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Posts posted by WishWashMan

  1. Know a guy who built an expensive home out in the boonies...had a good thing going...until one day his house was surrounded by men with automatic weapons...he was encouraged to come up with an extremely large sum of money to continue to maintain his lifestyle or suffer the consequences...he slipped away during the night and left everything behind...

    Now he is back living in the relative safety of the city...

    And whats the PROS about village living.............i just dont get it.

    The rule of law doesnt exist for fabangs.

  2. Well, they had a long good run and made money, time now to reclaim the footpath back to the

    pedestrians, what's more, that the taxi and tuk-tuk mafia that is operating from around there

    will be gone I hope.....

    Surely didnt money selling product. The 8th wonder of the world is Did they make money or was it just a hobby?

  3. A little off track but my friends fiance's mother threatened to make his life hell unless he paid a 1M dowry. His gf was silent on the matter...

    He's thinking of leaving the country he is so worried.

    He should have left by now- no thinking necessary.

    The mother is really not using optimal strategy, in my opinion , to get max munney. Get them married first and then she has a lot more leverage................lol.

    Unless she is lazy and figures SILLY farangs are born a minute, and her daughter will eventually hook one. Just a numbers game.

    • I started reading this thread and am willing to impart my own experience, I owned a bar in Pattaya, back in the seventies - was fairly successful, made 50 times my monthly salary as an Army NCO, owned it for almost six years, then it got too hard to manage - so I sold it for 10 times I paid for it. Let the naysayers throw stones, I don't care.
    • Your first plan got many responses with good advice, write the best ones down and stick with them!!!
    • Your second plan - FORGET IT. while it may seem the cheaper way to go - Friends don't remain friends long when they go into business together, especially if one or the other needs the money to live on - I will explain my reasons.
    • I owned my place for three years alone, solely mine with a lawyer's name as the 51% but he also did business with virtually every American in Pattaya that owned businesses - he was trustworthy. The fourth year I was transferred to Europe, it became harder & harder to pop in to check the books, so I took on a partner, who I had known for five years, he was single at the time, he got married and his wife took over management of the books. The books were just too neat and accurate for me, when you own a business there are going to be some mistakes, broken furniture, pilferage, miscalculations, my deposits into the bank were perfect every time, etc etc etc. so I immediately suspected her cooking the books.
    • She wanted a new contact 50/50 split, and a salary, I said no, my contract with him was 75/25 after bills/staff were paid, I had my own cashier, own staff, etc etc He didn't have the authority to fire anyone, he was strictly an investor,and he wanted a place to go after work. Like I said, he was a friend
    • One thing led to another, so the beginning of the sixth year I sold the place out from under everyone to a Japanese guy who was buying up everything in Pattaya he could find, hence he gave me 10 times my initial investment, because of the location............with the agreement he would keep the staff on for at least six months . I gave the other guy his 25% and left Thailand. If loos could kill, the stink eye his wife gave me would have dropped me dead in my tracks.

    Now, as I said, the Thia man who owns the failing business and offered you a stake for an 'investment' - I wouldn't do it, you are nothing more than a cash cow, there will be many instances of More Money, More Money, More Money - + he can sell it out from under you, at any time, unless you get a contract that he can't sell it without your signature - which is actually worthless in Thailand.

    • Stick to your original plan, hire good staff, make them open a Bank account for direct deposit, no cash salary. I opened a group acct in both mine and their names, I deposited money in that acct 50% additional salary to keep them honest, so they wouldn't quit after working a couple months. That bank acct needed mine & my lawyers signature and could not be drawn on but three times a year April, Aug & Dec - the money was split amongst the staff, a running tally was on a board for all to see, it became a game to them.
    • Look at the other bars in town, you need to do somthing they don't, and stick with it. My gaff was the Coldest beer you could get, 60's & 70's music, and American Hot Dog's. Every Wednesday night was Chicken Wings night 10 bath apiece ( back then it was 20 baht a $$) - it really packed them in. Maybe install some good Dart Boards, if one hasn't started yet, start a darts league for two, three nights a week.............you want to have somthing the regular customers can look forward too. Everyone has a general menu with all sorts of Fahlung food on it, you need to specialize, Who does;t like a good pizza and a cold beer. They will say - Lets go down to qwertymerks place for a few and a slice.

    Enough for me, I'll have another beer and a Slice Thank You,wai2.gif wai2.gif

    My Thai girlfriend was getting hounded by all of the Thai guys and it was only thanks to the owner of the small bar that nothing got out of hand. And when I say terrible, I mean terrible. I'm probably being stupid for even debating going back there.

    I am serious when i mentioned earlier about finding a new girl. A girl hounded by thai men is prolly up to her ears in BAD DEALINGS. An ex of bad dealing is getting a farang to open up business-it tells a lot about her integrity-she has none.

    @ best youll lose money @ worst youll lose your life.

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