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Everything posted by tandor

  1. ..the timing was perfect..it all just fell into place..i wonder when she had time to buy the knife.
  2. did Bob sight an UAP..he's sure getting a grilling!
  3. can you wait til July and take it to one of he many Roclet Festivals..much safer for everyone involved, failing that get a permit from local Amphur Office. Remember nothing within 9km of an Airport.
  4. this is here, not there..most Thai police have a short fuse, don't follow procedures, become instantly aggressive and become unhinged at the drop of a hat. I didn't see the two men punching or slapping, only pushing him away restraining him whilst the other made the weapon safe. I think they feared for their lives and acted accordingly..all over a relatively minor traffic breach it seems. I wasn't there and can only form my own opinion from the video.
  5. ...more than likely the officer got angry and pulled his gun threatening the two tourists who then disarmed him in self defence..IMO.
  6. perhaps it was because the amount of the fine infuriated him...the article states 'the amount of he fine was not revealed'.
  7. "grouping" bottoms is not on. 👎
  8. poetic journalism at work..you know what was meant however!
  9. I know of a local angel near me who does both massage and hair cuts for free, with a donation jar, the proceeds of which the woman gives 80% to her temple. Such deep kindness.
  10. no..the source said both women were kicked..doesn't matter..thnx
  11. I don't think AI would be capable of such sentences 'nefarious networking tentacles' 555.
  12. Correct me if Im wrong...but i read a few days ago here from one of the News feeds, that this guy had kick BOTH women!
  13. ..when you're on the way out people stick the boots in.
  14. ...they always run home to mummy.
  15. hey "confused" what don't you understand about this?
  16. Isn't there another type of Forum where 'dirty laundry' can be aired?
  17. glad she made it home in one piece.
  18. Life's a bit like a car race..some lay rubber and get out in front rapidly jostling for the lead, ramming into each other, crashing out, whilst others slowly work their way through the field and with a quick pit stop blitz the remainder, crossing the line with clean air.
  19. a lot 'eye-balling' going on i expect.
  20. the silent..no pain growing polyps can get to a T4 stage where they grow through your intestinal wall into your abdominal cavity, blocking your bowel movement. I realize you are in denial, however modern medicine encourages us all to make use of the testing and procedures available. I would urge everyone to get checked.
  21. This photo to me looks like a 4 door sedan, not a pick-up..correct me if I'm wrong! No sign of an Air-bag having been deployed. Fractured screen on passenger's side! I think they got the wrong photo. (this photo is courtesy of ChiangmaiCityLife).
  22. the Iceman doesn't cometh much anymore!
  23. walk another street..ignore the temptation...help yourself.
  24. the Complainant clearly has a minor injury to the right side of her back...clearly a red contusion can be seen. She was verbally abused and insulted toboot.
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