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Posts posted by tandor

  1. 5 minutes ago, colinneil said:

    Why on earth would you quote me?

    Bit silly as i never mentioned the bicycle in my post,please read my post correctly next time.

    ..well mate you seem to be getting all upset about a grossly inaccurate report...Im not silly and secondly i will post what i wish to post as long as I stay in the guidelines of TV..everything i post is always relative to the original OP.

  2. 18 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Disgusting.... You hit something ,then carry on for 25 kms, bloody moron.

    What a terrible way to die, my thoughts are with his family at this time, R.I.P .hope you didnt suffer too much.

    Now will it be a 500 baht fine, and a wai, then all is forgiven/ forgotten?

    The driver should be charged with manslaughter, failing to stop at the scene, but hey it wont happen.

    Quote: Police and rescue workers rushed to the scene and found a badly damaged bicycle lying on the side of the highway

    My monitor shows a blue bicycle in very good condition..no buckled wheels or frame...hmm. 

    • Confused 1
  3. 21 hours ago, jackbox said:

    Thais rarely use the strap. I have never seen a RTP officer who used the strap. The most ridiculous is when you see someone with a full face helmet just sitting on the top of their head like a cap. Many Thais also hate helmets. At night when no cops are around they don't use them and often I see them taking them off and holding them when they turn from main streets onto sois. They don't seem to understand the helmet is to protect their head from being smashed open.

    ...i get amazed when i see young students on motor cys holding the helmet up to shield their faces from the sun.

  4. 1 hour ago, Krataiboy said:

    All 78 people arrested were dark in color


    In the UK, a phrase like that would have caused a national uproar among the progressives and multiculturalists, with questions in the House, calls for curbs on the Press and demands for a  inquiry into racial targeting by the police.


    I don't know whether to laugh or cry.



    ..i always laugh initially then its easy to turn it into tears as both emotions collide.

  5. 5 hours ago, HooHaa said:

    I personally witnessed them test an entire nightclub under purachai between the hours of 12 - 3 am. Must have been a couple hundred people.


    I was also lucky enough to be present when they raided a private house party and. Shipped about 50 people off to lumpini in the back of pick up trucks for testing. That took 3 or 4 hours to complete.


    Once the arrest is made, there is plenty of time to process people.


    Re dna sampling, how long does it take to take a mouth swab? 

    ..if the raid was after sun-up think how many more they would have bagged.

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    • Sad 1
  6. 22 hours ago, SABloke said:

    Rather than asking why it is allowed here, why don't you ask why it's not allowed in France?  :saai: Many things are different in different countries -  imagine how boring the world would be if everywhere was the same. :wink:

    ..Im with the OP..who wants stinking armpits wafting over your food..common decency to cover your man-boobies..women included.

    Could easily get burnt in your soup.

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