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Posts posted by Dagnabbit

  1. 6 hours ago, Enoon said:


    Sociopaths know what to do, how to impersonate real empathy and concern for others, and most importantly when to do it.


    They are frequently good learners, watching and copying real people.


    That's how the high functioning ones rise to the sort of level that Trump has achieved.


    But they are hollowed out to accommodate their relentless, self centered, callous ambition.


    It's all a sham.




    So you know he's a sociopath because he acts normally?

  2. 7 hours ago, iReason said:

    The occupier of the White House just can't get over his tiny little hands:

    "Trump reportedly loathes the ongoing jokes that his hands are freakishly small."

    "In fact, jokes about the billionaire hand size has haunted him for decades,

    though a renewed interest in his digits spiked during his presidential campaign and, now, presidency."

    "It started 30 years ago when Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter described Trump as a “short-fingered vulgarian” in Spy magazine."


    He was simply having a joke at his own expense.


    It was pretty funny.

  3. On 9/2/2017 at 3:32 PM, Jingthing said:

    People are making too big a deal about this.

    Corporate entities eschew controversy.

    People often sign contracts agreeing to that.

    So she was fired. So what. It's just about another corporation protecting itself. It's really nothing real about racism, either way. 

    The racism was VERY real.


    Is it only real when a white male does it? 

  4. 7 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    What about the Victim? Let's talk about that. She has just gone to the Supreme Court, having to go through many lower courts first to even get there, claiming she wants this case dropped and closed. What can be cleared than that? She is not a Little Girl anymore and after 40 years she feels it is time to end this B.S. Who has more right to speak up about this than she does? You?


    If you were anyone who knows anything about this case, you would not even suggest he had gotten away with this scott free. He has spent time in a US Prison, and also in Switzerland for this crime. He has been suited by this victim, and willing paid up. Although the exact amount of money was kept hidden, I am sure it was a very high figure and more than fare compensation. The Victim agrees!


    He has also had his whole life turned upside down. His name and career tarnished, which I am sure he feels he deserved. A wanted fugitive in many countries, and where he can not go to for fear of landing in jail again. He has been able to maintain some success, because of his skills, but not near as many he would have gotten if he was allowed to stay in the USA.


    Do I feel sorry for him for a case that has dragged on for 40 years? Yes I do! But not for any of these reasons! I feel sorry for him because of one thing only. You know he is guilty but how do you know this? That he admitted this? Now what fool in his right mind would admit to police he committed a crime like this. With many Lawyers Friends who would have loved to represent him? Even for free?


    The Prosecution made a deal with him. In legal terms it is called a Plea Bargain. They did that not because he deserved better treatent because he was rich and famous. They did it because they did not have a strong case against him, and if it went to court they may have lost. Which they probably would have lost. Her word against his! Especially when she never agreed to go to court against him in the first place. No Witnesses! So who do you think would win? 


    So to get a Conviction, and to close this case, the Prosecution made a deal with Polanski., That if he accepts a guilty plea, and does 90 days in jail, plus other small punishments, like Probation, Fines, and Community Service, it would be over for him. I am sure also that the minute Polanski admitted to this crime he knew he would be suited for countless dollars, plus have his name tarneished forever. 


    So what does one do in a case like this? Forget it if you are innocent or guilty! What if it was anyone else. Like you or me? Do you try to fight this in court spending endless money, to prove your innocences, and perhaps end up in jail for 10 or 15 years if you lose? Or do you accept the Plea Bargian, and accept 90 days in jail, where you already served half of your time already, and have it all behind you? A tough decission by anyones standards. But Polanski took the deal and finished his 90 days in jail. 


    But things changed after Polanski was out of jail 90 days later. The Prosecutor changed and so did the Judge. They made no deal with Polanski before hand so they decided to go for the maximum jail sentence. Is that Polanski's fault that things changed? Is that fare? Is that even justice?


    What was worst now is that these two wouldn't even let Polanski retract his statement and deffend himself in court on a not guilt plea. His guilty plea stood but his Plea Bargain did not stand. How fare is that? They won't even unseal his testomoney (as it says here) and the Plea Bargain they made in 1977, for fear that he would be right. So better to contuinue to prosecute him then giving a chance to prove what he said is true. Is that justice? Really? These to me are the things we need to fight against, and not for. 


    Yes I do feel a grave misjustice has been committed here and these judges should be stripped of there duties. That a Plea Bargain should be honoured, otherwise it has no effect, and many crimes would just go unsolved. As one must be assumed innocent, and be proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Which in many cases is very difficult to do. So a lighter sentence and a smaller sentence makes good sense on these type of crimes. 


    A Man who recently had his beautiful wife murdered, and after a few wines with a Teenage Model, who was not a virgin by then and whos parents gave her permission to go with him alone, tries to have sex with her, in his house, without force. Bid Deal! But big enough for Interpol and a World Wide Man Hunt for him? Following all over the World and even locking him up in Switzerland? Do you think that is fare and right also? Only because he is a Big Fish who did not committ such a Big Crime. 


    Get Real! And stop wasting Tax Dollars on such crap as trying to lock up some 84 year old man for a small crime committed 40 years ago. Who the Victim herself said exactly the same thing. Only the Mounties always get there Man. Not the FBI. So move on already!      


    She did not take this case to supreme court. She doesn't have the money to do it. She is a proxy and took it to supreme court for him. He paid for the lawyers. 


    As for small crime, he drugged and raped an abused child. As for 'without force' - well she was drugged, so of course he didn't have to force here. You heard of Bill Cosby?


    Pedo's need to be in jail.

  5. On 8/20/2017 at 7:26 AM, TunnelRat69 said:

    read the post, the victim made the petition to have the charges dropped this time, she wants it to end for her and him ................ she admits she was high on cocaine & roofies, and was not a virgin  -  as for him being a peadophile?? she and close to fourteen years old and it was quite common in the sixties/seventies for girls to get married at 14-16 years old in some states of the USA.  My brother married his wife of 45 years ,when she tuned 15 in Kentucky, my mother married at 17 in Massachusetes in the forties.


    I am just wondering how much taxpayers money has been spent on this in forty years.........


    Well - what a charmer you are. This post is low by any standards. 


    "nearly 14" is 13 years of age

    The fact she was high on coke and roofies makes it worse, it is no excuse. Do you think it's OK to rape drunk girls? Of course not. The fact that she was on drugs means she was a victim of abuse. Who do you think was getting those drugs for her? 

    As for her not being a virgin. The fact she's been raped before is hardly a good excuse for raping her again.


    Now - you may point to her current supreme court case where she's been trying to get the criminal case dropped. You do realize she hasn't paid for all those lawyers herself right? The scumbag pedophile rapist is using her still to try to get off. Rightly, the courts are not listening.


  6. 28 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    So if you do not "strongly favor" a close relative marrying outside of your race, you are racist?


    I say this because I would be happy whatever race my 2 kids marry into. I don't care if they are black, white, yellow, brown or polka-dot.


    Still, I do not 'strongly favor' that they marry outside of their race - because I don't care. I would certainly not strongly favor any race.


    You can prove any bias with statistics if you word it right. Especially if you are the "Journal of Black Studies".


    Seriously - how many racists do you come across yourself on a day to day basis? For me it's 0% if people I interact with.

  7. 2 hours ago, mikebike said:

    Hahahahaha funniest post I have read today! +1!!

    Yet it is true.


    Racists are a statistically insignificant percentage of the population. They do not exist in real terms.


    Of course, the alt-left label anyone with white skin a racist. I'd call them racists because they target the white race - but they aren't really. They are just misled and most will grow out of it.

  8. The biggest threat to the world right now is facism parading as liberalism. The shutting down of real debate, thought police trying to tell people what they should think and accusing people of being 'nazis' if they think another way.


    This poll is a good example liberal think. Either intentionally or because this narrative has been pushed so hard by the media. It seems intentionally created to push the thread in a specific direction. Division along racial lines. 


    Item 1 - bring immigration into it, so you can call people 'nazis' when they oppose it

    Item 2 - non issue

    Item 3 - a threat to individuals but not the international community

    Item 4 - effectively the same as item 1. 


    Think about it - with all the potential issues in the world - climate change, over population, running out of resources, a meteor strike, radiation from Fujushima - how on earth can 2 of the items from a list of 4 be so similar?  50% of the choices are effectively the same. 


    This is divisiveness. Pushing the narrative along racial lines. It has the chance to split the USA right now. There are no real racists but the alt-left is in a real hurry to create them.


    Of course - if I am right - then discussion of this aspect of the poll will not be allowed. Hopefully, we can have discourse on why half the options are about a specific topic that's been in the news ala Charlottsville recently.

  9. They weren't legally admitted to the country. That's why ICE arrested them.
    I can't believe (or I guess I should by now) that a federal judge has ordered a stay so he can decide if he even has the authority to issue a stay or anything else going against congressionally enacted, presidentially signed government law. :unsure:
    Since when does a judge get to choose which laws he likes and which laws he doesn't like?

    It is bizarre. One man has unilaterally blocked all deportations of Iraqi nationals despite not knowing if he has the power to do so.

    Sent from my SM-A720F using Tapatalk

  10. RWD all the way for me. I have a rwd 245hp car and a fwd 211hp car.

    I find the steering goes too vague in fwd when you put you foot down. Of course you do have the (fun) twitchy rear end on the rwd but its never the vague feeling of fwd under acceleration.

    Sent from my SM-A720F using Tapatalk

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