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Posts posted by Caps

  1. 1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

    Tongue in cheek would have been a wink a drinking coffee is 'you are boring me now frakk off'. If you have been in those situations then you display an incredible lack of empathy for your brothers in arms who returned home and owing to their experiences will never quite be the same again. And post war/operational theatre there should not even be a discussion  about what it costs to make them well again or feel some self esteem again. They were willing to put their lives at risk and we have bozo's on here who have never got out of their arm chairs complaining about costs of curing erectile dysfunction which in these mens cases is a direct result of PTSD. This thread was about "no transgender people will serve in U.S. military", YOU brought up medical costs associated with erectile dysfunction. Lets hope you never get it, or you will be straight down to the shop for some viagra yourself. And remember free medical care for serving military is a perk of the job it is part of the covenant the Government must honour in asking people to potentially die for their country. Do you remember that from your service?? if not, you were never in and if you do remember then why on earth would you even question it?

    another great lecture from your armchair, thank you for enlightening me, have a great day 

  2. 51 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    If you spent 4-6 operational tours in close quarter combat listening to the sound of artillery , seeing mates blown up, shot in the head or belly you would have erectile dysfunction as the MINIMUM of your problems. It is almost impossible to return home from that and live a normal life again. Not everyone gets erectile dysfunction or PTSD but a huge amount do.

    4 to 6 tours, wow is that all, i lost count 

  3. 24 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

    I think you are missing the point of what the EU is supposedly about. The idea is that it is one big family, that shares burdens and helps keep the loads balanced. The simple fact is that an unprecedented number of migrants fled Northern Africa and swamped Italy, and seriously financially strapped Greece. They came to stay alive and sending them all back to war zones is unconscionable, so they have to be placed somewhere. No single country can take them all, so the family nature of the EU says that ALL will share in helping. One or two Nations saying NO, especially when done on largely Nationalistic grounds, which is against the very essence of the family concept, is like walking away while you watch your brother drown.

    No I am not missing the point, and they are not all from war zones, some come from countries that are not at war,  if they were then where are all the women?  Maybe the men left them to fight?

    The family concept is working well for the Austrians, maybe its one rule for the well off countries and one rule for the rest?  If it was the very essence as you put it then Austria should have to keep all those that made it there.  Also that would mean that the Dublin Agreement is a waste of time and paper, a bit like the EU.

    No one ask Italy to let them all in, they could have and should have all been taken back instead of giving the People Traffickers a licence to print money

  4. Well done the Eastern European Countries.  Keep saying no, then someone might start to realise enought is enough.

    Let Italy crack

    Austria has just won a court case to push all the vermin to their first EU country of entry due to the Dublin agreement.  So I dont see how these East EU countries are a first point of entry, so why should they take them?    

  5. 9 hours ago, soalbundy said:

    The wimps should get over it,she's been dead for 20 years,everybody dies, some sooner, some later. I suppose wearing their hearts on their sleeve will be a good PR exercise for the monarchy.

    Why should they get over it?  different things effect people in different ways, or are they not allowed that privilege?

    Yes you are right people do die sooner or later, but some steal fresh air a lot longer than others 

  6. 44 minutes ago, Lowryder said:

    It would maybe tell a story if it wasn't more than ten times the UK population living in the rest of EU. I believe most people coming to UK arrive from eastern Europe? Maybe it's even more bad in Poland/Lithuania/Latvia? They have bad teeth in eastern Europe as well so UK mig feel almost as home for them. 

    Yes you are so correct, it does tell a story, what does teeth have to do with France wanting its money?  Especially when someone trying to Troll can not even string the sentence together correctly.  Thank you for your well defined input :coffee1:

  7. 16 hours ago, Grouse said:


    Personally, I was in favour of the first Iraq war but very doubtful about the second.


    Its very easy to say your in favour of the war when you are sitting in your office or getting a gease up with a shiatsu, and you dont have to go fight it.  Very brave. 

    I had close mates go to the first and I was in the second one.  I am sure the dead will be pleased you were in favour

  8. 44 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    Seems I heard this before


    I don't know what's so hard to liberate Mosul , it seems they do it once a month for  I don't remember how long



    Mosul is a tightly packed city and carrying out FIBUA is not an easy task.  It also doesnt help that you are fighting fanatics with an army that is not too good.   That is what's so hard

    Although give the Iraqi army credit, they have not given in.  

  9. Does anyone know of any secure parking, free or rented, in the Bangkok, Sukhumvit,  Soi 22 area.  I would like somewhere to park my new vehicle rather than leave it outside the apartment as there is not a lot of room and its crowded with vehicles already.  


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