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Posts posted by at15

  1. 2 hours ago, 3MagicBeers said:

    Laos is fully reopening on Monday 7th May, with no restrictions. In fact it will be the easiest SE Asian country to get into/ HAPPY DAYS after 777 days ! ????


    In summary:


    • Fully vaccinated: only need certificate of vaccination • Not fully vaccinated: ATK test with in 24 hours before departure • Private vehicles can be used to enter and exit Laos • E-visa and visa on arrival are available • Effective 09 May 2022 onwards • No Lao Green Pass, no insurance, no test on arrival.





    1 hour ago, 3MagicBeers said:

    Apart from expected teething problems in the first days, its basically back to the same as entering Laos in 2019. The issue could be for Thai residents returning to TH, having to download the Thailand Pass, insurance etc etc (right?). In time Thailand will align to the Lao non-restrictions in my opinion.

    absolutely not. A certificate of vacc. and atk test are not "no restrictions" dont support that insane bs !!

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  2. 47 minutes ago, audaciousnomad said:

    Another option is to indirectly enter by going to Laos first, then to Thailand.  The friendship bridge at Nong Khai is open right now. Thai Embassy Vientiane even published full details for foreigners as to which hotels are approved, etc.  

    Details for foreign arrivals(requires Chrome browser for the auto-translate feature) are midway down this page:  https://vientiane.thaiembassy.org/2022/03/4999/


    The problem is to enter Laos they require a pre booked tour, vaccine, pcr test, and all sorts of nonsense.

    The only option right now like 2019 is Mongolia by air, not exactly a cost effective visa run.


  3. 11 hours ago, Almudena said:

    So if one left Thailand and went on a break to Vietnam for a month, could one apply for a e-visa instead of visiting the embassy in Saigon?  That would save a bit of hassle.  Looking what Vietnam has to offer does look temping to go there anyway rather than just a border bounce.

    I guess it would work but no one really knows since this was implemented during covid I dont think many people have been doing visa runs to neighboring countries. Also depends on nationality, some are not eligible for the evisa system.

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  4. 6 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    Current reports of rejection even with entry from tv or visa exempt.

    Also various offices requiring nonsense, such as Hua Hin asking for embassy letter.

    CW asking for outbound flight and others just straight up NO..

    Did ubonjoe suggest covid extensions will be extended again? Till May 25.

    I haven't seen that. 

    I asked him directly in another thread. He said one word, "Yes."

    Obviously some immigration officers do not want this stuff to continue, but its the government that will decide. When the chinese tourists start coming back thats when you need to be worried.

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  5. 7 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    They still do them but only but only if a person entered visa exempt or with a tourist visa.

    Are you expecting extension to may 25? I just dont see how late march anything will be different. The government seems to want this to continue while immigration comes up with every excuse not to.

  6. 1 hour ago, sallecc said:



    First we inquired in the room where they handle STV / long term visas, they said "yes of course you can get Covid extension for STV, just go upstairs"... On 2nd floor it was standard Covid extension procedure (I do it for my parents all the time), 3 forms, 1 photo, all signed passport copies + TM30, done in 1 hour, back 3 weeks later for "2nd stamp" (before it was 1 week later, now it's 3).

    glad it was no hassle for you. did they give you 60 days from date of application or add 60 days to your expiration?


    also did they mention further covid extensions?


  7. 6 minutes ago, userabcd said:

    "On Monday (Sept 20) Immigration released an order to confirm the extension of the grace period given to foreigners stuck in Thailand due to the COVID-19 pandemic."


    Foreigners stuck in Thailand......yeah right.

    read the form you submit to immigration for extending. they say the reason: "pandemic situation of covid-19 is still on going"

    when the WHO declares the pandemic is over then the covid extensions will end.



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