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Everything posted by tandor

  1. another reason i pay COD wherever possible.
  2. if the plants were more advanced they may have gotten away with it...hope they are treated compassionately.
  3. and Australia as i didn't see them on the UN list..thnx
  4. take him to a horse stud and hoist him up on one of them 'padded mares'
  5. wouldn't you think they would use AI to proof read before posting.
  6. you maybe onto something here..bravo!
  7. thought as much, thanks bt
  8. Slightly off-topic...whom freezes a foreigner's Thai bank account and how long after death please!
  9. "standing over them.." is just an expression, but if you don't check and ask, or you are not mechanically inclined, then you are in trouble.
  10. Im talking from his last known abode along the route..he may have been alone, or forcibly abducted or followed. Mind you durians are a valuable fruit, so CCTV maybe rigged up too..good point!
  11. Death Certificate or document stating the Cause of Death is same thing. (I was using terminology from my Australian home state). Chiang Mai use the same format. You are doing a fine service for those Brits in need, well done!
  12. Mortuary fee is usually 200 baht per day. Ive heard this happening with other cases, recently my Thai BIL collapsed and died in his apartment and was found a day later, he wasn't being treated by any Doctor; the attending Police asked for families phone, rang and asked if they wanted an autopsy..they said they would prefer not to, so Cause of Death was left as Heart Failure. Similar situation with the bulk of the 'Am Cyanide' cases, with only one autopsy having been done out of 14 deaths. (She obviously knew the system and may have been paying off the hospital to have a doctor issue a false document). This has caused a lot of concern and authorities are keen to be more diligent, however i doubt this will ever happen unless the family insists, or pays for a private Pathologist to do the Post Mortem.
  13. I understand you. I've had similar things happen, particularly air filter not being changed when requested. Unless you sit over them watching every move, which they detest, as they would rather give you what they think you should have. This attitude is present in other things too, ie building and repairs. Good luck in the future.
  14. Why on Earth should they have to speak English'; after all you are in Thailand..can't you do a simple Google voice message to them. translate. Happy to hear the light went out.
  15. A pathologist will not touch a cadavar unless a Life Extinct document has been issued and an order to Conduct a Post Mortem. In the case of a Medical Practitioner examining the deceased they may be satisfied the person died of Natural Causes and is happy to issue a Death Certificate stating his reasons (ie having had recently seen or been treating the deceased for a disease(s). The Police are then requested to contact the family for more supporting evidence ie medications, witnesses etc and are then asked if they now request a Post Mortem be conducted, sometimes at the families expense. In the case of Sudden Death, the cause of which is not known, then an Autopsy is compulsory to establish the exact cause of death, even though it may appear obvious, together with any other mitigating circumstances, ie inteference, medications etc. The rest of the process follows suit as you explain.
  16. The Death Certificate certifies Life Exctinct which can be issued at the scene by an attending Registered Medical Practitioner, or when the body arrives at the hospital befoe being placed in the Mortuary. Official identifications are normally carried out at the hospital Mortuary prior to an Autopsy being perfomed as certain religious protocols need to be followed in the case of a foreigner. The Cause of Death document is issued by the appointed Coroner following the Pathologists Report. This report can take time as already stated for Toxicology results to be finalised.
  17. Thnx. I had previously told my partner to get down to that ATM ASAP, fight through the tears as you punch in the 6 digit code and draw it down as much as you can, as soon as you can.
  18. Simply tie your hands in front..put the noose and shirt over your head..bend over and step through your hands..stand up and kick the chair out. (A forced suicide could easily be constructed to look plain and easy) A full examination of the cadaver may have shown abrasions, hand prints and bruising. Stomach contents, Urinalysis and a full Toxicology analysis will take about one month. Hopefully there will be some CCTV footage surface to clarify if another was involved. RIP
  19. Question: Not really topic related, sorry! I have a Savings Account with my 800k which i have (Thai) Willed to my partner. How soon after death are Accounts 'frozen' (i would expect it would take some weeks after my Embassy had been notified and the Death Certificate cited). Can anyone clarify please?
  20. "they walk amongst us"
  21. IMO the TM.30 is far more important..no need for a 90 Day Report, nor a Residency Certificate.
  22. i love the 'jealousy ignited' bit ..5..4..3..2..1...Look out here i come!
  23. You also need to be 'pally' with your PuYaii Baan.
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