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dick dasterdly

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Posts posted by dick dasterdly

  1. 55 minutes ago, nabbie said:

    I am sick of seeing anyone being labelled brexiter or remainer but both should work together to focus poor people, young people, disadvantaged people, average people within UK and combating with greedy people, tax evaders, terrorists, corrupted MPs. UK Parliament is completely out of control & a plain stupidity - definitely not good healthy debate for both brexiters or remainers. Can't help myself asking - is Brexit a worth?     

    "should work together to focus poor people, young people, disadvantaged people, average people within UK and combating with greedy people, tax evaders, terrorists, corrupted MPs. UK Parliament is completely out of control & a plain stupidity - definitely not good healthy debate for both brexiters or remainers."


    Agree entirely.

    • Like 2
  2. 7 hours ago, aright said:

    I won't be taking any lectures from Remainers on democracy, you showed your colours after the referendum. Just remind me at what democratic EU election did I vote for Martin Selmayr.

    As far as voting is concerned;-

    Not voting makes you the problem. (hardly expressing concerns is it?)

    Not voting means voting for the candidate you dislike.

    Not voting is a pathetic, ineffective form of protest.

    "Not voting is a pathetic, ineffective form of protest."


    In the absence of PR, I've thought for decades that in GEs there should be an additional option 'None of the above'.


    This would likely encourage more of the electorate to vote, and if enough people voted this way - it might force the govt. to take notice!

    • Like 1
  3. 20 hours ago, tebee said:

    But that is only about one third of what those areas currently get from the EU social fund.


    So it's a bribe, but also a fairly ineffective bride.



    I suppose we shouldn't expect anything else from this government  

    Do you have a link to support this?


    58 minutes ago, Percy P said:

    Well! what have these areas done with the EU money.

    Good question....


    I doubt voters will be impressed as I'm pretty sure they know that the money never gets anywhere near their pockets.

  4. The drugs available nowadays for HIV patients work very well, but presumably are very expensive?


    Let's hope this latest discovery proves to be a good way forward in the search for a way to eliminate HIV/Aids.


    "Most experts say it is inconceivable such treatments could be a way of curing all patients. The procedure is expensive, complex and risky."


    Have to say that I'm more than a bit cynical about the 'expensive' part - as providing drugs for decades (to keep Aids at bay, rather than actually defeating the HIV virus) is also expensive....

    • Like 1
  5. 13 minutes ago, nauseus said:

    It is easy in Thailand, Dick. A lucky country, full of vegetables.

    Vegetables full of chemicals....  (I always bought organic in the uk as they were easy to obtain, and I could afford to do so.)


    Not that this is a major issue (having eaten organic vegetables for a large proportion of my life, I'm not so bothered now that I'm old - although I'm still 'fussy' about trying to ensure they're thoroughly washed).


    The major issue is that quorn etc. to provide protein was easily obtainable in the uk, whereas it's far more difficult to find here - and VERY expensive.  Always have to laugh at the price of quorn packs found in Villa Mart that have huge labels (on the pack) "only 99p!"  The cost in bht is (at least?) 3 times this.  Understandable, as it has been imported.

  6. 15 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:

    ok, French, charolais,


    have you seen them, in Belgium?  a sight from the outer space, just mega awful


    DD, would suffer heart attack





    More than likely correct, as I became vegetarian after seeing film on the local news (donkeys' years ago) that showed a bull being slaughtered via a 'bolt' through his head.  I had nightmares for a long time after.......


    Which is precisely why I'm not looking it up to find out what it is!


    Sadly, 25 years or so later I discovered that it was far harder being a vegetarian in Thailand - and so started eating meat again.  So much for my strong principles ☹️.

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  7. 12 minutes ago, Spidey said:

    The stop line doesn't apply to bikes at any point. Bikes need to get in front of all cars to facilitate the Grand Prix start.

    Know what you mean (!????), but there are normally (?) 2 'stop lines' creating a 'box' in front, and I'd always assumed this box was for 'bikes as this is the way it is treated by most 4 wheeled vehicles and bikes.


    The traffic light junction to which I'm referring doesn't have the usual 'box', and as the stop line doesn't extend to the narrow 'bike lane - I'm unsure as to whether a red traffic light applies to the 'bike lane.  My confusion isn't helped as most 'bikes stay in the 'bike lane and don't stop, whereas (travelling in the opposite direction) there is a 'box', and 99.9% of 'bikes stop there on a red light.

  8. Interesting thread which leads on to another interesting question - to me anyway!


    T junction with traffic lights, but the road marking 'stop' line on the main road doesn't extend to the narrow 'bike lane.


    In view of this, does the red traffic light for the main road not apply to 'bikes that stay in the 'bike lane?

    • Thanks 1
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