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Posts posted by tandor

  1. 19 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:

    So if you jump a red light, whilst not wearing a seat belt, after a night out on the razz, how many points do you get ??


    3 for being drunk

    2 for the red light

    Or do we just go for the least serious offense, so no-one loses face ??


    Looking fwd to welcoming in the 21st century, gonna be a great New Year party that one ?

    ...will there be a 'black market' for points.

    • Haha 1
  2. 4 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:


    What does 100% disabled mean ?? I'm partially deaf, if I was fully deaf, I would be disabled. Would I be 100% disabled, or just 100% deaf !!


    If he really can't do any of those things, then I guess the neighbor might have a valid point ??

    ..i have no idea cc...here is the OP post..."

    Sadly, I have got a neighbor that create nothing but problems. Harassing me by ringing the doorbell always. He complains about smell from my apartment and send the apartment complex security guards to inspect my apartment. He is threatening and has been trespassing in my apartment twice.

    According to Thai law trespassing is illegal, but my problem is burden of proof. I am 100% disabled, so I cannot defend myself against this bully. Is there anything I can do other than move? Can I complain to the Immigration and get them to declare him an undesirable alien?"

    ...best take it up with him...most countries base degrees of disability on a point system.

  3. 57 minutes ago, TKDfella said:

    I frequently meet one in the bungalow but use a large plastic transparent biscuit container, capture the spider and put it back in the garden. I take care not to damage its long legs. I'm told the very large huntsman can penetrate human skin but the wound is minor. They eat small insects and a large specimen might even chomp on the odd cockroach too. 


    ..you say 'odd cockroach' .do you mean the one with breasts?

  4. 2 hours ago, zaZa9 said:

    Tg says , "Maleang Moom" . Not toxic ,  eats mosquitoes and small insects and lives up high in houses ...

    ...so that's what's clumping about in my ceiling.

  5. 14 hours ago, Fore Man said:

    I feel for these people, having twice been assigned to Hawaii during my military career. Many have built homes or acquired them through inheritances over the past decades and never had to confront such voluminous lava flows in the areas around Pahoa where these properties are now being destroyed. Most of these residents, victims of economic circumstances, did not have the option of pulling up stakes and moving to a safer zone further away from Kilauea’s flows and have simply placed their fates in the hands of a higher deity.  Those that could relocate but did not out of stubbornness are now paying a hugely heavy price.

    ..sorry to hear of loss of life and damage to property..but what are they thinking when they choose to live in a potentially catastrophic place, and what are the governments and councils and insurance companies doing about..nothing..just keep on collecting the rates and adding more paragraphs of 'small print' to their policy exclusions.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 15 hours ago, Juan B Tong said:

    Really lengthy article.

    Sure glad the had a few photos.

    In spite of the detail and length of the story, without a couple of the pix,  I couldn't find a word about what sport it was.



    ...me too...a mention halfway through of a 'rubber' then later a picture of some sheila arse-up on the floor with a badminton racquet in her hand...?

  7. 3 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

    Sorry, not going to Lamphun.


    Wouldn't it be better to commandeer some of the air forces large vast land at CM airport that sits idle as they never fly there? They sure as heck don't need it and would be too easy to build an adjoining terminal. As for a new landing and take off strip and expanding, never mind, just a matter of que timing as it is not even near to being full.



    ..they have no-one to bomb as doors are open to any one who wants to come in and take over.

  8. 31 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    Yes. More than likely. Most assume, since Mueller has been so silent, that he has very little to work with. I think the opposite. I think he has more than enough to bury Captain Chaos. He is going down. His ship is already taking on water. He will resign, within 12 months. I am fairly certain of that. And the planet will celebrate getting rid of a megalomaniacal, wannabe despot. Some of us consider him to be the biggest threat to the planet. Unhinged, unstable, insane, narcissistic beyond the reaches of the imagination, possessing no foreign policy, no plan, no agenda, other than to hand the economy over to the big corporations and the super wealthy. When you add in zero regard for the American people, and even less than zero regard for the planet, that makes him a very dangerous man. Welcome to the little donny show.

    ...reading all the 'negatives' you wrote..how on earth did you people elect or allow such a person to be nominated in the first place.

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