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Everything posted by tandor

  1. sorry BT but this is not my quote (Roel)..someone's messing about!
  2. 45 minute wait!...i hope you brought your complimentary bag of 10 year old rice to munch on!
  3. would you like some 10 year old Rice with that?
  4. the hospital have protocols and they were followed..patient medical care first..i applaud them.
  5. everyone knows its the cock who is first to wake up.
  6. Mike (or others)..do you know if the Australian Aged Pension (Services Australia or Social Security Dept) is Tax exempt here. It seems to me reading that an Australian Superannuation Pension (where one was a State Government employee) is Tax exempt), yet no real clarification from anyone..thanks in advance.
  7. Don Dunstan's dream is finally coming true..this berg may make it by itself.
  8. initially there was one photo from which i made my remarks which included possibles and maybes..you obviously had access to more photos ie the plate which i coudlnt see along with light lenses..however i did say regardless the driver of the Ford was reckless and negligent regardless of whether he was intoxicated as alleged. What you won't accept, probably because you're ignorant of this, is that all road users who get involved in an accident are each apporitoned a percentage of the total blame. The mere fact the motor cycle riders (RIP) were on the road and maybe/perhaps/probably doing everything correctly, must still share a certain responsibility because they were there and got hit. All courts of law apportion blame this way, including Thailand who follow the British system in most laws. So no need to nit-pick with me and i hope you learnt something today!
  9. Im not exonerating the car driver at all..read my reply!...my comment about the bike was from the few earlier photos.
  10. souped up bike..lowered..loud exhaust..can't see any front or rear lights or license plate..maybe the driver didn't see him until too late, not that that is any excuse..but maybe a contributing factor to the collision.
  11. souped up bike..lowered..loud exhaust..can't see any front or rear lights or license plate..maybe the driver didn't see him until too late, not that that is any excuse..but maybe a contributing factor to the collision.
  12. Weed Smokers To Be Stoned To Death.
  13. I'd add Wounding and GBH also.
  14. he obviously is not a condascending prick and enjoys brightening their day..good on him.
  15. ..the Heroin she dealt in would have gone on a mass killing rampage if it hadn't been detected...hmmm!
  16. ..and the 'cherished' Vigo arse-up on the asphalt.
  17. this is a serious matter, why turn it into a romantic novel..i was referring to the initial article as well.
  18. All the News providers do have Editors..as does the host of this forum to check all content submitted.
  19. ..just needed to know if he needed to do 'the short course'.
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