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Posts posted by Caps

  1. 37 minutes ago, tonbridgebrit said:

    I would like to say. Looking at all the xenophobic and anti-immigrant comments here, I am ashamed to be British.

    In America, a democratic vote took Mr Trump to the White House.  Donald Trump hinted and implied a whole load of measures that were, in my opinion, xenophobic and anti-immigration. Lot's of people reckoned these ideas were silly and foolish. But, looking at the comments here, I really wonder, do lots of people support such silly and foolish ideas ?

    Maybe, Trump's victory was not surprising at all. How many people want to keep the "foreigners" out ? How many people genuinely, or secretly, supported Trump's xenophobic and anti-immigrant views ? Looks like, that loads of people in America and Europe share Trump's views.



    That would depend on what type of foreigners....if you are talking about families who want to come into, lets say the UK, and work, pax taxes and contribute to the country then I dont have a drama, if you are talking about the thousands of single fighting age men (vermin) coming into the country hopeing to get free board and lodging or the people that come in and dont want to live as we do and preach hate and want to bring there backward ways then NO not at all, keep them all out 

  2. 11 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    How many years were you there?

    If i were to hazard a guess I would say he did None.   Its far better/safer/easier being a keyboard warrior.  Having worked with the RUC very closely in the 3.5 years I spent there I found them to be very professional and brave doing a difficult job and I worked with catholics in the RUC

  3. 18 minutes ago, tonbridgebrit said:


    Look, the anti-foreigner and anti-Muslim sentiments we see here are a bit silly.  The above picture, is of a Muslim bird called Haleema Butt. This Muslim lady has been sacked from her job at Heathrow Airport, because her brother was involved in a terrorist act in Britain. Haleema is a stunningly beautiful lady. Does Europe really want to stop women, who look like her from entering Europe ?
    Off-couse not.


    If her brother has been involved in terrorist acts, who is to say that she could not become involved and having access to Heathrow is not really the best thing.  Especially if she had air side clearance.  The security of thousands of people is far more important than her job 

  4. 2 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

    No they don't. Sex-tourists that marry a hooker normally end up in remote Issan villages whinging about something or other on TV.

    Not all Issan women are/or become hookers 

  5. 14 minutes ago, champers said:

    It was everything to do with protection - from Soviet expansion and from the internal strife that followed WW1 and led to WW2.

    Ok, i thought its was after  the defeat of the Germans in WW2, the allied powers asserted their authority over all territories.  The four powers, Britain, France, US and Russia divided Germany into four occupation zones for administrative purposes, into what is collectively known now as Allied Occupied Germany.  Maybe later it was more about protection.

  6. 2 hours ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

    According to Corbyn, May has no mandate.  Well, someone should remind him that her party still managed 56 more MPs than his motley Labour crew.  Exactly with whom would he collaborate to form a Government?


    As always in the past, Labour just wants to spend, spend, spend......other peoples' money. 

    He could form a government with some of his Sinn Fein (IRA) buddies or even the that non terrorist group ISIS :coffee1:

  7. 1 hour ago, champers said:

    She wants to be considered as the leader of the free world. Germany should not forget who protected their country after WW2 and who invested to rebuild her industry and infrastructure.

    who did protect Germany after WW2?


    I think you might find that Russia, UK, French and the US occupied Germany and it was nothing to do with protection 

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