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Posts posted by oldrunner

  1. Fortunately we live one block off Chowpraya (or however it's properly spelt) and aside from motorcycles revving up the hill, we are not subject to the congestion of beach road and all of the SOIs from #2 on out to Sukhumvit. I feel sorry for the workers but hold the crooks who arrange these "contracts" in contempt.

  2. What connections do the Teacher? and school Director? have that they are able to cover up a RAPE and then threaten the child's family for her being absent "for no good reason". If my daughter was raped and it was not reported to me until an unlicensed teacher/doctor prescribed dangerous pills to cover up their criminal negligence. Where is this school, Jungle Road 6, Nonkong Nowhere?

  3. This Go-Fund me crap is just that, crap. They got the 1st two letters right <deleted>..ME. I'm ashamed to be Irish if he is part of my ancestry or as we would say "the black Irish" (No racial intent). My wife and I have lived in Thailand for many years and have asked for nothing and given much. We are retired, I'm retired USAF plus many overseas jobs. I do not begrudge my wife's many gifts to those in need particularly those in need, real need, not GO ..FMe people. I'm surprised you bother to print these letters that allow the lazies of the world leach and leach and leach.

  4. A hundred years ago, or so it seems, I drove a Yellow Taxi in Oakland, California (between Air Force, Coll degree and AF Officer training) and a young man paid his fare with a $5.00 bill. Later as I checked my my cash I found that the "$5.00" bill was actually a $1.00 bill with $5.00 bills cut from each corner of a $5.00 bill. Lot of work for $4.92 profit. I, of course took all my large bills, changed them into $5.00 notes. When I cashed out the fake $5.00 note was accepted. Let the bank find the error. I know, not nice for an officer to be but $4.92 was a lot of money then.

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