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Posts posted by streetsweeper

  1. How did the police establish that all 100 girls were offering sexual services?

    Betcha' that number gets whittled down to 5 very quickly and the others will be deemed as a cheer-leader and choral singing group.

    The police are incapable of even fathoming what to do with such a bevy of evidence!

    .... and what about Junta Jumbo's request for happiness? Isn't there a conflict of interest here?

    100 girls ticked off, 100 sets of parents ticked off because of cash flow interruption and of course the little men around the corners who have an investment in the whole operation!

    *** can't wait to see how this all washes out

  2. I don't understand why the number of beggars along the Ping River and its's bridges has started to rise.

    In fact, they seem to be located in most places that Foreigners tend to hang out and travel.

    Isn't it time for the local government to start collecting these people off the streets and sending them into the country?

    This is not good for tourism in any which way!

  3. I think that I will follow another country twice daily, 365 days/year.

    I spend 6 months in Thailand and 6 back home so this constant barrage of nepotism, cronyism, criminality of religious leaders, avoidance of penalty because of wealth and status is really making me quite ill.

    Surely there is a developed world country which flaunts it's weaknesses as much as Thailand does.

  4. Sound like good candidates for an immigration tip-off.

    Don't be ridiculous, if they weren't 'kosher' then I'm sure they wouldn't be so out in the open.

    Are you really the type of person that tips off immigration, about something that's none of your business? bah.gif

    Who is this jerk?

    An opinionated and pompous one for sure! (don't be ridiculous...)

    Who would ever be so presumptive to say (then I'm sure they wouldn't...)

    There is a lot of trash in this forum that needs weeding out!

  5. Why all the hysterics here?

    Bad behaving monks deserve what everyone else deserves!

    Kick them out - lots of other rapists, drug users, political leaders aka "Thuggy" to take their place.

    Come on people - it's just a circus! you thought there was something existential about these people???????????????

  6. Unfortunately, 55555555555555555555555555555555 goes to the lady and her ministry!

    The next thing we will read about is how Disney Productions, Lucas Films, MGM and Sony have sent their marketing VP's to Thailand to learn a few new tricks from the above mentioned!

  7. This case, although not forgotten by the public, basically was the first major case that the junta/RTP etc; had to contend with and has been followed by an enormously sized litany of other junta/RTP foul ups.

    The common factors in almost every case since Koh Tao has been incompetence, lack of leadership, smells of corruption and xenophobia.

    The world stage never forgets such things.

    What a terrible future Thailand has under the current administration and it's peons and both groups primary education level critical thinking and problem-solving skill sets!

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