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Posts posted by mstevens

  1. 20 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    30 deaths in a very short period, and 1,009 cases to date and they have barely started testing, due to the lack of test kits.


    I think the problem you face is that the number in the US will multiply many times between now and when you plan to return to Thailand. Italy has currently around 12,000 cases. The USA will likely have more than that in 30 days time (if we use what is happening elsewhere as a rough guide). Just what the Thais will make of that and what restrictions / measures they may put in place no-one can say. For sure, I wouldn't be surprised if they insisted on anyone entering hold a visa with a mandatory requirement of being corona-virus free 24 / 48 hours before flying....and getting such a certificate could be very difficult.

    This whole situation is moving so fast it's impossible to say what might happen. Can but wish you luck!

  2. Obviously some details missing from this story. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd put my money on it that she was in fact a he. When your pal realised this he freaked out and tried to get out of there fast. She - or is it he - felt a service had been provided and demanded payment. Your pal refused to pay, at which point it all blew up and the cops <no pun intended> came.

    • Like 2
  3. 34 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    can they force injured people to go to hospital ?

    In a word, no.


    They can explain the possible consequences of not going.


    I imagine there are situations in which they can compel someone to go to, for example, a hospital that treats those with mental health issues if that person was hassling others or being a public nuisance - but this was not such a case.


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  4. As a Kiwi, you can receive the pension whether you're living in New Zealand or living outside the country.


    The first thing you need to be aware of is to qualify for the pension (irrespective of where you're living), you must have spent at least 10 years in New Zealand after age 20, and at least 5 years in New Zealand after age 50.


    If you're living in New Zealand, to get the full pension you must spend at least half the year in New Zealand.


    If you're living outside New Zealand, you can still get the pension, but it won't be the full pension. Rather, it will be an amount calculated on how many years you lived in New Zealand, between ages 20 and 65. There is an international pensions department who can help you with this, work out how much you will get and advise you how to set up payments at a bank account in Thailand, if that is what you prefer.


    I hope this helps. Any questions, fire away!

  5. 1 hour ago, siesasi said:

    I love to spend my time as I want. It’s the only thing that makes me feel rich.

    This comment really resonated with me. There's nothing like knowing that all 24 hours of the day are yours, and you can use them as you like.


    You need to be responsible to live like this and need to have adequate financial reserves and an awareness of financial planning and the future.


    Given that there's a growing movement away from the idea of a 9:00 - 5:00 work day, I think more and more people will be keen to lead this sort of lifestyle.


    Relating this all back to the OP, he is ahead of the game.


  6. 2 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    Seems pointless to have another air quality thread.  This is the peak time of year for "very unhealthy" air in Bangkok.  It will improve (to just "unhealthy") soon


    Yeah, May is quite soon....

  7. 8 minutes ago, CNXexpat said:

    It happens more than one year ago. I think I can´t get money back from the bank.


    Yes, that´s the last and most expensive option. I can make a 50/50 deal with him - if he will get the 400,000 Baht back, he´ll get 200,000. Better than to get nothing for me. 


    Sorry, I didn't mean file a claim with the bank. What I meant was if there was a bank transfer i.e. PROOF that a transfer of funds was made, that is clear evidence of the money being given to them that could be used in your claim against these people.

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