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Posts posted by streetsweeper

  1. The rest of the world simply has a poor understanding of Thailand's institutional strengths, it's true care-giving attitudes and policies towards it's own people; it's tourists and those that are hired from across the neighbouring borders.

    How in the wold is Thailand going to be able save face or even have face in the ASEAN group now?

    These are exactly the problems created when the truth gets out via the free press.

    Shame on the elites and junta for allowing the world such insights and negative exposure.

    To think that the junta was not considered favourable to sit on one of the Security Council seats!

    As per the article, these seats "are highly coveted because they give countries a strong voice in matters dealing with international peace and security from conflicts in Syria to South Sudan to actions that threaten global stability such as North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile tests and attacks by extremist groups such as the Islamic State. The council must also authorize the U.N.'s far-flung peacekeeping operations.

    Time for a do-over and major tune-up in Thailand!

    "tongue in cheek"

  2. Russian rouble down 50%, Canadian and Australian dollar down 20 %. Still plenty

    of Russians (more are in Vietnam) Australians and Canadians here. I don't see

    a 10% decline in the English pound slowing down anyone who wants to

    vacation or live here. Just less to sprinkle around. whistling.gif

    Now where exactly did you get this data on the dollar being down 20% - i don't see it anywhere on the net.

    I truly hope that the Brits re-develop the cajones they once had long ago and stop diddling about.

    As far as "less to sprinkle about" goes - that pretty much sums up what Thailand has earned in international favour - " a few sprinkles" which in some countries would mean a bit of fluid shaken from the schlong.

  3. Air con?

    What's with you people?

    Get a life... stop being such pussies!

    Be creative at least!

    *rent a woman to hand-fan you on demand - far cheaper and much more sociable

  4. Let's face it, Brexit or not, TAT and the junta haven't enhanced the quality of service to tourism and unfortunately don't know how to do so.

    Neighbouring countries and even some far afield have actually invested in their tourism future and are licking their chops at stealing their business.

    Thailand has little to offer except a fanciful notion of paradise which has had it's underbelly scorched and exposed to the world.

    Who gives a sh*te about whether they smile or not.

    Most often babies smile when they are having gastro-intestinal stress!

  5. both can be purchased at a huge hardware/plumbing/welding shop on Charon Muang street (huge open frontage showing products etc;), 1 block up from the Tunghotel intersection and on your right as you pass the train depot- also across the street from that shop but back 30 meters(on the corner of a soi)

    I live in this neighbourhood, know it well

  6. To keep a long story short - your afflicted area looks identical but pales in comparison to my legs while living in a house in Taiwan.

    I befriended a neighbourhood dog during monsoon season.

    Not a whole lot of close contact but simply visitations by him to get a few snacks I kept handy.

    I woke up in the morning feeling extremely miserable and looked down at my legs to see a few hundred red blotches similar to what your picture shows. (yes, a few hundred)

    Later in the evening, I was almost delirious and called a friend to take me to a doctor.

    "dog fleas" the doctor proclaimed - issued some meds and I soon became better!

    My friend visited the owner of the dog and the dog seemed to magically disappear... as did my affliction.

    ... not to sound too crass but your feet aren't involved in any wayward and adventurous sexual activities are they?

    ... worth considering, really!

  7. Let's keep it simple shall we.

    You signed over the truck via transfer forms.

    End of concern for you unless you don't have a copy of the signed transfer form.

    Let's say you don't have a copy of the transfer form....... and you report the car stolen by your "ex"

    1. your "ex" responds with her having the "transfer form" and therefore proves herself negligent

    2. the family of your "ex" makes an unfriendly visit to your domain

    on a different note:

    1. make a secret visit to her place and destroy the truck as much as possible

    2. the insurance process will bring all of these finagling issues to the foreground

  8. "Trust me, we are Thai"

    Yes sir. You certainly are and the world finds you and your country of laws and BS a laughing stock.

    When you graduate from Grade 3 please ask for our serious attention.

    It is unfortunate for the budding potential of younger Thai generations to have to crawl their way to the top of the dung-pile that their rulers and forefathers have thrown on top of them!

  9. I won't bother mentioning the "hidden agendas" of the junta and everything they have done and plan to put in place to secure their position of power.

    I say the world is truly a stage and this junta act is front and centre in the international spotlights now and for a long time to come.

    Thailand is weak in bargaining power and international influence.

    Thailand's ride down the toilet follows the plumbing that leads to China.

    The Royalists must be ?.............. what needs to be said that isn't as plain as day to the rest of the world?...................egocentrism and idiocy?

    What a fall and disgrace for what was a once proud and industrious people.

    Beggar nation now!

    One can only offer pity to the general populace.

  10. So sorry, but not many fat monks in Cambodia. Never saw one with a rolex, an iPhone, an iPad either. Certainly not what I found in Thailand or Taiwan.

    Watched every day the Cambodian monks teaching classes on the grounds of the temples and dishing out collected food everyday but have NOT witnessed this in Thailand.

    Wish i could drag it up and I will do so when I find the article posted about obesity and affluence amongst Thai monk rank and file.


    I did do a quick Google search to assure myself of accuracy:post-257925-0-40857300-1465605517_thumb.

  11. One can't see if one doesn't want to see!


    if they have buried their head in the sand looking for distractions more pleasant!

    At least in Cambodia, the Buddhist monks shared their morning's collections with the poor people.

    I don't see that happening here.

    I do see a lot of overweight monks of all ages though!

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