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Posts posted by oldrunner

  1. Who is the Mafia King who controls the "taxi" vests at every corner? I've heard numbers such as 85,000 Baht. There is a limit to number of drivers per location. As to the action/inaction of the police, a few well aimed shots to legs might well quell the boys enthusiasm. A murder charge should be made in the case of the "accidental" bullet.

    The Thai police are controlled by bigger Thai police crooks. This is known from the lowest private to the highest Generals. Thai culture, give me a break. Other than the Royal parades. etc. Thai culture is what ever the STREET says it is. I, nor my family go to many areas of Bangkok and none of Pattaya. I feel sorry for the good police officers trying to do a good job who are STEPPED on when they do..

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  2. The smug face on this weapons dealer say's it all. Thai boys without supervision or studies to keep them occupied, very little or no parental authority. I attended a Catholic school from 1st thru 12th grades, took the summer off, joined the Air Force enlisted, night school to degree then commission, did 20 years plus 21 days. Didn't have time to even think about fighting with classmates other than a 6th grade slap up and a note to the parents resulted in heavy restrictions at home. When I see the Thai boys with their knives and pipes I see killers, not students.

  3. I notice that in most cases when a suspect is apprehended in Thailand, the handcuffs are placed on the hands of the suspect in front of them versus behind their backs. As a former Special Agent in the Air Force. the actual apprehension/taking charge of the suspect was affected by the Military Police. In almost all cases the suspect's hands are cuffed behind their backs, why you may ask? Hands cuffed in front provide the suspect with a weapon, put the hands together, raise hands above the head and bring down on the head of the arresting officer, hard to do if cuffed in the back.

  4. When I was still driving, my wife told me never to sound my horn at a Thai driver, regardless of how stupid their actions were. I could very well expect a nasty confrontation. Never happened to me as I never disobey my wife but I've read of so many incidents where a "beep-beep" can and does lead immature Thai men into a fit of anger. My driver rarely "beeps" only then when it's a gross and dangerous move on idiot driver's part. Is this the "my Mommy protects me from any harm" syndrome?

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    • Haha 1
  5. I'm a retired AF Officer and get 100% coverage if I'm hospitalized, Doctor care plus medication 100% if for my heart. Non heart related care and care for my wife is handled under Tri-care where we pay 75%. We use Praram 9 Hospital and they accept 25% payment and bill Tri-Care for the balance. As an old codger I try to take care of myself. At 79 I do not run, play, or chase animals of any variety. I'm surprised I've made it to 79 and happy to be here. If you don't have coverage, work on getting basic coverage.

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  6. When you were delivered from your Mother's womb and had a little Penis, you are a boy, if you had a vagina, you are a girl. Everything after that is other people screwing with your mind. I've got little sympathy for your inability to adjust to your given body, but only the FREAKS and FUd school administrators will let a 280 lb boy who "IDENTIFIES" as a girl, engage in sports activities as a girl. You may be fud up but so are your parents and counselors who encouraged you to believe you are what you are not.

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