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Posts posted by Rc2702

  1. 8 minutes ago, robertson468 said:

    If you are expecting the Hotel to provide extra towels and bedding, a relatively small additional charge is fair.  However, I feel 700 baht per night is a bit steep, unless you are doing bed and breakfast.

    Nope we are entirely self sufficient regards child even take our own kettle. Just never come across this before anywhere but we have only stayed in 6-7 hotels since lad arrived.

  2. 5 hours ago, SheungWan said:

    Purrlease! It is Indian food which has evolved overseas. In a similar way Californian style sushi roll is still Japanese food.

    I'm waiting for his claims on kebabs and Chinese food.

  3. 29 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Tikka Masala was created in the U.K. and therefore it IS British food  

    It's an Indian dish regardless of the location it was created. 

  4. 24 minutes ago, CanterbrigianBangkoker said:

    Your opinion only, why start projecting it on to others or assuming that other people who have superior knowledge of modern British cuisine, and most likely, superior taste too, share your aversion or are as unlikely to try something new as you imagine. Tired old tropes mate, very boring.


    If you think cold pork pies and warm beer sums up British food you have either been to the wrong place(s) or are just basing your dislike on something besides the grub. ????

    And while you're probably right about the majority of Thai birds (men too) not being too adventurous, why assume the OP's missus would not be willing to try foreign food, especially as that's kinda what this post is in aid of.  I make a nice chicken cutlet and an ace chicken tikka massala - and my missus loves both and regularly enjoys western (pan-European) and Indian nosh with me. 

    Funny how the only clear example you provided was indian food.



    • Haha 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    3 tins for 99bht in Makro, doesn't seem that expensive.

    24 baht in big c for the tomatoes.


    I can't justify makro for mushrooms and beans. The meats awful, the cheese is ok but big C brought their price down to sensible level on cheese although makro is a much better deal. Cheese beans and mushrooms. I need 2-3 other items which compete well and I'll go to makro.


    What about fish in makro I'm after trout I only ever tried it once 2 weeks ago in the UK I enjoyed it. Is it here? I'm after bone free or near bone free fish which is not too fishy. All suggestions welcome.



  6. It does look like a drop off but it could also be a lot of threads before restarted due to issues with long serving threads. You will not get notifications of new posts and your notifications will be less and that makes it look like a downturn.


    It does appear many have flew the coop though just from looking at a lot of previously popular threads such as POTY and the pub section has just been destroyed.

    • Like 1
  7. 19 hours ago, RickG16 said:

    The only problem in Thailand is getting good bacon. All other fry up ingredients can be bought to a high standard, Inc. sausages.


    And tbh I rate the Sunday dinners are better value in LOS. But depends where you live I guess.

    I'm having a hard time with mushrooms. The most similar ones to uk ones seem to be Chinese mushrooms but the price fluctuates in big c.. Macro have them but I can't justify Macro for just mushrooms. I opt for tinned tomatoes over beans as again the price is a bit wild for a tin of beans here.

  8. In khon kaen where i am based i dont recall ever seeing a lopsided relationship where age is concerned. I see many farang with women but the women are 40+ and then men maybe 65. I don't see much of a difference there. We see a fair few Thai families in parks with their kids and they always appear courteous and respectful to everyone and each other. 

  9. Just now, SheungWan said:

    If you think British food is seriously dull then maybe try Bentley's Oyster Bar next time you are in London: http://www.bentleys.org/ In BKK and internationally I think we are primarily talking English breakfasts + fish and chips. Maybe also Steak Pubs, but they might also be Irish.

    Nah I'll give it a miss thanks. I don't yearn for any brit grub besides the odd fry up and I only make that on a Saturday once a month.

  10. Just now, CharlieH said:

    The thing is about food, I like to eat, what I like to eat, I couodnt give a T**s as to its origins or what others think about it. If I like it, I eat it.

    Not much more to say than that really.

    Everyone has different taste, each to his own, and who is anyone to criticise what another likes/dislikes on his plate.



    Nah there are some people who are just so closed to trying stuff it drives you nuts. A mate of mine has never tried a cheeseburger at McDonald's and has only ever ordered plain hamburgers and by that I mean a pattie and bun. He's never had any type of cocktail drink. The geezers fridged in every way there is and it's fair to say he's not eaten any pussy too. But he's a mate.

  11. Just now, RickG16 said:

    The only problem in Thailand is getting good bacon. All other fry up ingredients can be bought to a high standard, Inc. sausages.


    And tbh I rate the Sunday dinners are better value in LOS. But depends where you live I guess.

    Had my first roast in 3 years, 2 weeks ago Sunday.  Don't miss them but I do enjoy them. I actually like the Thai beef sausages but not used the same way as we know sausages. Thai beef sausages with sticky rice is a regular in our shack.


    I just don't miss much of anything English even the Internet was worse in London last month. Shocking. Reminds me I must cancel that talk talk account.

  12. Just now, RickG16 said:

    So you don't like a full English breakfast, or roast dinner?

    Keep up will ya. I said I like a fry up but overall given the choice if opt for most other foods besides English food. 


    I mean when I think of English food I think of the aisles at tesco or sainsbury and that's a depressing thought. Trudging round those aisles for the same crap. The £3 meal deal was decent though and includes a 500 ml can of red bull now.

  13. Just now, scorecard said:

    But adding some additional siding or whatever could be good insulation and could change the appearance totally.

    Seems to me there's a million ways to change the appearance, enhance the appearance, etc.

    I like them a lot but that one just looks half baked.

  14. 2 minutes ago, rott said:

    No duller than German food which is excellent.

    I am sure it is but I have not had enough to agree or disagree but English food I've had a lifetime of and I do not miss it. A fry up once in a while hits the spot and my Mrs makes stew weekly during the colder months but aside from that I'm not a fan. Italian food, Thai food, Vietnamese and Malaysian are my faves.

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  15. 8 minutes ago, rott said:

    "British cuisine bottom of the ladder", "warm beer" do you have any more worn out, decades out of date unfunny cliches for us?

    Let me guess. The brits lead the way with dishes like lasagne and let's not forget great curry. British food is seriously dull and admitting the obvious does not make you anti brit.

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