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Posts posted by Dagnabbit

  1. he is starting to believe everyone is a hillbilly to believe his b/s
    when the truth comes out in time will find he owes more in loans placed through Putin mob
    launder through Spain / Arab banks
    he was blackballed many years ago with USA banks after to many loan faults

    Yup - all started when that rocking horse poop deal with aliens fell through because the flying pigs ate the fairy middle men.

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    We were talking specifically about Elon Musk. He already made his money. After that he, by all accounts, has a dual purpose: to improve society and make money doing it—if only to show others that it doesn't *have* to be either/or

    Actually - we are just duscussing the merits of 2 things....

    1 Entrepreneurs that are willing to fail and do so
    2 Using debt in business

    People here argued debt was bad, failure was bad. When presented with examples of that not being so, the argument morphed into Elon vs Don.

    One guy here even went to the extreme of presenting himself as a financial guru after passing a beginner level multiple choice exam (series 7).

    I get it - you dont like Trump. Arguing that debt or failure are not a part of business to perpetuate an anti Trump agenda is silly.

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  3. Thanks. It all makes sense now. That guy whose office I ran out of, who used his dick instead of his hand must've been a "bro-proctologist"

    All businesses are a risk. Are you suggesting that nobody should start a risky business?

    Elon Musk had a ton of failures...



    As every entrepreneur knows, any business venture can be upended by failures at any moment – and it is how one bounces back from those failures that counts."

    But I think Elon is a success. He's in the hole to the tune of over $600M .

    According to the Bro-Business men here, Elon is a bum....

    Sent from my SM-A720F using Tapatalk

  4. 17 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

    I suspect you meant "Pro-business". Typos happen.

    I never indicated at any point that borrowing is not an oftentimes necessary business practice. Having owned my own business in the past, I realize its usefulness. However, Trump uses it as a primary means of funding his businesses, very, very few of which have ever succeeded. Ergo, it becomes a reasonable inference that he abuses it, which inference is supported by the fact that traditional channels of lending are now closed to him and he is forced to either borrow via bonds, always of junk status, or look to highly questionable and most definitely non-traditional avenues, like going to Russian oligarchs. Not necessarily a wise move, especially for a President, as that leaves him open to potential pressure.


    No - I mean "Bro-business" just like "Bro-Science" - in other words a brand of reasoning based on zero education or experience deemed more credible than people that run businesses. 


    As your post exemplifies. 

  5. Hardly. Dagnabbit inserted a comment to the effect that anyone not already an enormous success in business lacked the qualifications to criticize Trump's debt. He then compared Richard Branson's failures to Trump's in an attempt to assert that Trump's were somehow legitimate. I countered, explaining that to compare Trump's business character to Branson's is ludicrous. How is that off-topic?

    Actually I was pointing out the naivety of some people.

    There are university professors that teach business that understand why debt is used.

    It is not lack of success we see reflected here but lack of knowledge. Bro-business accumen...

    Sent from my SM-A720F using Tapatalk

  6. 23 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

    Nice totally vacuous reply. Your reading comprehension is seriously lacking. Mentioning Branson's accomplishments/business tactics in a direct reference to Trump is, in fact, a comparison. You mention Branson's failures in response to a comment about Trump's failures. How is that not a comparison? And just because it would take you 15 minutes of laborious composition to come up with something of the sort that I posted does not mean that I would suffer the same inadequacy. Nice try at an insult, but no donut. And you may not have noticed, but it's not my business acumen that is the subject of the article. Trump being a public figure leaves him open to criticism by anyone. In response to your lame question about my net worth and your belief that it disqualifies me from having and voicing an opinion, I would ask the same. How many billions do you possess that permits you the ability to assert that Trump is the success you seem to believe? The fact is that, no, I'm not a billionaire. But then, neither did my daddy leave me $200 million when he died. Had he, I strongly suspect I would be richer than Trump, because I would have had the common sense he lacks and realized that I'm not a business type, so I would have done what he didn't, and invested my money, likely in index funds, which would have made me worth at least three times what he is.


    Come back when you can posit an insult that has some teeth.

    I think you should spend a day away from the internet. I don't think any successful business person would put this much effort into something so pointless

    As someone making a living from a business myself, I can tell you that borrowing is normal and the nature of new endeavors is that they are risky. Some fail.

    This is why some people never try. Fear of failure and lack if experience in rusk management.

    Hence all the armchair CEO's.


  7. The difference is that Richard Branson is a far more noble, far more principled, far more benevolent individual than Trump will ever be. In fact, comparing Trump to Branson is like comparing Mussolini to FDR. Both were rich, both achieved the pinnacle of power in their countries, yet they were polar opposites in terms of moral character and actual long-term accomplishments. Branson gives large amounts to charity, has given his male employees one year of paid paternity leave, gives his 170 employees on his personal staff unlimited vacation (joining companies like Netflix, Ask.com, The Motley Fool, Groupon, and others). He has committed to giving half his personal wealth to charity upon his death, similar to Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and many other billionaires. Sorry, but Trump is nothing more than a greedy, self-serving narcissist who is in it for himself, others be damned.

    Nice wall of text.

    In your blind hatred of all things Trump, you have missed the fact I didn't compare anybody with anyone else.

    So there goes 15 mins drafting a reply full of righteous indignation over something that wasnt said.

    As you are obviously such an accomplished business person, perhaps you can share the secrets of your own success... presumably you are a billionaire?


    Just an armchair CEO???

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  8. A lot of employees on here with zero clue about business.

    No business is a sure thing. Richard Branson has had his fair share if failures. In fact, it's just part of being succesful.

    Sometimes it's an entire business that fails, sometimes just a new product/service in an existing business.

    The key to surviving these failures is to not put all your money into one venture. Hence you borrow, get financial backing. Then one failure doesnt destroy you.

    If you never failed at something, you probably arent trying hard enough.

    Sent from my SM-A720F using Tapatalk

  9. I've been told by my digital marketing people that I need to appear on my websites homepage and so I've been looking for someone that can do creative headshots (and probably a bit of photoshop wrinkle removal)....


    A sample they gave is here: https://decodingsuperhuman.com/ - I don't need to go so big on the background - they want something professional but accessible.


    Any clues on where to find someone - I've drawn a blank so far.



  10. 9 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


    I happen to like freedom of the press and freedom of speech, as allowed in the US.  How about you?


    I agree with freedom of speech.


    I agree with constitutional protection of the 4th estate.


    But - I think that when the any media organisation moves outside of reporting facts and into making stuff up, they are no longer part of the 4th estate and no longer eligible for any sort of protection. They are free to say what they like but they no longer enjoy protection as valued contributors to society.

  11. You can' tell me that someone who has as much business experience as Trump didn't know that trying to influence Comey was inappropriate. Any business person knows you can't ask certain questions when you are interviewing someone for a job, that certain behavior is inappropriate in a work place (sexual harassment), or you can't have private meetings with a judge who is deciding your case. At the very least he should have consulted with staff about the appropriateness BEFORE meeting with Comey. The fact that Trump went to great lengths to make sure there were no witnesses to these interactions with Comey strongly suggests that he knew full well the contacts were of an inappropriate nature.

    No witnesses and Comey sat on his memo for 2 months.

    Only Trump and Comet know what was really said.

    Sent from my SM-A720F using Tapatalk

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