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Everything posted by tandor

  1. ..have a third party record it unbeknownst to them, and then later consider if you need to use it...the third party can then be be called as a witness.
  2. ...if the deceased intruder had around 300k on him; why would he want to do an armed robbery for more? Not sure why the alleged shooter threw the gun in the drink, maybe his missus did...after all, if he left it there at the scene, would give more weight to his story!
  3. ....spot on my friend....the WHO correctly described it as a 'weak virus'.
  4. ...of course!...personal choice after you've been vaccinated, or not...and the emergency decree has been lifted.
  5. ...good luck Thailand, i sincerely hope your dart doesn't fall out of the board onto the floor.
  6. YouTube This Week in Virology (TWiV) by Professor Vincent Racianello and his bi-weekly Podcast panel.
  7. ..of course you may still become infected regardless of a full vaccination, MRNA or not...plus a booster..just that your symptoms should appear less severe and hopefully you will avoid hospitalization and death. We all will probably catch Covid-19, so best to keep wearing your mask when in crowded areas and keep social distancing until 90% of the World is vaccinated...good luck.
  8. ...this is getting worrisome...they can now do short multiplication sums.
  9. ...if they are that wealthy, then a situation like this couldn't possible arise, let alone deal with it.
  10. ...the food is never hot...so no need to rush.
  11. ...so there is a Thai Senator involved in the equation...and we haven't been notified, let alone having received these much needed MRNA vaccines...just wondering!
  12. ...the locals haven't heard aircraft for the past two years...they'll get used to it.
  13. Good luck Mr. Buse...pity there was no Petition I'm aware of..i would have signed it for sure.
  14. ...well what do you expect when you insist on these crazy re-enactments...you can do a re-enactment at the police station!
  15. ...you never mentioned it was public abuse in your OP....Cut your ties with him, then you wont need to keep punishing yourself.
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