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Posts posted by chonabot

  1. We have a reasonably large garden and since the recent rains here in Isaan the grass etc has grown to a point that we needed it cut.

    In the corners of the plot we have a few Coconut and Mango trees plus loads of Dragonfruit Cacti-like plants.

    These areas were also very overgrown - we have only been he a few months.

    We have employed 2 gardeners so far ( seperately ) and after the 2nd day each gardener has arrived pissed out of their minds on whisky ( reeking big time and stumbling around )

    We did not pay either up front and the 2nd one actually works for a large firm of gardeners via a Tool suppliers in the city.

    The garden looks worse than before and I just wonder if this is a trait amongst that particular trade here in Thailand?

    I have a few weeks off and may just as well try and finish the job myself - but it's so damned hot - even in the evening sad.png

  2. Maidu - why is this posted in the Teaching forum ?

    If it's not specific to a teaching job's required qualifications, why not post it in the General or 'Jobs' section?

    Unless you have actually attended University how can you qualify the following statement ? : -

    There are few, if any things, which can be learned at a U, which cannot be learned via the internet, books, and/or (preferably) directly from people skilled in those fields.

    Try to reply without sarcasm if possible :)

  3. Same as here - Vice -Head came to my house 2 days ago at 730am wai.gif

    Didn't mention the 10k subsidy but I rasied the issue and she replied that this was the reason.

    My (Thai) wife was all smiles later in the day and wondered why I wasn't happy with the 10k raise.

    I just laughed and reminded her ( like she does me , often -" we are in Thailand babewai.gif ... there is no raise "

  4. Thanks for reminding me smile.png

    A few years ago in the very English county of Oxfordshire I was advised to take down a St Georges Flag I had hung from my window for the same event.

    God save the Queen !

    You were probably tricked by a Scotsman masquerading as a council official.

    Quite possibly...technically I am Scottish... may be it was my inner left hand side.... :)

  5. Having a mini drama regarding the Blood sample.

    My wife asked the local vet in Kalasin to take a blood sample in order for us to send it off to Europe/Uk for the Rabies testing.

    The Vet said they were not qualified and recommended one about 100 km away.

    We live in Kalasin, a fairly large city, and this vet has a large premises and is qualified to give vaccines etc.

    Surely a blood sample should not be an issue.

    Do you think there is a breakdown in comms and the vet thinks we are asking for a Blood test?


  6. I believe it is local councils that have the authority to regulate the display of flags and some can be spoilsports. Let nobody be deterred by this from having an extra dose of fun today.

    Wow, as an American my mind boggles at the idea of a government having the power to prevent the display of whatever flag you like, unless it's truly offensive "hate-speech" that would possibly incite violence like swastika, KKK, jihad. But the equivalent of a state flag?? Are there English that would like to secede from the UK, or are they afraid of a reaction by natives of the other components like Wales and Scotland?

    IMO very bizarre. . .

    Nothing to do with the Scots or the Welsh.

    We had the same issue outside our village pub in Cambridgeshire. Apparently, one St Georges day some young west asian muslims drove past in an old car and screamed abuse at the pub and the St Georges flag. They were real angry to see it in the UK. Alot of local counsils in the UK now advise against flying our national flag as it offends our "Ethnic community"

    Quite a rare occasion to see our national flag in England now. How good ole' Blighty is changing...

    Had a contrary experience on my last trip to Donnington Park. Belting up the A5 (IIRC) on our 'bikes' we had agreed to pull over for brekkie at the first 'greasy spoon'.

    We spotted a greasy spoon where the guy who turned out to be the owner was out putting up the St George flag prior to opening for the morning trade.

    Owner was a wee Paki and breakfast was excellent btw.

    Sounds good , more than likely an Indian though :)

  7. I believe it is local councils that have the authority to regulate the display of flags and some can be spoilsports. Let nobody be deterred by this from having an extra dose of fun today.

    Wow, as an American my mind boggles at the idea of a government having the power to prevent the display of whatever flag you like, unless it's truly offensive "hate-speech" that would possibly incite violence like swastika, KKK, jihad. But the equivalent of a state flag?? Are there English that would like to secede from the UK, or are they afraid of a reaction by natives of the other components like Wales and Scotland?

    IMO very bizarre. . .

    it's essentially the Loony left wing local governments - they are worried that the English flag ( which is also misused by the right wing National front ) will upset

    non-English residents and incite nationalism by racists alike.

    Political correctness I think they try to call it.

    ps by Non-English they are referring to Muslims IMO

    • Like 2
  8. Thanks for reminding me smile.png

    A few years ago in the very English county of Oxfordshire I was advised to take down a St Georges Flag I had hung from my window for the same event.

    God save the Queen !

  9. IMO Employers look upon those of us who have degrees as people that have the ability to focus on a given subject/task for a considerable amount of time.

    Be this propping up the Uni Bar or studying Metaphysics is another matter entirely. I got my degree at Open University - took 6 years ( 16 hours per week ) whilst holding down a full time job - yep I am a hero smile.png

    Congrats for getting a degree. In comparison, I single-handedly put together the world's largest dictionary of English language idioms. At last count, there were over 17,000 listings in ABC order. But that's neither here nor there.

    Seriously ?

    Wow - I wrote a thesis on that dictionary - can I send you my notes to see if they were accurate?

    All joking aside - I agree with your points when aimed at Thailand's hiring criteria.

    I left school at 16 , had a successful career in IT, only went back to University when I decided to change careers.

  10. IMO Employers look upon those of us who have degrees as people that have the ability to focus on a given subject/task for a considerable amount of time.

    Be this propping up the Uni Bar or studying Metaphysics is another matter entirely.

    I got my degree at Open University - took 6 years ( 16 hours per week ) whilst holding down a full time job - yep I am a hero :)

    • Like 1
  11. Quick question here - I have asked DEFRA and various UK pet importers - so far little response..

    We may need tor return to the UK soon - our Westie was exported from the UK ( Nov 2011 )and had the Rabiesvaccine, test, microchip,etc as per DEFRA and Thai import guidelines.

    As she was certified some 5 months ago as Rabies free ( in a UK lab ) will she need to be tested again and wait for 3 months as per the above post?

    If you keep the Rabies vax up-to-date then this test does not have to be done again. Do keep the test result document, though.

    Thanks :)

  12. Quick question here - I have asked DEFRA and various UK pet importers - so far little response..

    We may need tor return to the UK soon - our Westie was exported from the UK ( Nov 2011 )and had the Rabiesvaccine, test, microchip,etc as per DEFRA and Thai import guidelines.

    As she was certified some 5 months ago as Rabies free ( in a UK lab ) will she need to be tested again and wait for 3 months as per the above post?

  13. Thanks everyone for the input smile.png

    I've just come back from the Consulate and everything seems ok so far - included everything I had pretty much, but no police report ( still waiting for the UK Police to get back to me )

    The lady seemed ok and did not ask for any more documents.

    Would they usually ask for more supporting documents at this stage or is there a possibility of them refusing it tomorrow on basis of lack of supporting documents ?

    ps I submitted the following : -

    Copy of Uni Degree - plus transcript

    Copy of TEFL diploma


    Letter of Invitation and contract from School

    Usual Passport pages showing stamps etc

    Visa form and Fee

    • Like 1
  14. I'll report back whatever the outcome - a teacher from my school has just returned from applying for his non-imm B visa ( 3 months )

    He submitted the following docs - School letter and contract, copies of degree/tefl, resume, fee and photos.

    He was granted the visa - apparently for the extension he will need to include the teaching waiver plus a few other documents.

    The school is the biggest government school in the province and the directors signature nullifies the need for a letter from MOE at this stage.

    If this proves to be wrong I will let you know ( as is often the case )

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