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Posts posted by chonabot

  1. It's a Government school so there will be no shareholders - the school have assured me that the foreign teachers just require the letter and contract.

    I applied for Police clearance about 3 weeks ago from the UK and so far nothing back.

    The school have told me they always apply for the WP after the Teacher has obtained the Non Imm B.

    I will be fairly stuffed if this is not the case as my family are also coming and will be applying for 'piggy back ' visas - our Tourist visas expire on the 12th - what should we do if the Non-Imm B visa is refused - apply for a tourist visa just to re-enter Thailand?

  2. I will be going to Vientiane next week to apply for my first Non-Imm Type B visa.

    The school I have been offered work with have a number of foreign teachers ( about 25 ) and have assured me the documents will be fine.

    I am not so sure.

    All they have given me is the employment contract and an invitation letter.

    I have read here and elsewhere that I will need a copy of the school license as well plus a list of shareholders and the school profile.

    Also a letter of acceptance from the Private or Basic Education Commision is mentioned.

    Please can anyone who has applied for this visa recently confirm if I will be ok - or should I demand/request the rest of these documents before my trip.

    Thanks in Advance

  3. I'm not a visa expert - guys like Lopburi3 will give you chapter and verse, but as I far as I know, a foreign wife and child of a foreigner legally working here would be issued with a non immigrant visa that would 'piggy back' on the expat's visa.

    I know more about Thai wife's with dual nationality getting their Thai Id's renewed on trips to Thailand using their UK passports, as one of my ex wives did just this a few years back. She had let her Thai id lapse but had it renewed when she was in Thailand on holiday and also got her Thai passport renewed, which had lapsed years earlier when she took out British citizenship.

    It is all do-able - just have to fight your way through the bureaucracy and be ready with a few back handers here and there, as I say, a good lawyer is probably the best way to go for you although my wife did it on her own - but she was a bloody minded bitch who wouldn't take no for an answer...smile.png

    Cheers again Mobi - may take the piggy back option - btw how many ex wives do you have ? :)

  4. Sounds like a plan Moby - Cheers!

    She has asked a few friends from outside the village and they all come back with a negative.

    Not helping matters is the fact she changed her first name about 3 years before we met - yet more papers lost in the UPS doom tunnel.

    Here's a question - if I were working here on a Non IMM B visa and had a non Thai wife/child here - what kind of visa could they hold to stay here legally?

  5. It seems our move to Thailand is cursed - we have had many setbacks and now another comes along just when we needed it least.

    We came here from Bangalore last year - Myself, my wife and our son.We all hold UK passports and entered the kingdom on them.

    My wife held a Thai Passport - expired in 2007 ( after an extension from Thai Embassy UK ) - my son had a Cert of Identity and a Thai Birth certificate from the London embassy.

    We had not planned to come to Thailand originally but the Indian move did not work out.

    All of the Thai supporting docs were back in the UK with my parents.

    We entered on 30 day visa exempt stamps - after this we travelled to Vientiane and obtained Tourist Visas - they will need extending in early Feb.

    For reasons beyond my comprehension my wife's name was removed from her Ban after she came to the UK.

    The amphur people were a pain in the arse and would not assist us at all when we visited last year to enquire about her status.

    Basically all of the Thai papers including Birth Certs/ ID card and everything collated over a long period of time were at my parents house in the UK.

    They packed them into a box, along with a lot of valuable information, and we paid UPS a large amount to bring the box to us in Thailand.

    Guess what......they have lost the box and after 3 weeks have declared it missing.

    Offered us £100 compo...great...

    What I really would appreciate is some advice on what my wife ( and son ) need to do to rectify this situation.

    We plan to stay here for at least a few years and they can't expect to keep extending the Tourist visas ( I have been offered work )

    What is the best way for them to get Thai Passports ( again ) and to become recognised as being in Thailand, despite entering twice on UK passports ?

    Bearing in mind her name is no longer on the Village hit list - and we have moved away from that amphur also.

    Thanks in advance


  6. Judging from your experience I am sure that

    you will settle into this position and take it

    in your stride. Don't worry too much about the

    lack of coalface time, you must have had plenty

    of experience teaching small groups.

    In the classroom humour and patience are

    My survival tools. The Thais love a laugh and a smile.

    Prep, prep and a bit more prep always helps.

    Always have some extra material to hand in case they gallop

    through what youvhave prepared. They love wordsearches

    and word games. Go get em killer.


    Cheers Chris - I will do my best :)

  7. She might have a sore throat. The first time I went away on vacation, my cocker spaniel barked so much he was hoarse by the time I came back. I can't remember how long it took for his "voice" to come back. Probably a few weeks.

    Wow I got a reply :)

    Cheers dotx , yes you are correct - we took her top the vet a few days ago and she got a shot of antibiotics - seems much better already :)

  8. Slight generalisation there, methinks smile.gif

    Given their respective profession, it's more likely that

    1) The Farang is wearing flip-flops ( and wife-beater ) therefore is in no need of a shoe-shine.

    2) Has a dislike for Moody timepieces.

    3) They need to change their deodorant.

  9. I've been offered a position in a nearby highschool - money not great but includes use of a car ( newish Honda City )

    The headmaster offered me the job pretty quickly - but it seems he wants me to be more of a teaching advisor than just a teacher.

    This involves teaching English to the current teachers, designing lessons and generally being on hand to assist with all things English.

    He explained that next year is 'Speak Engish year' and that having a native speaker would bring more students to the school.

    I have no issues being this great saviour of Thailand's unoffical 2nd language - but I feel my own experience may limit my success.

    I have a BA, plus a Diploma in English Language stufdies, a TEFL and have worked as a Language trainer recently for Pepsico in India.

    He also intimated that I could boost my earnings by teaching staff after school/on weekends - mentioned 350 baht per hour as a guideline ( this is Isaan )

    They had a German TEFL instructor for several years and seem to understand the visa/work permit regulations.

    I am doing a TEFL course in Bangkok in January - very little classroom experience - and hope I can pick the Instructors brains.

    He is happy to wait until February but would like an answer next week.

    Is this a normal request for a teaching position - or will I be out of my inconsiderable depths?

  10. One point so far not mentioned regards debts and insolvency - In the UK ( not sure where else ) when you apply for a job in a Financial Institution , and many other sectors,

    the prospective employee is required to sign a release form that allows the company to run a credit check on them.

    I know this for a fact - early last year I was looking for agency work as an IT contractor - atl least 70% of the time I was required to sign such a release.

    The thought behind it is fairly simple - but can appear harsh - The company - particularly a financially based institution - would not wish to have an employee who could not control his/hers own finances - especially if they were applying for a position requiring a lot of trust .

    I was required to do thiswhen applying for IT positions in Banks/Insurance companies, even local Government positions - and my own line of expertise ( UNIX sys admin ) would never see me anywhere near a cash related position.

    Most jobs offered in the UK for a Government related institution will require a full disclosure report - this includes a full credit check for Experian/Equifax.

  11. This may be a time where filing for bankrupcy may be a answer. You will have to surrender your passport for a little while. Lose much of your assets but then you make a fresh start.

    Please ignore this, they will not take your passport away if you are made bankrupt. Bankrupcy usually last for a year and is painless if you have no UK asserts only CC debt.

    Seek advise on Bankruptcy forums, not on here.


    Try Painful - after the bankruptcy ends it takes an age to ever qualify for a mortgage/credit - regardless of your income.

  12. 10. Never enter into an IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement), this turns any unsecured debts into secured debts which means they can reposses your home in the UK if they so wish.

    Not so - many IVA's are set up for people without a property - the OP does not have a property.

    The IVA will freeze interest and the IP ( insolvency practitioner ) will get the debt reduced to a manageable sum.

    The IVA companies have a lot of power with regards controlling the Creditors - this is the best route to take if the debtor has no property ( and a debt of over 20k )

    If the debtor owns a property, there is usually a clause in the IVA that requires an equity release in the final year ( IVA's are usually 5 year plans )

    If the debtor is unable to release equity at that time, the Creditors will allow for an extra 12 months to cover that sum - or whatever the debtor can afford.

    Many IVA's reduce to debt by at least 50% sometimes as much as 80%.

    One year after the IVA ends - all traces of the insolvency must be erased from the Credit file.

  13. Ahhhhhhh, I feel better (at least for the Eminence side)!

    Thanks to all for your inputs, and particularly to gkinbkk for te link: I'm gonna try it...

    Hi chonabot, if you have some skills about soldering/wiring there is some decent (first quality parts claimed) diy amps here:


    I'm tinking to order the "double six" for home use: 1/6/12 Watts, 12AX7 in preamp and 2 x 6V6 in power amp. Designed for clean tone, but pedals friendly as stated. Furthermore, as a DIY kit you may tweak it a bit to your taste if needed (at least a FX loop for me)...

    Cheers to all,


    Cheers Gobs - might have a go at that :)

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