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dick dasterdly

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Posts posted by dick dasterdly

  1. 3 hours ago, Old Croc said:

    Sorry about the false lead.  I had a feeling that possibly he wasn't still around as he hadn't posted on TVF for a while.

    Moved on or gone home I guess.

    Was Data Wizards Phuket on the Rawai side of Chalong Circle?

  2. 30 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

    It is part of their satellite and communications technology R&D and allows for Israel to gain experience and knowledge so that it can continue to contribute to space exploration and the International Space Station.  Much of the  undertaking was financed by private investors. It is also an attempt to come up with alternative uses for the defense industry technology. Why shouldn't the country make an effort to help explore the universe? Canada is a small country, yet it came up with the US Space Shuttle arm technology, the CanadArm which resulted in significant  spinoff activity.

    I missed out on where Canada wasted money by sending a spacecraft to the moon?

  3. Quick update.


    Data Wizards on Phuket are no longer in existence ☹️.


    Fortunately, I was sent a pm by a poster (Somtamnication), and so contacted him to see if he could help.


    Happy to say that he was great, and was able to recover 'photos etc. from (a long discarded, full of rust) memory box!


    I'd recommend him to anyone here looking for a  computer expert.

    • Like 1
  4. 14 minutes ago, Longcut said:

    They can also be fired for expressing their opinion.  No freedom of speech in the workplace.

    Many years ago a boss of mine pointed out that "This is not a democracy" when I voiced an objection (to something or another - nothing particularly important) at a Dept. meeting.


    He was right of course, and so I could only (genuinely) laugh at his entirely correct comment.


    Which is why I'm in two minds about this issue.  At the end of the day:-


    1) I can understand the employees concerns


    2) Assuming they're working in a dept. involved with the army contract and they're considered 'beneficial/wanted' employees, they should be given the choice of either moving to a different dept. or, resigning?


    Either way, I'm glad the employees have raised the issue.

    • Like 2
  5. 3 hours ago, Grouse said:

    I once interviewed a neural network pointy head for a job in Winchester. Exceedingly bright. Asked what his ambition was he said "to be able to sit under a tree and think"! He got the job.

    Entirely off topic, but I once interviewed for a job (that I didn't particularly want, but was annoyed with current employer and wanted to make a point ☹️).


    One of the questions asked was "Where do you see yourself in 5 years time".  I answered "On a beach in Thailand" - which was honest, but obviously not the best answer at an interview! ????


    Needless to say - I didn't get the job, but the prospective employer was kind enough to 'phone me and say that I was one of the best of the (already short-listed) candidates ????.

    • Haha 1
  6. Having said this, Corbyn regularly says and acts in a way that can only antagonise brits?


    The latest example being his comment that went something along the lines of 'Begum should be allowed to come back to the uk, and then (possibly) be allowed to walk free'.


    I'm paraphrasing badly here (as I can't be bothered to look it up....) - but it was along those lines.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Prissana Pescud said:

    Exactly which labour party politicians have said anything that is anti Jewish. Just one quote will do.

    A lot of name calling on this post, but not one racist quote. Just semantics (not Semitics) and innuendo.

    How about some facts.

    I'm wondering about this too.  But as I haven't been following uk politics closely, had just assumed that a number of labour party politicians had made it clear they were anti-jewish.

  8. 11 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

    That is wrong.

    Of course, experts from the UK and the EU have exchanged views and checked the invoices. There are over 10.000th of individual positions.


    To understand this, you have to know that the EU is already spending money, which it does not have yet. EU budgets are over 7 years old.


    Generally it is about 3 big blocks.


    First, the EU has open accounts to be borne by the UK. These are financial obligations that have been entered into bindingly, without the amounts have already been paid. They come from EU projects that run for several years (especially the Cohesion Funds, which benefit the weaker regions). In total, there are amounts of more than 200 billion euros across the EU.


    The second chunk of between € 150bn and € 170bn is made up of commitments under these funds and other programs, as envisaged by the current EU financial framework for 2019 and 2020 (ie after Brexit).


    Thirdly, it is also necessary to fill the pot from which the pensions of all EU officials are paid. By the end of 2015, nearly 64 billion euros had been committed. There are also additional side posts.


    But the EU certainly agrees to completely cancel Nigel Farage's pension. This could save the UK the first million.

    So where are the calculations as to how the uk owes the eu 39bn?  Both sides have been extremely quiet on this subject....


    As to pensions, a member only pays contributions towards employees' contributions until they leave.  Why on earth would they continue to contribute thereafter?

    • Like 1
  9. 19 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

    It is always good to weigh 2 alternatives. Everything about the EU is shitty. Although the UK actively participated and formed the EU over 40 years what is the EU today.


    Analog, you buy a dog together. The dog poops into the room. Now suddenly it is no longer the common dog.


    Given. The constant moaning and crying is destructive  So where is the most intelligent alternative in our globalized world, giving the inhabitants a better and meaningful life?


    Brexit? Since over 2 years I have not heard / read a single, comprehensible concept / plan. So far, Brexit is a meatless idea without concrete content.


    On the contrary. Many people are affected by the idiotic idea. Few, very few may be have an advantage, but the majority will have to deal with significant deterioration.


    What advantage does every inhabitant of the UK have personally, quite specifically from Brexit?


    And please no phrases like, we get back the control or our sovereignty.






    The poorest paid MAY stand a chance of being paid a livable wage.


    It's been obvious for more than a few years that this is no longer the case - since the govt. started 'topping' up those on a wage (for those with families) that was nowhere near enough to live on in the uk.


    i.e. The govt. subsidising wealthy companies to pay as little as possible....

    • Like 2
  10. 27 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

    You have a warped view of reality. Brexit is about escaping an organisation with a globalist ideology inimical to the 17.4 million Brits who  voted Leave.


    They are fighting to stop their country turned into cheap labour pool stocked with a constant flow of poor, uneducated and unskilled immigrants from countries with cultures and values demonstrably incompatible with their own.


    If that isn't a worthy cause, then I don't know what is.







    "They are fighting to stop their country turned into cheap labour pool stocked with a constant flow of poor, uneducated and unskilled immigrants".


    I agree.  Great for employers - far less 'great' for the poorest paid brits. who see their wages kept at the lowest possible level, as there are always eu immigrants from poor countries who are happy to take these jobs - as they pay far more than they could get in their home countries.

    • Like 2
  11. 46 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

    On 11th December 2017, the Prime Minister confirmed that the UK and the EU have agreed “the scope of commitments, and methods for valuations and adjustments to those values.” The calculations are an estimate of the UK’s commitments to the EU, valued according to a set of agreed principles.  The bill is made up of:

    • The UK’s contribution to EU annual budgets up to 2020;
    • Payment of outstanding commitments; and
    • Financing liabilities up to the end of 2020.


    The confusion here may be that the life-cycle of the annual EU budget covers the period 2014-2020.


    Whereas nations typically plan for a one-year time span for their own governance.

    Thus, the UK made its budget commitment to the EU prior to its Brexit plans. Just because the UK decides its wants to now leave the EU on or before 2020, it must meet its prior financial obligations.

    But that is not even close to explaining how they arrived at a figure of 39 bn!


    Odd that neither May or the eu have produced a calculation as to these 'commitments' .....

    • Like 2
  12. 4 hours ago, Loiner said:

    There has been no dinner, so nothing to pay for. The 39 Bn is to pay for future club membership, after we have ‘left’ the club. That’s only IF they can con enough of Parliament into their deal.
    Until then we are off, and taking you all with us. Enjoy the ride.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    "The 39 Bn is to pay for future club membership, after we have ‘left’ the club."


    Precisely, and we're still waiting to learn how they have arrived at this figure.


    I suspect we'll have an indefinite wait - much like the backstop......

    • Like 1
  13. 29 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    As the electorate and you will still get the same issues. The MSM does not have a long attention span, so has moved on to its favourite sources. Politicians, their sound bites, and their antics. The whole backstop saga was also a welcome distraction for them, from the real wrongs of Theresa’s surrender document. Maybe those wrongs are being resolved behind closed doors and not the media spotlight. We don’t know if they are being ironed out or glossed over. With Remainers at the talks it’s probably the latter.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    "The whole backstop saga was also a welcome distraction for them, from the real wrongs of Theresa’s surrender document. Maybe those wrongs are being resolved behind closed doors and not the media spotlight. We don’t know if they are being ironed out or glossed over. With Remainers at the talks it’s probably the latter."


    Probably???  Of course it's the latter!! ????

    • Like 2
  14. 8 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

    Just follow the evidence. Just on this forum where open Hard Right anti-Semites have been given an open road by those on the Hard Left. Time and again. Where does this come from? From the Hard Left formula of "Taking Sides". Once the Hard Left abandoned the old school focus on the working class (too difficult) for the easier fruit of Third World Solidarity, all the reactionary politics of that was slowly absorbed by parts of the Left and the others progressively (sic) turned the blind eye. Its not a done deal, but for now while Corbyn is the leader of the LP, the poisonous drip-drip will continue. The split at least is bringing the issue of what Corbyn represents (and/or tolerates in his meally-mouthed fashion) out into the open.

    Interesting point that I will need to think about.

  15. 9 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

    And the reason Christine Shawcroft was forced to resign was?


    Iron-clad procedure of latter day Left-wing anti-Semites is always deny the issue, always deflect and never ever call out old-school neo-Nazis who are their new friends. (This is where Hard Left 'Taking Sides' has led them)

    I still don't understand why anyone on the left wing would support semitism?  Even less the following statement:-


     "old-school neo-Nazis who are their new friends."


    It makes no sense?

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