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Posts posted by WishWashMan

  1. clean energy is is buffalo feces.

    nana bars are choking from lack of customers.

    watermelon covered with saran wrap then secured with scotch tape. how much ernergy is used to produce that tape? khao jai mai...............lol.

    or mc d puts burger in paper bag then in plastic bag. what a waste.

  2. Thanks for the replies, for all of you who cannot read past first grade level ask someone to help you.

    I am not married.

    I have assets.

    I have a high pension.

    I would never act as a gurantor for anything, neither would I ever marry, I live with my gf of seven years happily.

    Is your girlfriend of 7 years happy too if she unexpectedly is left emptyhanded upon your demise?


    She will not be empty handed, we live in anew house I bought for cash fifteen months, ago in her name me on a usafruct agreement, she also has a two year old Ford Fiesta and a decent sized bank account

    Me too. Nice to see someone else in Thailand using common sense.

    ages of those involved? you bought her a house for cash? lol. car, bank acc w munney!

    any1 wonder why girls go after old guys-------------thats where the $$$$s are!

  3. I lived in Pattaya for three years (at VT6) but became bored living there. Pattaya has a great bar scene but that's about it, there are many more things to do in Bangkok. Pattaya is not 'authentic' Thailand so I don't think anyone needs to feel guilty about not having a keen interest in the culture except to show proper respect for your host.

    Pattaya, Soi Cowboy, Nana Plza are as authentic as any other part of Thailand!

  4. It's so obvious and apparent what goes on.... It's not even hidden from the public...

    The denials and lies are juvenile and tiresome - Its like reading about children at times...

    Anyone trying to solve any of Thailand's corruption issues are simply beaten into submission through sheer exasperation....

    Oh for a government of any hue or inclination, that will have balls big enough to fix the police and the armed forces. They are both a huge millstone around the neck of ordinary Thais. They've both been afforded protection for far, far too long. Knock it all down and start again, starting with Education, Law, Justice and Defence. Do that now and in 2 generations, 'Thainess' as it is today will just be a very bad memory. If they start now. But we all know they're just not serious about being a modern nation. Not at all.


    There would be a mass exodus fleeing from LOS is this happened. Singapore already exists.

  5. Pattaya is a magnet for dodgy property developers.....

    Property investing needs an economy with good jobs and growth in population. neither can be found in Pattaya. Old Ladies sitting in bunches on barstools is not what a thriving econmomy is based on.

    Pattatya is great for cheap living boozing it up and cheap naughty activities. RENT!

  6. I was out on the lash last night in Pattaya...

    It's low season right now for sure, but bars, go-gos, clubs etc are still open until the early hours no problem at all.

    It's also the end of the month coming up during the next few days.... so all the girls 'manning' giggle.gif the bars, have no money to pay for room rents or send to feckless relatives up-country. It's so sad.

    Thus your friend can be assured of a rock star 'handsome man' welcome, and can party his tail off, if this is what he wants.

    I could organise a tour if he don't know tinsel town to well whistling.gif

    The way i see it is these girls manning the bars are broke all the time not just at the end of the month.

    I NEVER see the BARS @ the beginning of Wlalking St teeming with customers.

  7. This is a very worrying esculation.

    I'll give then email account names, bank account details, even my car details - they have all that already. I don't have facebook or line.

    Next they will be demanding passwords - I'll be leaving Thailand then.

    i dont have fb or line or whatever either..............lol. im a pre-historic caveman!

  8. Yes, of course a dowry should be paid if a foreigner is marrying a Thai lady in Thailand, unless the family of the bride has waived the custom for some reason. It is expected and customary.

    Of course there are many here who resent a custom not their own in a country not their own, especially so if it costs them money. - though I doubt if they were to be getting paid rather than paying that they would not find it a quite charming idea...

    How much did you pay?

    Btw, original question is somewhat irrelevant as sinsod is always returned to the couple. The cost of parents wedding should be covered by guest "donations".

    So in reality, you don't really pay anything.. It's money for the show.

    what if the money is lost in transit? lol.

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