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Everything posted by tandor

  1. ...exactly, + he was in UAE getting the bestest of everything; so why didn't he wait until he was given a clean bill of health and return to his homeland with his head held high..all he has done is make himself look stupid and pathetic..IMO
  2. ...and hold the Onions
  3. ...and those 'swirling questions'
  4. i sometimes put a spoon in mine
  5. ..to give her her dues, she did publicly state she was not ready for the job as Premier.
  6. as usual it is a big messy story, so when some of us try to sort it out into some sensible order the others swoop in for the attack..geez!
  7. standard questions..the article doesn't state who Nantawadee was giving this info to..the reporter, hearsay, or it was a police spokesperson talking..wait and see.
  8. ok..let's start with..why that car..why a car belonging to a nurse who happenes to work there..was the patient known to the nurse..why did the nurse leave her car unlocked..how did the patient manage to walk out to this particular car without being spotted..etc..etc. (no doubt the diligent Police will sort it out quickly). RIP
  9. work from home is a popular trend...more to this one i expect
  10. me too!..while they're at it The World Meteorological Organization should name a series of Hurricanes after her.
  11. the specimen referred to is an unborn thylacine foetus and the alcohol also had formaldehyde which had destroyed the RNA and left the DNA fragmented, unstable and unsuitable to complete the sequencing. Of course there has been advancements in technology and with the aid of AI perhaps the researchers have reached 99.5% as mentioned..it will be interesting to hear their final findings in a pub;ished peer review paper and public statement. (There have been numerous sightings over the past 90 years including distinctive paw prints, scats/spoors containing confirmed Thylacine hair by The Tasmanian Museum, no clear video/photographic evidence to corroborate, in 4 main areas of the state of Tasmania, namely Scotsdale, Helyer Gorge, Central Highlands and Lune River.). IMHO they're alive and well in small pockets. They are extremely shy and elusive.
  12. yeah...leave them kids alone.
  13. lets start a little competition..put up a series of stories and we, the members will choose the correct header.
  14. always put a line through the photocopy, sign it and the reason it is being used for.
  15. ...typical Thai road user...wrong side of the road on a crest
  16. Yet again we see how effective Thai Immigration Facial Recognition technology is once linking it with Interpols Most Wanted List.
  17. i think we already worked that out ..but thank you.
  18. so where will these 'flogging stations' be set up
  19. my initial reply to your article was 'maybe the Innuit...', but i will try to find the original article and study it. If you have a link handy that would be helpful.
  20. you could ask the same of the Uruguayan AmateurRugby Team..I don't know if the Innuit turned cannibals when they found all those cadavers..i dare say they would have taken slices of flesh as they would from wild animals they hunted. Bears and wolves could easily have fought over the remnants. (I'm being serious and you're not..big difference here).
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