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Everything posted by tandor

  1. Please see a Gastroenterologist, he may wish to do a Gastroscopy to visually identify and take a Biopsy for Microbiology...common antibiotic cocktail is amoxicillin, clarithromycin (Biaxin®), metronidazole (Flagyl®) and tetracycline. They usually do a follow-up Gastroscopy to verify the drugs effectiveness or adjust the combination. Good luck.
  2. pre 1983 was known as Campylobacter, now known as Helicobacter pyloris...dirty water, chicken, seafood etc. Luning G et al. Campylobacter pylori becomes Helicobacter pylori. Lancet 1989 Oct 28 2 10191020 FYI.
  3. ..he had a gut feeling he was going to be stabbed, so he got in first...WTF
  4. i daresay no re-enactment in this case..looks like 10 years chaps!
  5. good idea ...particularly with all that 'high intensity' in the air.
  6. i would sincerely hope not..but stranger things have happened. I must say i have no knowledge of Burrows' charges or Peter Smith..have you?
  7. it's possible Peter Smith knowingly allowed Burrows to use his Passport.
  8. Excuse me Mr. Ex-commander isn't that what supporting countries do when there's an imminent World War. How about getting SEATO back up and running; not sure if Pakistan would be a starter.
  9. well, a Thai can't do that job cause it doesn't exist
  10. for starters, a pilot would be tried in a higher court.
  11. ..the rider could easily had ridden the bike up onto the right side to safety.
  12. False reporting once again...no-one fell..the rider could easily had ridden the bike up onto the right side to safety.
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