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Everything posted by chippendale

  1. You're taking some very immature risks with your health. Your incoherent and rambling comments here might be one of the symptoms. Get yourself checked at a hospital, stay sane and safe!
  2. Only 7 days short of 1,000 and a jubilee gold Rolex from the police. So close, gotta be frustrating for the Russian fella.
  3. Very kind of you. But it seems that your friend is hell bent on diving headlong into misery. Experience is the only teacher that fools will respect.
  4. What you don't seem to understand is that whereas until now a single copy of all documents has always been enough, the Immigration staff have suddenly foisted their demand for double copies on unsuspecting clients, causing a lot of delays and even longer queues. All too avoidable if they had either announced this well in advance or simply deemed the extra paperwork unnecessary.
  5. The exact same area?? Build a shrine, fill it with sacred stuff, invite bigwigs, hold a fancy ceremony. No more accidents, problem solved.
  6. Yes, still in severe lockdown. Cancel your trip. Don't come. Stay away.
  7. The tattooed imbecile wants us to believe it's a good idea to walk around at 2am in a nightlife area whilst carrying 50,000 baht in cash and a Rolex. Now probably trying to pull a scam.
  8. You're so brave! Go on, overstay. Do it!
  9. Your gullibility is incredible. "I made millions in Monopoly money, but then we got sick of playing and I was left with nothing."
  10. Shallow and uninformative review.
  11. Incoherent and nonsensical post. Try studying interest rates, international trade flows, money supply, investors' expectations and government fiscal policies. It will give you a clear and intelligent answer, if you're capable of understanding it.
  12. Drama queen. They switch lovers constantly, so why the fuss over his boyfriend's monkeying around with other men?
  13. Another incoherent and infantile rant from you. And pathetic chart. It's amateur hour. I will pray for you.
  14. Some advice to you. You keep posting your technical charts on this forum ... ad nauseam. If you don't use these charts to predict future price movements, then what do you use them for? To predict the past?!? Don't be ridiculous. As an investment pro with 35 years of experience, let me advise you to get real about your fancy charts, and use more rigorous financial/statistical analysis instead. The Smart Money gleefully feasts on amateurs like you in the market. You're obviously struggling ..... easy prey for the professionals. Stop clowning around and learn to swim before you drown in your losses.
  15. Are you still trying to con everyone with your shiny crypto fartcoins? You're the one who got conned, unfortunately. Just accept your losses and move on. A humiliation and a useful lesson learned.
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