'm an English Teacher at a government school in Isaan.

    Even though I have been married to my lovely wife, who is from Thailand, for over 16 years and have back and forth to Los for over 25 years, I have learnt so much about the people of Thailand by teaching here.

    I teach over 1000 kids every week and it gives you an incredible insight to the Thai way of thinking.

    Ok it's a profession that is maligned by many Thai visa users for whatever reason, possibly even me before actually doing the job.

    Even working alongside the Thai Teachers has been an eyeopener...very interesting way of seeing life that's for sure...hehe.

    My son also attends school over here - he is bilingual - we will probably return to the UK next year to continue his education - but overall I

    think my family have had a brilliant time here despite a few setbacks.

  5. I liked the threat chonabot and I think your wife sounds like an angel, and I agree that you are a very lucky man (especially considering your problems with alcohol tongue.png ).

    In the last few days she has brought him a few snacks and drinks, and I smiled as she told me she thought it would be nice for him.

    So today when she went off to berate the nurses for not polishing his medals frequently enough he asked me this - ' Have her bring me some water tomorrow - but not that cheap stuff '

    He's obviously a tool, but I was intrigued by the fellow who described him as "the victim of all this charity". I think the whole world could use some of your wife's 'victimisation' obviously, but it is an interesting point made by soi41 which was (at least the way I understood it) that the old codger didn't actually believe he needed help or at least, he hadn't solicited any.

    He's still a tool obviously as his life sounds like it's gone to custard, but perhaps he has spent time in the Philippines or something. You don't want to give the impression you appreciate charity there; it doesn't matter how tender & kind & charitable they might seem.

    In fact, his response was very close to correct in some parts of the world. They're 96% Catholic or something in the Philippines, of course. No 'good' deed goes unpunished (for the victim of their 'charity').

    Nice points - maybe that was what Soi41 meant to say but did not have the grasp of words that you posess :)

  6. chonabot,

    Not to detract from the primary topic, I would like to first offer my sincere Thanks to your wife and the charity for their compassion.

    Regarding the request, just a name should suffice to verify his claims, I should not need any further info in most cases. Better to reply via my PM I sent than to post names here.

    chonabot" The problem was the fact that there was no-one with a decent command of English in the Hospital and Police, they needed to know who he was and why he was there."

    While I cannot speak for the following organization, as I am not an official member:


    However; I do know that they provide very good charity to US Vet's along with Thai citizens. And I am fairly certain they would remind the gentleman of what being a 'Quit Professional" is all about if he has been acting untoward or unruly to those who have been trying to help help him.


    Just pm'd you some info :)

  7. Golden Oldies for me



    Dr Patpong....if he is still around ?

    Tornado...long gone

    Gentleman Scamp...hang on I met him already

    Mig16....almost met her

    Totster - next time you're in Kalasin smile.png

    Scouser - is he still here?

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