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Posts posted by tandor

  1. 3 hours ago, 0815 said:

    The excuse of this irresponsible acting "coach" may be: The sign tells floodwarning starting from July, but we went there in June.
    Tragedies like this will happen as long as people don't be held /don't feel responsible for what they did.
    In a few months or even weeks the next will probably run there and get in trouble only to post: We have visited this place and made some selfies.
    Hopefully the young boys will be rescued and will fully recover - and learn...

    ..selfies are so critical aren't they.  ?

  2. 4 hours ago, jaiyen said:

    What the hell is the Tourism Minister doing at the site ??  Are they going to make it a tourist attraction later ?  Pathetic Thai person wanting a bit of publicity.

    ..all that urine adding to the rising water levels...i don't suppose they have thought of going to the other end where locals said days ago there was an exit...hope it all turns out well for those involved, students and rescuers.

  3. 2 hours ago, Maradona 10 said:


    ..last time i went a couple sat down near us..she ordered one meal..both went to the salad bar..she once; him 6 times, plus dessert..not my business..but nothing said by staff.

  4. 2 hours ago, Nice Boyd said:

    I always take the mains home and have salad bar for lunch

    ..if i have to queue outside i usually place my order when i get my ticket..or you can scan their QR Code at the door and next time place your order just as you arrive.

  5. On 6/15/2018 at 6:43 AM, Confuscious said:

    My guess is that they are trying to pocket the money themselves.

    A few months ago, I was buying stuff at Big-C and I saw a lot of Corn Flakes at the -50% stand.
    I took 4 boxes and went to the counter.
    The "Ladyboy" at the counter wanted to charge me the full 100% for the boxes cornflakes.
    I called the manager and showed him the bill.
    The "Ladyboy" was immediately removed from the counter and the manager apoligized for the encounter.

    ..he/she/it was a naughty little 'corn flake' wasn't them.

  6. 2 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:


    The Accord driver was a lady...

    She actually did make an effort to avoid the flying driver, which is pretty impressive at that speed !!

    Normal reaction would be no reaction....

    ..man/lady irrelevant..what i saw on my monitor was the car with dashcam had 3 seconds prior warning as the truck began to 'jack-knife' and head to the central barrier..the driver should then have made some change of direction, ie to the middle lane at least..the driver didnt make any attempt to slow or diverge until the cab of the truck was actually protruding over the barrier into their lane at which point the driver came out of the door window and more than likely struck the front pillar of the Accord..i have no idea how much driving experience the driver had but they didnt act at all defensively...should have been well out of the way by then and slowed down considerably preparing for what was unfolding...IMHO

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