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Posts posted by streetsweeper

  1. I can perfectly understand the actions taken by the NCPO and junta.

    They are frightened beyond belief that the referendum marks the beginning of their undoing and they are desperately taking any measures they can to make the populace bow to them.

    Unfortunately for the junta, they have not done a single significant thing for the populace and payback for such misuse of power and waste of money and time is inevitable.

    The referendum will either be thwarted by another coup or will be the day "it all unravels".

    The junta knows this and is at it's wits end!

  2. Haven't been to town centre in 6 months.

    Just wondering how the Basic (and SAS Bob) and Tony's Pub aka Lanna Rentals are doing on Loi Kroh Soi 1.

    Used to love going to Tony's place until Mr.Noisey took him to the cleaners!

  3. The premise held by the yellow faction and in concert with the current junta is that "the large majority of Thais are incapable of understanding what is best for them and what politics is all about".

    One would have to be blind not to see how fervishly these 2 groups have worked to orchestrate their position and longevity of power and influence.

    "Let them eat cake" is a phrase that comes to mind as well as the revolution that followed.

    The majority of Thais as well as the current power-elite know that the military and police as well as the yellow shirts are divided in their sense of loyalty to the current junta.

    There will be a flash point ... and a quick exit of the junta. Differing loyalties to the "palace" are already firming up the lines in the sand. The timeliness of anything untoward in this area is critical.

    It's not going to be pretty and people do have extremely long memories!

    I predict another military coup before the referendum. One borne out of a "truer sense" of what is good for the nation and not what is best for a small fraction of it.

  4. It's time to introduce variable rates for power consumption.

    Higher rates charged during "peak hours", lower rates for "off-peak hours".

    This strategy worked wonders in North America and brown-outs became a thing of the past.

    I said "it's time" but then again this is Thailand and proactive measures seem difficult to embrace here.

  5. It's time to introduce variable rates for power consumption.

    Higher rates charged during "peak hours", lower rates for "off-peak hours".

    This strategy worked wonders in North America and brown-outs became a thing of the past.

    I said "it's time" but then again this is Thailand and proactive measures seem difficult to embrace here.

  6. Is there a venue for farangs/barangs to use in getting their ideas across to the Thai authorities?

    There are a tremendous amount of creative thinkers in TV with ideas worth considering and for the most part quite altruistic in intent.

    I can't imagine that the Thai authorities would not appreciate the dearth of considered opinions, possible solutions to matters and public value of such from the expat community.

    Certainly there has to be some means of communicating one's interests and ideas!

  7. To the Op:

    I have years of experience as both tenant and landlord.

    I know which real restate agents to work with and which ones to avoid.

    A locally based property manager looking after your interests and handling emergency repairs is critically important and in so many ways.

    PM me if you wish.

    Hopefully you have considered drawing up a lease/rent contract and have determined the "best" method of rent payment.

    * some property managers are excellent at getting the rent from the tenant but not so good at getting the money to you. - there are ways to avoid all of this

  8. "He confirmed that the PCD will continue to monitor the area for forest fires and unauthorized crop burning until the end of April"

    My goodness!

    When do they actually plan to take action and enforce the rules?

    It isn't rocket science in determining who is lighting these fires!

    It is incompetence, lack of leadership and a sense of public duty which accounts for decades of these infractions ( and the need to conduct an endless amount of monitoring and summaries)

    Reminds me of the people in my condo who sweep the grit and floor junk out of their rooms and into the hallways!

  9. Good luck to all who drive the roadways in Thailand.

    You will not only need good luck but deft dexterity and lightning fast reflexes as well as a solid grounding in defensive driving skills.

    ... and with those in hand, your life expectancy will still remain significantly lower than if you were back "home".

    I just hope that when I get "seriously smucked", my fading last visual memory is not that of a Chinese or Thai face.

  10. ^ Thank you for the history lesson.

    Fortunately (or unfortunately, it doesn't matter), society has moved on. (You could go even further back and get to even more horrific things that were completely mainstream commonplace.)


    Your society may have moved on. A foot to the left or to the right?

    Unfortunately, in our darkest hours we find that "our society" which we find comfort in defending it's principles and practices has but changed little and when push comes to shove, the strongest dominate.

    Unless you are looking to be "sainted", why not leave the forums alone and hit the streets and make a significant difference?

  11. As I see it, the thread is titled " Awful Chinese drivers in CNX, beware"

    Those people who cannot comment on the topic but choose to comment on something off-topic are either immature , suffer ADHD, are pseudo-intellectuals without purpose in life or are possibly egomaniacs.

    If you wish to comment on political correctness or anything not directly related to the current thread then start a new thread and have at it!

    Go play in your own sandbox please!

  12. A discussion regarding road behaviour (quite possibly causing harm to others) has been pirated by people who wish to armchair themselves into moderators of "political correctness?

    No wonder things don't change or get done on time!

    Political correctness has no place in this thread.

    Certain posters here are determined to dominate and pirate threads (need I mention names or the number of posts they have made?)

  13. When I read such reports, I ask myself several questions.

    1. what happens to the person who makes these statements if he/she is proven wrong?

    **** this suggests "accountability"

    Why bother listing the other questions if no-one is held accountable?

    *** the comment from above regarding a "back-up plan" strikes to the heart of this very matter

    To a large extent managers of this nation cannot be fully to blame as they are ill-equipped amateurs being asked to spin-doctor the "happiness" theme

  14. Competitive edge?

    How can one become so competitive when their english proficiency, lack of worldliness and flagging by the international moral and business standards groups is so poor compared to their ASEAN partners?

    I don't believe a word of it!

    I know of no "smart money" being invested in Thailand.

    I wouldn't doubt that the only "smart money" being moved is that leaving the country!

  15. I asked my Canadian friend if the Canadian government parks and private ventures practiced dual pricing against non-Canadians.

    He looked at me dumbfounded and as if I'd just landed from outer space!

    "No" he said. "We take pride in our country and ourselves" "We work to welcome people not offend them."

    When I visited Doi Inthanon this season and paid several hundred baht more than my Thai friend only to find rubbish littering the place, washrooms that reeked like horse stables this notion of "pride in one's country and pride in oneself" came to mind.

    I really didn't feel "welcomed" nor "un-offended".

    Sad isn't it?

  16. When "the people" tire of this man's threats and unfulfilled promises, and when their physical demonstrations are met with bullets.......... this country is going to come apart at the seams and the Gov is going to find it an extremely lonesome and isolated place at the top.

    Bullies don't usually do very well when challenged. They inevitably lash out but have no social traits to foster restoration and reconciliation.

    The increasing number of threats made by this Gov is truly an indication of how vulnerable they feel.

    The fuse has already been ignited and the Gov knows it cannot stop the inevitable.

  17. I haven't heard of many Chinese tourists being injured or killed in traffic related accidents in Thailand.

    I do see accidents involving Thais on a daily basis.

    Do you think the increasing number of Chinese tourists will eventually inflame the Thai drivers to the point where they are purposely targeted for injury?

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