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Posts posted by streetsweeper

  1. All cheese becomes mouldy eventually. Not much that you can do about it or with it when it does.

    You could try to scrape the surface off and voila call it okay but the mould creeps back in quickly.

    Thailand has become mouldy and offers little value for the expense of living there.

    I've moved my retirement abode elsewhere until that place eventually becomes mouldy.

    If I had my druthers then I'd live in New York City or London or Beirut for that matter but I don't have the income to finance that. At least in those centres they scrape the mould off the cheese quickly and gaining a valued customer is a cornerstone of the business ethos.

    That is difficult to find in Thailand.

    No bother,.... I am my own land of smiles!

  2. Let's think this out for a minute!

    The poles are too long to be carried on a motorcycle.

    The best case scenarios are that they are strapped to the roof of a police car or carried about in a designated police "take-down" truck.

    One officer and a pole will not suffice.

    Two officers will have to be extremely adept at holding their poles, entangling and then somehow subduing the "culprit".

    Three to four officers against this "culprit" seems about what it would take.

    So what is the advantage of the poles?

    Nunchuk training would be far more "smart".


    I can appreciate the police trying to think "outside of the box"

    but this smacks of thinking "inside the bag"


    Maybe the police will become adept at rodent and reptile management and huge billboards with contact info and snarly looking types will be posted.


    Great for laughs!


  3. I wish everyone who does so would stop casting cynical, snide and sarcastic comments towards the BiB and the many law breaking Thais.

    ... and those who have lost all hope of a perfect world should stop saying " it's never changed and never will"


    PLEASE! Do something in the positive mode.


    Start clamouring and seek support for an action that will bring instantaneous positive change ; Euthanizing the guilty within 7 days of being found guilty!


    There are many countries which levy severe consequences such as mutilation but I think simple euthanasia would be most expedient and effective.



    Imagine if this meal was not a buffet. Would the patrons have taken/ordered so much food and left it to waste? Of course not.

    On the other hand the owner wouldn't have minded the waste since he/she would have been paid for it.

    One bad apple doesn't spoil the basket full but after years of going out 2x/week with 6 friends to every buffet in Chiang Mai we have called it quits because of such incidents created by Thais and Chinese. Our preference is to take our 2-3 hours of socializing while eating to non-buffet restaurants. 


    How refreshing and rewarding!


    Scum and scruff can have at it at the buffet tables.



  5. It is about time that foreigners are allowed to carry firearms in Thailand.

    I can hear the howls and cry of the do-gooders but remember or research this fact: foreigners commit a scarce few violent crimes against Thais. Thais commit an inordinate number of violent crimes against foreigners.


    Let the foreigners defend themselves.


    Ooopppss > this would tip the scales? violence would increase? ********* what a strange dilemma Thai tourism is in!

  6. Please kill this thread!

    For years now this topic has been discussed and commented on by the same old mouldy cheese bits that have retired here and while remaining anonymous and without penalty for spouting drivel, fill in 2-4 hours of their retirement day wearing the self proclaimed mantel of "still worthy to be heard from".

    Many sound like an acquaintance "Tim- the Loi Kroh Aussie" and his mates at Petronas. 


  7. Unfortunately, Thailand is only able to attract a certain class of mainland Chinese tourists and with that class comes certain behaviours and idiosyncracies.

    The vast majority of them are certainly not established middle or upper class.

    Thankfully the better ones come to North America and behave as if the fear of God has been put in them.

    Thailand reaps what it sows.

  8. To those of us who are not U.S. citizens, who have long questioned the rationality of the American people, it only seems fitting that Americans must now wear the shoes that they chose from the shelf.

    Of course they have a choice of shoes to wear.

    The Chastised Crook or The Clown of American Brouhaha.

    It's quite amazing to see the "power hungry" mentality of Americans evolve into a "power flush" down the toilet of humanity.

  9. Like most Asian countries, bread in Thailand is supposed to be gunky and tasteless - to be used for... who knows what! The sandwiches at 7/11 are crap.

    Give me a sandwich made with a bagel as they make in Vietnam, and I would buy it.

  10. Sorry to have forgotten to mention the concoction in my previous post.

    The concoction I use is made up of boiled fresh chilli peppers and cayenne pepper. Strain it, mix in a bit of vegetable oil and dispense it from a soft plastic soap bottle or even a squeeze-trigger sprayer. The small soap bottle offers a stream-range of approx. 6-7 feet and is focussed not just a wimpy spray. The bottle I use would be advertised as Sunlight Dish detergent back home but although it is sold here I never knew what it was called. It's a bright yellow in colour. You can buy them in a 6 pack at Makro.


  11. I live in the Nong Prakang area of Chiang Mai (east of the railway station). I moto as well as bicycle daily throughout C.M. and have found certain neighbourhoods to be especially flavoured with vicious unleashed/not fenced-in dogs. My neighbourhood being a prime example.

    Once one dog howls out after they spot me then the message seems to be relayed down the street that"Farang here - Game On!"

    I did win over about 10 mutts (with permanent homes) in my area by feeding them daily with pork rinds - not much but on a daily basis it provided some Pavlovian training. I stopped feeding them eventually and they still remained socialble when I approached "their" territory.

    Unfortunately I can't do that in every neighbourhood so I devised both a natural substance concoction and a delivery system to spray any of the other "canine terrorists" that would dart out to intimidate me. The dispenser rides cradled on both my moto and bicycle.

    I didn't use battery acid (which is highly under-rated and works a treat) but the concoction has never failed in repelling the mongrels. Mind you, you do have to carry it whether walking or driving as well as remain composed and intent to use it.

    Being a faring, I can't just simply go up to and beat the living crap out of the lady or man who owns the un-controlled dog. They definitely need a beating though.

    I can guarantee you that dogs have a long memory of pain and human features associated with that pain (Pavlovian training) and will steer well clear of you if you have taken charge. They don't plan revenge - they submit to authority.

    Once you have been scared sh*tless or been harmed by these rogues then you will start to take authority and problem solve.

  12. Not too many years ago in Chiang Mai, complaints about vicious dogs chasing cyclists and challenging pedestrians would be reported to the police. I twice remember the cop coming to the neighbourhood, having the dog identified as well as the owner and then simply killing it in front of the owner with a shot from his pistol. Worked a treat for a few years.

    Wonder what happened? The "social do-goody-two shoes farangs" got vocal? aka the ones never bitten or attacked made a fuss?

    Get over it or better still go get bitten and tell the world the agony you suffered.

  13. I'm not too sure where Trueblue is trying to get his self righteous jollies from. What Lawrence and Nancy were simply pointing out is how things have changed.

    It's nothing to do with perceived individual status of us vs them. Crickey get a life man!

    I would agree that service overall has taken a dive. And if having too many staff in a business where most of these young 'uns have their noses buried in their "smart" phones is progress....then I believe they are backing a failure.

    It's not about old vs young either. It's about what is expected from service provider. If the staff aren't up to it then it behoves the employer / company to either 're - educate' the individuals or get someone whom wants to excel in their field.

    Call this a rant if you must but I do get very tired of these people who take every opportunity to pass blame when a fault is pointed out.

    Sometimes it is clearly obvious if an individual is being condicending towards workers/staff or labourers. This is not the case here.

    Problem solving..... identify the problem, identify the cause, identify appropriate solutions and impliment them. Monitor.

    My God man, get a life that steers you away from Thai Visa Forums! Your sense of self-importance is way over the top. Your writing skills have deteriorated dramatically over the last short while and your messages are most often logic-garbled making you appear that you may in fact be writing after a spurt of imbibing.

  14. I am quite sure that many of the people around the world who catch wind of this and other news articles about Thailand will consider the Thais not only certifiably 3rd world, but also having intellects of children and simply a nasty branch of humanity.

    It is a shame that the kingdom leaders both past and present have been so self-serving!

    There isn't much in Thailand that would bode well for it's future thanks to the ruling class (nehao ma)

  15. This purchase is part of the monkey junta's long term strategy in fighting ISIS infiltration of Thailand by water.

    The other upside is that it will make a superb Senior Officer's Club parked on the Chao Phraya. Many American, Autralian and British tourists love to have their pics taken standing in front of these kinds of things.

  16. I think that many of the opinion writers are forgetting that the majority of Thais still live in and practice what is quite 3rd world behaviour.

    The RTP, junta monkeys and elite cannot be blamed for this.

    Even they practice the same 3rd world behaviour.

    The ability to serve one's self is very well characterized in Thai "history".

    We know who we can blame don't we!

    A day will come when this house of guided cards will come tumbling down.

    Thailand is soon to enter it's blackest hour of turmoil.

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