...agreed..I can't see why Thai Immigration can't have their own Bond Account where we pay our 800/400 in for the duration of our Stay, abolish the 90 Day Reporting for those on Non Immig 'O' extensions...whoopee!
Dear 'sad face' my method is to kill the stump/root system after the tree has been cut down for whatever reason ie. in the wrong place or affecting foundations..not the one with the little birdies ok!
seems like both the truck and motor cy were heading in the same direction with the bike tried to overtake the turning truck, (whether or not the trucks indicators were working or the rearlights illuminated, remains to be seen).
+ if you look close you will see the soft neck brace is over-sized and not worn correctly as is the arm-sling he wore, poorly adjusted with his forearm more or less flopping about and not elevated diagonally across his puny chest..and of course all the rapid adjustments by his minders as he approached the cameras..but by then a few astute camera guys had the moving images.