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dick dasterdly

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Posts posted by dick dasterdly

  1. On 2/24/2019 at 5:28 PM, sfokevin said:

    I’ve had sex with many heterosexual guys...


    And based on this thread alone a lot of heterosexuals seem keen on perusing this forum...

    Like most people, I tend to mostly ignore issues that aren't 'personal' - whilst always knowing that gays had a tough time, and feeling sorry for them insofar as it comes to the 'haters' who give them such a tough time.


    Recently I came to know a gay couple as good friends, and so came to realise how diverse they can be.  Personality-wise, they are almost complete opposites, whilst sharing the same underlying beliefs and values. We all had to laugh when the quiet, 'conservative' partner said how he shouldn't be allowed to be gay, as he is the complete opposite to the stereotypical 'gay'  (something along these lines, but he phrased it far better)!


    As a result of loving these guys so much, I'm now far more interested in gay issues.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 hour ago, sawadee1947 said:

    No, it's not. If you don't like Thailand's laws you are free to look for another destination 

    This topic is about a woman who was DEPORTED for having an e-cig in her hand....


    We can argue until the cows come home about laws/enforcement here - but surely even you realise there is something seriously wrong with a tourist being deported for this minor crime!

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, steve187 said:

    i think that the UK has lost its way, the mp's do not care for their constituents one iota, they are there purely for themselves only, the 2 party politics has had its day, people switching parties at a whim, without calling a by election just prove my point above, i voted leave and fully appreciate that as this farce has dragged on, we should cancel brexit, the whole thing has been mishandled and i blame Cameron, he instigated it and then did a runner.


    get a fresh outlook on the whole system of the EU being a super state without finances to back it up, get rid of some of the smaller no money and never will countries.


    let the UK recover from this mess and try and reorganise the EU from within, but plan for a future outside the EU as it will collapse at some time, the EU leader are just bully boys and like the power they have, all the leaders should be replaced. its a corrupt system and we should never have got that deep in the quicksand.

    "and try and reorganise the EU from within"


    It's very clear that this will never work, as instead of reforming itself, the eu became even more entrenched after the uk brexit vote....☹️

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  4. 8 hours ago, tebee said:

    Remember "we hold all the cards" and "German car maker will make sure we get a good deal" 


    German Companies Have a Brexit Plan: Send the Bill to the Brits





    “Our company didn’t cause Brexit, so why should we suffer for it,” Axel Kiehne, sales manager at Dr. Kaiser Diamantwerkzeuge GmbH & Co. KG -- a maker of machine tools for high-precision grinding -- said at the event. “It might sound harsh, but the costs should be boruyne by the British companies.”

    I haven't read the full article, but suspect it refers to brits buying their cars should pay more in the result of increased costs as a result of brexit?  It's obviously not going to be either companies or the uk govt. that pays more for their product, unless it's passed on to the consumer.

  5. 5 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:

    5555 only because a law seems to be Rediculous to you it's not necessary to follow???? 

    Can't you see how ridiculous your reply is???? 

    So you would cross a junction even a red light would show to stop? 

    I reckon you should think about it again or see a doc. 

    Another ridiculous analogy....

    • Like 1
  6. 10 hours ago, puukao said:

    to me it's the little things PLUS the little things PLUS....and after 1,000,000 little things plus the heat (big thing), pollution (big thing), bad drivers (this is a big thing, not a little thing to me), i do need 1000 hours of meditation.  doesn't work, but i try....

    Back in the UK, I used to get bad-tempered/irritated about anything and everything that annoyed me.


    One of the good things about living in Thailand (to me), is that it's taught me to be far more relaxed and easy-going about minor irritations ????.  I still occasionally get annoyed, but it only lasts a few seconds and I'm FAR less likely to make a fuss about it.


    Nonetheless, threads like this are very enjoyable as they make us laugh about all the petty things (and we know they're petty!) that annoy us.

    • Like 2
  7. 33 minutes ago, Lemonltr said:

    If the politicians are true to their earlier promises any 2nd referendum would not include a question of whether we leave or not as that's already decided., but only whether May's deal or a WTO deal should be implemented. 

    One danger I never hear mentioned is that if a second referendum is allowed it will be nigh impossible to refuse the Scottish National Party another referendum which might end up in a break up of the UK. 

    "If the politicians are true to their earlier promises any 2nd referendum would not include a question of whether we leave or not as that's already decided., but only whether May's deal or a WTO deal should be implemented."


    I'd slightly amend that to 'whether May's deal or a genuine leave should be implemented'.


    Does anyone disagree that May's deal is BRINO, and paying 39bn for the privilege?

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


    That's politics Stephen. Always some nice little earners for the consultancy firms and others out of any crisis.

    At least the dodgy ferry deal has been scrapped. 


    They don't care because it's only tax payers money, plenty more where that came from. And got to look after the right firms because they might want to do some work for them in the future. 


    May, I believe, has become totally obsessed with her deal and sees it as the only way forward; and the only way to keep some credibility when history looks back on her tenure. She doesn't want the alternatives, can't come up with anything better, so clings to what she has despite everyone else telling her it's crap.


    She daren't give parliament a free vote on withdrawing Article 50 because she fears the result would tear the Tories apart. And all this shit heap of a mess has occurred because of Tory in-fighting; and screw the rest of the country.


    Jelly-Baby Jeremy is now being forced into action by the decent members of his party. Reluctantly but at least responding to them before Labor disintegrates before his very eyes!


    Worst ever debacle in British politics.

    "That's politics Stephen. Always some nice little earners for the consultancy firms and others out of any crisis.

    At least the dodgy ferry deal has been scrapped. They don't care because it's only tax payers money, plenty more where that came from. And got to look after the right firms because they might want to do some work for them in the future."


    Agree entirely with this part of your post. ☹️

  9. 1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    In a 52-48 referendum this would be unfinished business by a long way.’

    (Nigel Farage)


    Though to to be fair, I’m sure he wishes he could put his gob into reverse on that one.



    He did say something along those lines.


    But I've no doubt he wouldn't have been IMMEDIATELY challenging for another referendum.


    IMO he meant that he and ukip would continue to pursue their cause.

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, robblok said:

    You never know what you find when working with computers. Its always has its problems especially if your working with someone that is not super good with computers. Not saying that that is the case here. 


    What i find hardest is all the passwords and stuff, that is why i use lastpass. 

    Entirely correct about Somtamnication trying to work with someone that is computer illiterate ????!


    I blame the constant changes to Windows etc......  IMO pretty much every change makes what used to be simple, suddenly v. complicated.....

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