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Everything posted by tandor

  1. ...he never 'fell'...he just took a sabbatical this man will re-organize and make the RTP a professional and responsible police force. IMHO.
  2. ..obviously the MOP who arrived on the scene has seen the assailant who then left on a bike...let's hope he/she can give good information to the investigators. RIP young man.
  3. ...full of 'jungle juice'..fully 'emboldened' he did a 'stab and run'...sorry for the MIL only.
  4. ...an un-determined rodent is the reservoir of this badly named pox viruse..it first came to light in 1958 when zoo monkeys in Copenhagen tested POS. Any mammal can catch this pox from an infected animal and spread it. Don't be too hard on the monkeys. There has been a documented case of a dog and cat catching this pox virus from a human. I hope this helps. People who have been vaccinated 30-40 years ago would no longer have any immunity and would need to be re-vaccinated. (My reference is This Week in Virology, (TWiV) YouTube podcast by Prof. V. Racianello and Physician Dr. D. Griffin).
  5. ..one could argue 'in' is inside and 'on' is on the cargo tray..i would like to read the fully amended Land Traffic Act first! ????
  6. ...i was wondering where they all got to!
  7. ...i beg to disagree. You don't have to be badgered or coerced; take the matter to court and give your evidence. RIP
  8. ...i got it...hence my cynical reply.
  9. ...there is no such fine; cause RTP do not accept...next!
  10. ...usually in front of schools, hospitals, intersections etc. Fairly easy to identify if painted regularly. ????
  11. ...call the palace...they maybe able to put it back together again?
  12. ...no excuse...the driver was at the front to help[ them alight..he remained there until the teacher told him to park the van.
  13. ...ok..why didn't the teacher in the rear seat instruct all the children to get off first?
  14. ...agreed. The Boarding Pass is your personal document issued by the Airline which has all your personal data encrypted. If you have some issue late with Lost Luggage etc you will need the BP. I would at least snap it on your phone if they make an issue. I'd be hanging onto it.
  15. ...the article stated quite clearly the Thai Government were going to stop the free vaccines in the future; no date was mentioned.
  16. ...great advice from the Police Captain.. 1. don't install locks the wrong way, 2. eat some food, 3. go to the hospital for a check up. Brilliant.
  17. ...well that is for me alone to assess, based on my age and health status. Meanwhile the leading companies are working flat out on developing longer term and multiple disease vaccines. Thank you.
  18. ...i would be more than happy to pay for any future boosters...i thank the Thai government for footing the bill for my past 4 shots.
  19. ...bit like snapping the 'wish-bone', ...this piece obviously lost.
  20. ...there are plenty of 'inactive police' who could be assigned pedestrian crossing duties, morning and afternoon for a few hours. It should be a routine duty for all RTP traffic police at any rate!
  21. ...good luck to her...just another black-haired bean-pole.
  22. ...Im more concerned about the trauma and welfare of the child. RIP to mum and dad.
  23. with respect......well, i dont know whom 'the quoted post below is'...however my source is an admin Sen. Sergeant Major who stated emphatically that a) they must carry a permit proving ownership of their gun, and b) they must carry another permit issued from their relative Provincial City Hall giving them permission to carry their gun in relation to their duty. The only officers that are permitted to carry their guns off duty are detectives and those other officers on special attachments. If other officers want to duck and weave in and out of their duties and responsibilities; i guess is up to them until caught.
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