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Posts posted by oldrunner

  1. At 78 I cannot walk without my cane and even then it's not fun. For shopping I'm wheeled around in my wheelchair and that is very humbling. I have a regular Hospital appointment this month and I'm going to talk to my cardiologist about a hip replacement, based on my having had a double bypass and existing heart care. Although she does not complain, I know I'm a burden to my wife. I'm retired from the USAF and while that isn't all that much we still have every day bills. Maybe I should just accept the cards dealt to me and be satisfied with waking up each morning.

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  2. Married 17 years (not counting cohabitation) to a very special woman who made the typical young Thai girls mistake, background, poor, abused by Thai husband and bore two children, one more of a rape than anything else. Finally bailed out. We met through a mutual friend. Mother said I was too old for her. She began by taking care of my apartment. Feelings sealed when she became sick and I got her to a Doctor. I met her sons, at the time 6 & 7. We hit it off when I gave them 100 Baht each for taxi, they, of course took the bus. I am 78 years old she is 61. Took her with me to Sudan, later Saudi, later still to Nigeria. Been to USA, Bahrain, Venice and Lake Geneva We have two homes in Pattaya and an apartment attached to one of her Son's homes in Ayutthaya, other Son's under construction next door. Feel sorry for those who fell for tramps or liars. My wife has stood by me through a double heart pass, prostate cancer, other heart problems. If I wasn't so damn handsome I'm sure she would have bailed out on me..believe that I still have some swampland in Florida I can let you have for a good price. 

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  3. Treated like garbage. Mother, or whoever, could discretely walk into a Hospital as if for an appointment and  leave the child on a seat where he/she will be easily, and safely found. If my wife and I were not so old we would love to adopt an abandoned child. We are kept busy on non school days with grand children and their friends. We have coloring books, games, and each visitor gets 20 Baht from Farang grandpop

  4. On my way to early Golf I saw a large group of Farangs who were concerned about the workings of the ATM machine. I drove to station at Threpasit & Sukumviit to report what I considered a suspicious gathering. Irate at being awoken I was told to report to Police at Jomtien Beach. Again waking up officers was required to fill out statement. Meanwhile the gang of farangs an their Thai accomplish I'm sure had long gone. No more citizen concern from me.

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