...it is expected to be with us for decades, accounting already for 30% of hospital admissions. Sars Covi-2 has muscled its way into the line of other upper respiratory tract diseases and is here to stay. The more of us that get vaccinated then the safer we all will be and the weaker the virus will become over time. As long as our everyday life is disrupted, then we remain in a Pandemic. Assess your symptoms and self-isolate, think of others and wear your mask. If you are elderly have your GP prescribe Anti Viral medications. (My Reference by the way is leading US Pediatrician Dr. Paul Offit of This Week in Virology, (TWiV), YouTube Podcast, Episode 917 at 24 minutes). The sub-variant BA. 5 is expected to become the dominant sub-variant and initial testing has shown the bodies' antibodies have a weaker response to this sub-variant. A full study is presently underway regarding BA.5 with results in a few weeks. I hope this information is of assistance.