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Posts posted by Caps

  1. 11 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I worked with mainly women in my last career, and from the 90s on I would never compliment one of them for any reason, nor ask one out on a date, and I never put myself in a situation which could be misconstrued because I had become concerned about women falsely accusing men of misdeeds.

    For the same reason, I would never give a woman alone a lift in my car ( unless I knew her very well ).

    ...and dont you find it a bit sad that you feel you can not do that?  

  2. 26 minutes ago, maximillian said:

    Are you aware of NATO interventions after the fall of the Warsaw Pact ?

    Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq and now Syria.

    Once the NATO was meant to be a defence organisation but the US has turned it into an

    offensive one.


    Why shouldnt I be?  I served in a couple of them.

    So we should have just sat back and watched systematic slaughter, ethnic cleansing, or ruling with fear against your people and all the other atrocities which went with it  in Yugoslavia and Iraq Syria and Libya   Maybe you find in exceptable but there are a few that dont

    Or indeed the way women are abused or people were scared to go against the Taliban in Afgan, or possoibly the way that terrorists could use the country as a safe haven with impunity.

    As for being aggressive...we aint been aggressive enough is some instances 

  3. 2 hours ago, vogie said:

    I was just wondering the other day whether I had a case for sexual harrassment, when I was in the army the sergeant major threatened to push his pace stick up my backside. ☺

    is that beside the fact you might have enjoyed it mate 5555555

  4. Far too many people jumping on the band wagon, if it wasnt important enough to mention/tell authorities 30, 20, 10 years ago then why does it all of a sudden become so important now? 

    I am all for people getting just desserts if found guilty and convicted but the 'System' makes it too easy for people to cry foul and then the accused person has their life ruined before its even gone to court.

  5. I have banked with HSBC for years and have had the same thing happen to me.   I was sending money to a branch of the SCB in BKK using my online HSBC banking and I too was charged more than the 4 GBP it says.  I  rang internaitonal payments and was told that the money had been sent via HSBS Thailand Commercial Bank.  I was not happy and pressed the issue.  Eventully I found out that because I had sent the transfer in THB and not GBP this was the reason it went through HSBC Thailand and if I sent in GBP I would just get charged the 4 quid.  Thats what I did the next time I used HSBC international tranfer service and I was only charged 4 quid. 

    I dont the use the service anymore due to my wages going direct to my Bangkok Bank account

  6. 36 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    No wish to belittle anyone


    There are far more intelligent people than me and many are far better educated.


    I guess I'm upper quartile if you like. 


    So so nothing special about that


    I'm afraid I don't tolerate fools and will speak my mind even at the risk of causing discomfort

    Marvellous Grouse, I am pleased for you.

    I dont either and I am happy at speaking minds but it doesnt have to be at the dertriment of others.

  7. 43 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

    I've no doubt that you believe this to be true as you consider yourself far more intelligent/better educated and therefore worthy of ignoring the thoughts of those living a far less desirable existence (heavy sigh)......


     i.e. In your mind, those that voted leave.....



    Yep, and if it wasnt for those less educated, as he says, looking after the country, i.e the Police , Fire, Ambulance Services,  All the Military Services then Pompous people wouldnt be around to be Pompous  

  8. 2 hours ago, TEFLKrabi said:

    Maybe you could try living in a Muslim country and see if you change your stance. 

    Change the stance on what?   That women are oppressed...mind you some can drive from next year and whoope do they can now go in Stadiums to watch Sport...I must admit its mighty Islamic of them for letting them do that.  Or could it be that you will always be Kafar.  Or is it the fact that stoning/killing a woman for talking/looking to/at another man is acceptable.  Or maybe that women cant be educated in some areas because men/leaders wont allow it.  Or could it be the backward rules on freedom on things like been gay, drinking, going out on your own as a woman........Yes i can see the attraction!

    Lived and worked in Iraq for years and nothing will change the way a Muslim thinks or acts and as a Kafar you will always be way down on the pecking order no matter how nice they are to your face.  The sooner people realise this the better things will be. 

  9. 52 minutes ago, tonray said:

    I browse the net, watch videos, stream radio/music, update apps and Windows without any concerns. I do not download torrents or run my PC to autodownload gig's of files,  act as a server, or any other activities that might be considered abuse.  Other than that I have not run into any restrictions at all 

    Thanks for the info 

  10. On 14/10/2017 at 5:41 AM, tonray said:

    AIS prepaid has true unlimited. I use 4Mbps and get 720 P video. If you sign up for 6Mbps at 550 baht per month...you likely can get 1080p video.


    I only use my laptop so cannot comment on TV but for me 720 is more than adequate but I know most people want to see the genital warts on actors privates so maybe need to test and see if it works for you.



    How much do you use/abuse this?  I was looking at the 6Mbps 550 baht one.  Do they throttle the speed back if you abuse the 'Unlimited' access?  


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