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Posts posted by Caps

  1. 5 hours ago, Scott said:

    I lived and worked in Northern Iraq for several years.   I loved the area and the people and still have many, many friends there.   I wish them the best.  They are going to have problems with the Iranians and with the Turks.  


    They have quite westernized views on gov't and a lot of exposure to western culture and democratic ideals.   Of course, they remain strongly affiliated to their tribes, but hopefully they will continue to make strides in overcoming those divisions.  


    Yes far different to the Baghdad, Basra areas.  I have not spent a lot of time in the Erbil area but lots of time around the areas of Baghdad and Basra.  A total different outlook.

  2. 2 hours ago, zydeco said:

    Yeah, "plan a course of events," as in the next one of these attacks they are utterly incapable of stopping, which will happen in a few days, weeks, or month at most. Then, they can have another meeting.

    So how many have they stopped already?  I would put my money on quite a few.  So yes they will continue to have meetings.  The old adage of 'a terrorist only has to be lucky once and we have to be lucky all the time' springs to mind.  So yes attacks will get through, but utterly incapable, not a chance

    You still didn't answer my first question I quoted you on, just in case you forgot....it was...so what would you like her to do?

    Clearly some folk don't have a clue!

  3. 8 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Given their respective sizes, ruthlessness is besides the point.

    I can agree with you there, but being a big army does not make you a good army.  Any army can make use of sheers numbers and technology but it does not make you good, all it means is that you have is more money and manpower to throw at a problem.

  4. 7 minutes ago, smedly said:

    This is an EU UK border, the UK and Ireland have already stated they want to retain the special relationship they have had way before the EU was formed, so it is now up to the EU whether to allow that to happen, is this Mr Barnier really this stupid or what is he trying to do, this decision is now very clearly one for the EU to decide on


    Is anybody getting really tired of listening to this twisted dumbass 

    Is this not where the problem lies and possibly one of the reasons folk are fed up with the EU and people voted to leave?  

    Why should it be up to the fresh air thieves in Brussels what Ireland does with it's own border.  It is after all Irelands border and not Brussels border.  Does Ireland not have sovereignty of its own country and borders?   Therefore it should be able to decide along with the UK on what is does with its own border.  

    Or is this just another example of the EU sticking its nose in to other countries problems again and possibly another reason why people voted to leave.



  5. As someone who voted out, I will say that think immigration is good for the country.  However I also believe that it should be controlled by that said country

    I can also agree that there a lot of useless w ankers who won't get of their behind and do some of the jobs that people come here to do.  

    But a lot of countries do seasonal workers visas so there is no reason why the UK could not do this.  That way the fruit and veg industry get their pickers (to name but one),  the workers from the EU get to come and earn money to send home for their families and the idle folk can still sit at home drinking tenants super strength and smoking 40 a day living off their benefits.

  6. 6 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

    I noticed Trump supporters giving various forms of like to this comment. Like their poseur of an idol, they don't really give a damn about workers.

    But its ok for a senior politician to give his approval for them going on strike?  Surely he should be trying to get them to sort it out in other ways.  Mind you I don't expect anything else, friends with PIRA, won't condone terrorists and now supporting striking, what an awesome guy he is...not

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