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  1. Hopefully the trees and the birds will gang up on this subhuman lowlife before he carries out his chemical warfare scheme.
  2. Are you lecturing tough guy Frits the keyboard warrior on the difference between kickboxing and muay thai ???
  3. That's quite surprising, as your pathological behaviour on this forum implies you'd be exactly the kind of person to get attacked by a noble and vengeful group of citizens.
  4. As simple and straightforward as identifying uneducated thugs by their tattoos.
  5. Aren't you also more heroic and tougher than everyone here?
  6. The fire claimed her hair! Poor woman.
  7. You're a man and can do tricks too, make a decent living. Try it and please report back to us.
  8. In which accent will she babble this time?
  9. 50,000 Baht isn't a steep price to pay for a useful lesson: never be an imbecile and never flaunt your imbecility.
  10. Indeed, extremely stupid. Because I'm not American and don't think the USA is so great.
  11. If Puerto Rico is so great, why are half of them in the USA?
  12. The Puerto Rican illegals weren't going to vote for Trump anyway. Much ado about nothing.

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