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Posts posted by oldrunner

  1. We have four old but loved dogs in Pattaya. They are cared for by yard man, when we are away. We also have 3 un-wanted but cared for kittens (rescued from roof shingles after being deserted by bitch). We also have a maverick beautiful live in, one of the kittens rescued from Pattaya roof shingles, the latter two kept in our home with lots of love plus a wild black snake killer who we provide with food. The snake killing occurred on our porch when we were not home. Blackie we feed but he/she is not one of our live in caats. Now wife leaves food for "Blackie" the snake killer. Snake was poisonous.


  2. These types of idiot violations are easy to handle. Free ride to wherever her Passport is located, overnight in one of LOS smelly accommodations, free ride to Airport and goodbye unwelcome visitor. Face not focused well, otherwise, with wife's permission, I'd be happy to provide accommodation for a bit. BODY VERSUS BRAIN.

    In China she would not be seen again. In Russia, time for harvest.

  3. This drunk nut was a scam from the minute you watched the CCTV. Not amazing is two Thai's came to the man's aid. I have a custom wheelchair (because I'm fat) but I can get in and out (provided the brakes are locked) for short runs prefer my cane; however, my hips are shot so the pain in pretty bad if I try the cane for any length/distance. May go for a hip replacement next year if I gather the funds and at 79 can handle the surgery.

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  4. As a non-drinker of alcoholic beverages, you may find "Sympathy in a standard English dictionary between "shit and shiftless". Before I cut the booze I owned my own bar and walked to my apartment, otherwise I road the tuk-tuk or walked (I could walk then, now, not so much).

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  5. I vaguely recall some Bible teaching that goes along the line "go forth and spread the word". When we lived in Florida we would be accosted every Sunday by a couple of aggressive religious types, and I do mean aggressive. I would normally politely say we are not interested but that did not deter them. After numerous weekly such incursions I had my wife answer the door while I shouted "where's the damn shotgun". We were no longer bothered after that.

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