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dick dasterdly

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Posts posted by dick dasterdly

  1. 6 hours ago, Spidey said:

    Name one airport, outside Thailand, that has closed it's smoking rooms in departure lounges.

    I flew to visit family and friends in '07.  Helsinki provided smoking areas whilst waiting for the next flight to a small airport within Finland.


    After visiting family there, I flew to the UK.  No probs. as I rarely smoke after leaving a short-haul flight until I leave the terminal.


    On the flight back from Heathrow or Gatwick, I was more than a bit miffed to be told that smoking was not allowed anywhere in the airport.....  Which was when I realised that I would never be back ☹️.

    • Like 2
  2. 5 hours ago, vogie said:

    I don't believe for one minute that the EU has stopped talking, there are still talks going on behind closed doors. The EU might be stupid but it doesn't want any of the remaining 27 states to suffer from brexit, basically they are bricking it.

    According to the BBC they are working on the wording of the withdrawal agreement at this very moment.

    There is too much at stake for there not to be a deal. But if there is a no deal it may be better for the UK than the EU in the long term.

    In short, no deal is better than a bad deal?


    Now where did I hear this before? ????

    • Haha 2
  3. 1 hour ago, melvinmelvin said:


    how does antisemitism within Labour become visible, how is it expressed?



    6 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    Another one that was comfortable with the LAB and Left anti-Semitism for years. Support for PLO, Hamas and anything Palestinian was OK for them, so long as it attracted the Muslim vote.
    Now the old goat Corbyn won’t fully support their calls for another referendum, they’ve all suddenly gained a conscience. Out with the lot of ‘em at the next GE.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    I haven't followed the anti-semitism story either, but perhaps the above post explains it?

  4. 9 minutes ago, vogie said:

    Out of interest baboon, are you dissatisfied with the leadership of the Labour Party. Are you concerned that the Labour Party as we all know it may be lost forever. My parents, and their parents always voted Labour, but I think they would be deeply shocked by what it is turning into.

    If Corbyn was removed, he would be only replaced by another extreme lefty. The Party is now being run by the lunatics.

    Suffice to say I know there are many good Labour MPs still in the party, (not in the cabinet) who must be very frustrated too of how the party is being taken over

    'Stalinist parties'

    Momentum currently has about 60,000 supporters, charges no membership fee, organises mostly through social media and has around 50 local groups across the UK.

    Its self declared aim is "to create a mass movement for real progressive change".

    But the fact anyone can join Momentum has prompted fears it is ripe for infiltration by the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) and other far-left groups who are bitterly opposed to the Labour Party.

    The Labour party (many decades ago....) genuinely supported the bottom strata, those paid the least.


    For many decades, this has ceased to be the case (IMO) as the leaders became more interested in increasing their own wealth and power - until we eventually arrived at blair....  A tory in everything other than name...


    Which is why nowadays there is no reason to vote for either party - as they are both the same.


    I suspect, but obviously don't know - that your parents would be horrified at the way the Labour party has turned into another tory party.


    Corbyn may well once have been a genuine socialist (which is why he's despised by Labour MPs?), but he's also entirely untrustworthy IMO, as he used to be a brexiteer, but for political reasons has turned into a remainer as far as I can make out.



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  5. 19 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

    dunno what May is up,

    hoping for miracles as she fiddles red lines and Backstop texts

    or just spending time hoping for a situation next month when she can

    press parliament to accept her shot down deal


    having said that, in multilateral talks it is not uncommon that it loosens

    during the 11th hour when things look triple dark

    to expect win win would be too much, but maybe ok ok


    Agree about May hoping for a miracle....


    "in multilateral talks it is not uncommon that it loosens during the 11th hour"


    Agree with this too, but as May is entirely happy with her and the eu's deal - and the eu is saying that there can be no change to the deal  - any changes are likely to be extremely minimal, in the hope that MPs can 'sell' this as a 'victory' ???? to the electorate.....


    Genuine negotiation never even started, as May immediately agreed to the eu's negotiating list agenda......  And talks about trade were at the very bottom of that list, whilst money to be paid to the eu was at the very top.....  Edit - Whilst at the time, May was declaring that "no deal was better than a bad deal" ????.


    Even NOW, we have no idea as to how the 39bn has been calculated.


    Edit - There's nothing "ok ok" about the agreed deal - it's everything the eu wanted.....

    • Like 1
  6. 58 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    Blair got into power by a landslide.


    Corbyn will never gain power and as result let's the CONs have a field day.


    Only hope is for Lib Dems to hold the balance of power


    BTW, is just me or was the country happier during the Blair years? By miles?

    Blair gained power by a landslide as socialist voters thought he was a socialist.  We found out the hard way immediately, that he was a tory in disguise.  But I do agree that the electorate voted him in again ☹️.


    The country wasn't happier during the Blair years IMO.  I for one, left the uk in '06 - with a serious dislike of all politicians.

    • Like 1
  7. I've never had any problems finding rented houses that accept dogs.  And if they accept dogs they'll surely accept cats.


    For various reasons I moved house 4 times within the first year or so of moving here, but admittedly have now been in the same rented house for more than 11 years - so perhaps things have changed?  Seems unlikely though as there seems to be a LOT of available houses to rent.

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  8. 22 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    It is interesting that one of the complaints of Brexiteers re: the EU was how this supposedly faceless monolith made the rules by which we had to abide, but now they are getting bent out of shape when a relatively small member state is doing exactly what they claimed the EU prevented member states from doing. 

    Let's wait and see whether it is part of the May/eu plan to insist that their agreement is the only way forward....


    When the 'agreement' is slightly changed (as I fully expect to happen one way or another), will the Estonia president change his views, and suddenly decide not to veto the changes? ????

  9. 22 minutes ago, Enoon said:




    "S***.....she's back......you talk to her".




    Hardly, as May did her v. best to promote the worst possible deal for the uk, including one part that would result in the uk likely remaining part of the eu forever, and paying 39 bn on top of the annual cost.... for the privilege!


    I've no doubt that both May and the eu are still looking for a way that will give the (mostly remainer) MPs an excuse to vote for BRINO (that they hope will be acceptable to the electorate as a result of the no deal scare stories), whilst paying an addtl. 39 bn.....

    • Like 1
  10. 21 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

    That is correct.  However, those past lives were not him, or his soul.  Nothing that we think makes our 'self' is carried on into the 'next life' or reborn, only our energies... but all out lives / rebirths are connected, like a string running through beads on a necklace.... each bead is a separate thing, but the string running through them all 'connects' them.  

    If so, then I can't really see the point?

  11. 1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    The sharp decline in the £/Bhtexchange rate immediately following the referendum and steady weakness since might be a bit of a hint.

    There's no doubt that the brexit result resulted in a drop in sterling - as everyone expected a remain result.


     The money markets etc. hate the idea of brexit.


    It's up to the individual as to whether they prefer to rely on the money markets/'expert opinon'/ or their own real life experiences....


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