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Posts posted by hiromj

  1. Hello all,

    Please correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I have deduced, for those of us whom meet the following criteria:

    - wanting to live in LOS for at least 1-3 years

    - below 50 years old

    - not wanting to work/be under a work permit visa

    - not wanting to marry a Thai national

    ....the easiest way to get a 1 year renewable visa is to enrol and pay a relatively small fee(approx$1000/yearly) to a Thai Language School. I believe there it is also a requirement to actually attend the school for a couple of hours a week, but not sure on this point.

    Am I right with my hypothesis, and/or would you have any better suggestions for those that meet the aforementioned criteria?


    This is actually very close to my situation except I would really like to learn Thai. I will be in touch soon with a language school.

  2. BTW On Central Road one block from Second Road (walking toward Beach Road) across from Top's, there is a bike vendor that does not require any documention at all. I rented from there last week and had no problems.

    You mean you just walk up and say 'I want that bike' give the bloke money and drive away? Very trusting of him.

    Exactly. Same with a friend of mine. Minimal paperwork also.

  3. don't sophon and banglamung have separate and distinct coverage areas...i don't think you can get either/or but one or the other depending on where you live. i have sophon in my area and for about US$ 15 per month it's a decent deal. i mostly use it for the news sites local pattaya tv news, bbc, abc, D-W, el jazera :o

    Now you've done it. Next time you enter the states, maybe you should set aside a little time for the special room. Me thinks someone may want to talk to you. :D:D:D

  4. Hi

    I am marrying my fiancee from Thailand. How long does it take to get the green card in the USA if we register the marriage in Thailand instead of doing the fiancee visa path?

    Which is the best route to take? A lawyer in the US told me that it would take 10-12 months for my wife to get the green card of we register the marriage in Thailand. The fiancee visa takes 4-6 months to get and then the green card/stamp is received after about 8-10 months. Is this time frame realistic? I am a US citizen.


    I am sorry but I can not answer for Thailand. But, when I married my Japanese wife 11+ years ago in Japan, it only took about two or three months for all the paperwork to be completed. Once she enters the states with her "sealed envolope", the green card is automatically sent to your house. I remember thinking I should have brought her into the states and married her there because it would have been quicker. Now I am wondering why I did it at all. :D Also, I know people that used lawyers but, IMHO, they are not necessary as all the paperwork is straight forward. READ ALL PAPERWORK CAREFULLY AND BE FULLY AWARE WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING. :D:o

  5. We revisited the scene of the crime which occurred just outside Mr. Singh's tailor shop in the little lot on the corner of 2nd road and soi Marine. We've parked there many times without problems so we know it's not a taxi spot. We were given the advice to visit the Platinum shop on 3rd road across from Xzyte disco and were given a fair price just over 2000 which was better than Mityon's 3550. Thank you for all your suggestions and to Bobby at Platinum Motorbikes 3rd Road. Now we must hope the shop doesn't recognize the damage done on return.

    Phyllis Stone

    I guess I do not understand. If you rent the bikes and return them in equal to or better than the condition that you took them, why should the vendor be worried. I think I would repair them (as you are doing) and tell the vendor that he is lucky and got new parts installed on his bikes. If I were him, I would be happy. Maybe I am wrong but I have never had a problem with bike rentals before.

    BTW On Central Road one block from Second Road (walking toward Beach Road) across from Top's, there is a bike vendor that does not require any documention at all. I rented from there last week and had no problems.

  6. <br />
    This was on the front page of the Bangkok Post just a month or two back. It's real.
    <br /><br /><br />of half the thai people i know ,they would fall for this scam for sure ...<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    And the other half are the ones doing the scam ?ha ha ha

    It's called "Transfer of Wealth". Happens all the time. :o

  7. Pattaya folk,

    We all have seen hazzards in Pattaya. I am not talking about things you cant change. I am talking about stuff that could take someone a few minutes to correct. I am dreaming here that we generate a list of hazzards and present them to someone that can do something. Maybe you can try to get it corrected first and then add to this list/thread.

    Thanks :D


    You guys are not reading the above. I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT THINGS YOU CANT CHANGE. An example would be that live exposed electrical wire that the guy pissed on down at Bali Pier.


    Nothing so far in this list can be changed. Infact nothing can ever be changed, it all stays the same, everyday is the same. :o

    Sky rockets in flight, afternoon delight. :D

    Geez Thanks. Now I can't get that stupid song out of my head :D:D

  8. I always leave a light on in the bathroom or hall.

    Mosquitos are attracted to light so they go there instead of the bedroom.

    Works quit well.

    I'm in the "lights on" in the bathroom crowd as well.

    FYI - If my Minnesota (the state bird IS the mosquito) upbringing serves me right, the loving mosquito is actually attracted to the CO2 that we all exhale. My father said if you don't want to get bit, don't breathe. :D

    I believe they are also attracted to alcohol eminating from the body's poures. One time I was eaten alive and my GF didn't get a single bite. :o

  9. Ooops... I guess I did mean HEARTland... yes, it's nice in there, but is 350 baht in a private room, or one of those community type rooms with lots of tourists from northern countries? And I never know what to tip in there... any suggestions??

    If you look in the back of the Heartland building, there is a housing building, which is where most of their staff live... it appears to be non-airconditioned housing... my experience is the guys on the beach aren't really trained, but once in a while, you get someone that knows what they are doing... At Heartland, they are always good.

    And I like going over that that part of town, cause I can do both Heartland AND the Faustino pharmacy, for colonic supplies... even if I don't need anything, I enjoy just looking at their display... I swear, it makes me feel healthier just LOOKING at it... thinking of all those toxins leaving my body.

    I usually tip 100 Baht. In fact, I think I'll go Sunday afternoon for a massage. If I am am not mistaken, I think they have a point card that gives a free massage after so many times. The girls there are massive. They look like body builders.

  10. I have it on good authority that correct pronounciation is PAT THAI YA - the emphasis being as with all (?) Thai words on the last syllable.

    I think it is more like PAT-TA-YAA. Agree emphasis on last syllable.

    That's how it sounds to me.

    My Thai wife agrees....but maybe like this is more accurate...PAHT-TA-YAA

    PAT seems like BAT.....should be more like rhyming with BAHT on the first syllable

    Some of the worst offenders of butchering the city's name are the farang broadcasters on local TV. Your wife's comments agrees with everything I've learned in Thai classes.


    Great video. If I wasn't going this weekend, I would be homesick.

  11. "Prostitutes have been and integral part of Asian culture for thousands of years."

    I guess you'd be OK with your wife and daughter working as prostitutes.


    No but I was OK doing your mother last night.

    Always liked a good "gum job."

    Ouch, that hurt. That's going to leave a mark.

  12. You guys with sex issues need to get out of the village for a few weeks. Try a different course. Reestablish the relationship.

    Go to Pattaya.

    Yep.....Saturday :o

    Honestly, great thread. I am enjoying reading it as I have been going through the same issues myself. I wish I could add something constructive but it looks like most of it has already been covered.

  13. My wife is Japanese. Although I can speak conversational Japanese, we only speak English at home as it seems to be the only English my son get exposed to.
    As it seems that all Thais have nick names, when speaking with your Thai significant other (GF/Wife), which name do you use? I know with my TGF, if I use her birth name I get a bit of a sideways look so I usually call her by her nick name. Just curious.

    So what language do you speak to your Thai girlfriend? :o

    Japanese, of course :D

  14. As it seems that all Thais have nick names, when speaking with your Thai significant other (GF/Wife), which name do you use? I know with my TGF, if I use her birth name I get a bit of a sideways look so I usually call her by her nick name. Just curious.
    My wife is Japanese. Although I can speak conversational Japanese, we only speak English at home as it seems to be the only English my son get exposed to.

    You forget about this post?

    Well spotted Acquiesce. :D Maybe Hiromj is talking about his Mia Noi :bah:

    :D:bah::o:D:D Yep....

    Did you notice what group Acquiesce belongs to now?

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