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Posts posted by ocddave

  1. 52 minutes ago, Caldera said:

    I've seen many European tourists in Vietnam and Cambodia lately. Thailand isn't the natural gateway it once was for those tourists anymore.


    Two young German tourists I just met in Trat (after they had just come overland from Phnom Penh) were quite amused by Thailand's left-hand traffic. They had toured Vietnam and Cambodia, then wanted to relax on Koh Chang for a few days before flying back from Bangkok. Thailand was almost an afterthought for them and most of their holiday spent elsewhere - that would have been very unusual let's say 10 years ago.

    Dang, I learn something new every day, I looked up a bundle of countries in the area and they are mainly right-hand drive countries....I would have expected left-hand.

  2. 2 minutes ago, justin case said:

    why do these dudes not make a simple calculation:  how much is a farang that lives here 365/24/7 spending compared to zero baht spend chinese busloads

    Farang spends money with locals = none for Elite

    Farang spends money on extended family = none for Elite

    Farang sends children to international schools = none for Elite

    Farangs internationally educated children are more worldly = Less Serfs for Elite

    Farang supports and spreads Democracy = Not Elite Approved

    Etc Etc Etc...


    I think they have calculated properly, they just don't like the result.

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Drax said:

    I travel a lot. (Been in half of provinces in Thailand) and most of time 4/5 star. You can find many nice 4 star hotels for 1000-1600 easily with search, as for 5 star never seen any nice one under 1700 either, and usually over 2000-2500 even during their renovation/opening period. But most nice 4 star hotels I find for that price often increase price later on. I’m guessing I’m taking advantage of low seasons, avoiding Friday-Saturday’s and marketing strategies.

    Most places I am talking about we go to because of her conferences, and amenties are usually wonderful, so yeah....not cheap!

  4. 4 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    I've spent a bit of time looking up various 4-5 star hotel room prices in Bangkok, and if you can tell me of any for 1200 then I'd love to know which ones they are. The figures I've found are 3500-5000, and then up for the super luxury class. The price you quote is for 2-3 star places.

    Yeah my wife travels a lot for work, and most places are 3500 or up, never seen 1200 for anything nice.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Chelseafan said:

    How do you know they spend more than a western tourist ? Westerners spend money in resturants, markets, massages, maybe not so much in shopping centers but I bet they make up for it in other activities, scuba diving, girls, drinking etc.


    And how any westerners REALLY share one dish between two of them? come on!


    Yeah, I am guessing any Westerners travelling here have probably spent at the very least $5000 on their trip, this isn't just a hop-skip away, they plan to party like there was no tomorrow.

    • Like 1
  6. 9 hours ago, Damrongsak said:

    And if there is an issue when driving your car, you have the advantage. THUMP, THUMP!  "Oh, he cut across in front of me suddenly." 

    Good reason why I have dashcams on the bike and the car, there will be no question in an accident, all of it is being recorded. Those dashcams have saved me 3 times now, especially since all 3 times I've been hit the Thai drivers lied about what happen, should be everyones first investment after purchasing a vehicle of any kind here. I haven't had a motorcyclist ding my mirror yet, which is surprising, but most mirrors fold, so I doubt any damage would happen.....maybe a scuff, which is easily buffed out, get those in parking lots on occasion.

  7. 31 minutes ago, oxysong said:

    thought of that instantly,the country is flat broke.  Put this up before,when I see the giant advertising boards on major highways mostly all empty...when business is bad advertising is the first to go

     The US has long suspected Thailand is a currency manipulator,for years

    I think the US is not willing to label them just yet, mainly because they need the Military alliance in Southeast Asia, but that could change quickly if Thailand does a Turkey impression.

  8. 3 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

    Geez, can't wait for the lower interest rates really do happen. How low can the exchange rate go?  Already takes $250 more dollars to get that 65,000 baht per month than it did just four years ago. (35 to $1 back then)

    I just wish I could go back and send more money when I came here, oh well......thinking of not sending money for a while, maybe watch for a rebound.

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, Yinn said:


    pakistan, Nigeria, India, China, Congo, Indonesia, Russia, USA have more road deaths than Thailand.


    Very popular happy chappie. I watch them all.


    Many Farang worry too much in Thailand. Less than ten people average die in car crash in Thailand everyday. (the average) A lot because they drunk.

     It is not good they die, but I think very unlucky if it you. I don’t know anybody who die in car crash.


    RIP Paul Walker

    Must be nice living in the sticks, try Bangkok on for size, you'll learn what the rest of us are worrying about. I almost got slammed into twice today, once by a Taxi driver who jumped out of line and onto the opposite side of the road to cut around 6-7 cars (including me) turning right at a turn light, he decided he wanted to beat us to the turn at full-speed, came to a skidding stop at my drivers door. Should have saw the faces on the motorcycle riders waiting to go straight after we turned, they probably thought they were going to die. I have never seen dumber drivers in my life before coming here, the US is a delight compared to this madhouse, these people lack any training whatsoever.

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