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dick dasterdly

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Posts posted by dick dasterdly

  1. 50 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

    wonder what MPs hope to achieve

    now they have voted down may-deal

    no reason to expect that no-deal will not be voted down


    so what, what do they want?

    delay for a month or so is hardly going to bring any delights on the table

    delay and new referendum, is that really going to change things

    delay and GE? any achievement in that?


    not easy to understand what they actually want, a better deal yes, but hardly available


    a weird bunch, the MPs



    That something will 'happen' in the future to let them off the hook.....


    They want to remain, but know that they will face a 'backlash' from the electorate if this is too obvious.  And May's deal was too obvious......

    • Like 2
  2. On 3/12/2019 at 9:45 AM, dick dasterdly said:

    Yes, I too am looking forward to learning exactly how the agreement has been amended.  Not that it matters much from my POV, as the agreement is BRINO plus paying 39 bn for the privilege!


    Lidington says it "confirms the EU cannot try to "trap" the United Kingdom in the Irish backstop indefinitely" - which means precisely nothing as of course the eu would deny trying to "trap" the uk into staying indefinitely....

    "Lidington says it "confirms the EU cannot try to "trap" the United Kingdom in the Irish backstop indefinitely" - which means precisely nothing as of course the eu would deny trying to "trap" the uk into staying indefinitely...."


    I apologise for 'tooting my own horn' - but can't resist pointing out that I was right!

    • Like 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, Henryford said:

    It was just a pathetic piece of theatre (probably agreed months ago) to try to pretend that Treason May won a great victory. They must think we are thick.


    Our relations with the EUSSR are shot anyway. Personally i would never buy EUSSR wine, cheese, cars etc ever again. It's like marriage once you say you are leaving there is no going back.

    Yes, they do think we are all thick - but I doubt it was agreed many months ago.


    The eu and May (IMO) thought the 'May/eu BRINO' deal would be enough to get the majority of MPs (who already want to remain...) to vote for the agreement.


    Unfortunately for them, a few actually read the agreement and realised that it meant remaining within the eu forever....  Making it impossible for MPs to vote for the agreement....

    • Thanks 1
  4. 16 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    41.85, not much of a surge, but I changed 1,000 pounds just in case May cocks it up.

    I think it doesn't really matter?


    If May (understandably) loses this vote, the next vote will be to stop a no deal brexit - which will surely win as only a tiny minority of MPs support no deal - and the money markets know this?


    Then we have the 'extension' vote......

    • Like 1
  5. 13 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    I was thinking more that the remainers have lost every last hope that the UK will not leave on March 29th. It has been decisively quite on here from the remain gang. I guess some will be selling their nuclear bunkers and selling of their two years supply of plasters and paracetamol.

    I suspect that more than a few of us leavers also think that the uk will not leave on March 29th....

    • Like 1
  6. 19 minutes ago, nauseus said:

    I told you the vote was today already. If you don't believe me then I won't bother trying anymore.

    Melvin is a 'decent' poster, although biased towards the remain 'camp'.


    No need to alienate the few 'decent' remain posters.


    Most of us miss the odd few pages, as we can't be bothered - and I suspect this is why the poster missed your earlier reply.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, samran said:

    You mean the people who couldn’t move 5 streets to get a job who had difficulty with those who moved 5 countries to ‘take’ those from them? 



    It's very sad the way more than a few are unable to see how average salaries (let alone those at the bottom of the scale!) have reduced in 'real terms' over the decades.


    I can still remember how those at the bottom (just about) could afford to support a family on one wage. Impossible nowadays, but thankfully (????) the govt. has stepped in to provide tax payer money to subsidise companies paying wages below any concept of a 'living wage' in the uk.....

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, LivinginKata said:


    Last year Phuket Int cost me 1,200 baht doctor fee.  But now it's part of the Bangkok Hospital group.

    I'm thinking that in future, the Mission hospital might be the place to go?


    As far as I can make out the genuine 'experts' work at Vachira, but spend part of their time (for obvious reasons) at the private hospitals - so apart from cost and comfort, it doesn't really matter which private hospital one uses?

  9. 12 hours ago, Ulic said:

    Well, after you come once and experience the truth/reality about Thailand, with garbage and litter everywhere, filthy beaches and waters, road carnage and taxi mafia, expensive drinks and beach road thefts, double pricing, jetski and gem shop scams, its no wonder. Even with the poor exchange rates, if the country was at least clean up, people would return. But with the government willing to invest nothing that they can't get a significant backhander from they don't invest in anything that would make tourists return. They are really missing a great opportunity to expand on tourism revenue. After all, if you try a restaurant back home and you have a fantastic experience, great food, reasonable prices, good service, you will probably return again and again. The same could be true for Thailand. 

    Whilst walking my dogs on the beach, I've chatted to a few tourists also walking along the beach.


    They ALL talked pretty much non-stop about the garbage on the beach - which I don't even notice anymore (I only notice the frequent dead puffer fish/morays etc. etc.) ☹️.  I found myself coming up with excuses as to how it's washed in from the sea etc. - but nonetheless, they are right.


    To look on the bright side, it's mostly a 'locals' beach', and a few days ago 20 odd locals turned up to clean a section of the beach.  They did a great job (as I discovered the next morning), and even put a bin on the beach for rubbish ????.


    I mention this as I think many of the Thai people are also getting fed up with the rubbish.

    • Like 1
  10. 19 hours ago, Mavideol said:

    back in 2016 I visited a skin doctor at Phuket International Hospital, he was referred by Bangkok Hospital Phuket, it appears they belong to the same group, the consultation fee was quoted at 1,000 Baht but the doctor discounted to 800 baht, my wife and myself had insect bites all over (sand flies bites) he gave us medication and 2 days later things were better, just in case below is the contact, the name was Dr. Sith

    2/1 Hongyok Utis Road, Muang District, Phuket, 83000, Thailand
    Phone: +66 (0) 7625 4425 Extension 2234| Fax: +66 (0) 7625 4062



    Hospital Number


    New Patient




    Date&Time : 8 September 2016 at 10.30am


    Center : Dermatology Center / Phuket International Hospital / Dr.Sith


    Consultation fee is 1,000 THB++





    For sand flea bites, I suspect any GP could have provided you with the medication for far less?


    I also went to the Dermatology Dept. at Phuket Int. in '16 when ALL my nails started disintegrating.....  The consultant fee was 500 bht, the ever changing medications - far more....


    A few months later (after visiting every couple of weeks to yet again be given different advice and medications), I gave up as it was costing me a small fortune, nothing they prescribed worked and they clearly didn't know the underlying cause of the problem - so it seemed more than a bit pointless.


    It's taken 3 years (☹️) but my nails have finally recovered on their own.

  11. 16 minutes ago, Jonnapat said:

    The great majority of 16 to 18 year olds who were unable to vote in the 2016 flawed referendum (76%) according to a weekend opinion poll would vote to Remain if a new vote was allowed.

    There is very little doubt that the result would be overturned if a new vote was held now and surely this is about the future of the next generation not old people like me who won't be around to see the consequences either way.

    So get out of the way you imperialists and nationalists and let the future be determined by those who it will affect most.

    And when a new PM is elected, which won't be too long, please let it not be some ultra right wing loony like Johnson or Rees Hogg.

    True or not, for some reason I don't think of 16-18 year olds as being the height of reasonable thought! ????

    • Like 2
  12. 2 hours ago, Spidey said:

    Well, if you knew the NHS intimately, you would know that it's nowhere near enough money.


    The chancellor is a Tory. They have enacted this policy before and with the Bullingdon Club at the helm, they will enact this policy again.

    "Well, if you knew the NHS intimately, you would know that it's nowhere near enough money."


    I'm pretty sure that's because a govt. (Blair's? or was it Thatcher's?) decided the NHS required MANY more layers of admin...... ☹️


    Agree with the second para., but as a result of the brexit referendum I don't think they'll be brave enough to try this for a while.

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