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Posts posted by Rc2702

  1. Is there a karmic message in this recent experience?


    1 day before I had to fly back to uk 3 weeks ago and I'm busy as hell, I'm heading home on my motorcycle and get to a main junction and there is this tiny week or two old kitten trying to cross the busiest rd in my city. I tried to forget about it but ended up grabbing it and taking it home. I'm allergic to them so we ordered a cage and let it live in the back garden. Kitten looked like it had been savaged and had to escape.  Little lady is doing very well 3 weeks later.  So yesterday, my first weekend back I'm on my bike again and there's a pack of dogs all beating this little ginger kitten up. I stop right by them and they run off and this little ginger kitten is done, still alive but completely unresponsive and has a look of complete shock in her eyes. I wait ten minutes with this kitten but she's far gone so I put her to sleep. Felt awful but she was definitely going to die. 


    Bit freaky I think, I had never seen a kitten roaming round  on its own in years and in the space of 2 days in 1 month I saved one from certain death and had to put one to sleep.

    • Like 2
  2. Just been in KK little over a year and my first weekend back I was looking forward to a Saturday  evening at the walking st market. 


    I got there to a sea of blue with markets everywhere I think it might be the red cross market?


    How long does this stay in town the walking street sat market is miles better without it.


  3. Just now, keithsimmonds said:

    Mate i would walk bare foot over broken glass to watch Chelsea...never miss a second.

    Encouraging words I like it. I actually fell asleep (jet lag) during the game earlier saw the first and last goals. Need hazard to relight the fire today. Sarri needs to turn this corner and keep the wolves at bay. Excuse the wolves pun btw


  4. Just now, keithsimmonds said:

    Retired mate....now someone polishes my clubs:wink:

    Those armed robberies really paid off for ya. Good on ya. Now come on Keith which Chelsea are turning up today cos it's starting to look like there's been a cost cutting exercise in the canteen and heads are down and we need you now Keith more than ever.

  5. Reposted to correct thread



    OK I'm gonna put a few votes in as I know a few hard-core posters and I'll give my reasons for there nominations:


    @BangrakBob for knowing next to nothing about the history of his favourite sport/club but he can read analysis really well and pass it off as his own.


    @Bredbury Blue for forcing his whole family to have matching man city tattoos. There's 8 in his camp.


    @carmine the sunshine of so many peoples lives 


    @RonniePickering22 great guy but sadly a Spurs fan.


    @Kadilo as above but a spammer.


    @3 minus 2 most improved user of a spellchecker in 2018. Well DUN!




    • Like 2
  6. OK I'm gonna put a few votes in as I know a few hard-core posters and I'll give my reasons for there nominations:


    @BangrakBob for knowing next to nothing about the history of his favourite sport/club but he can read analysis really well and pass it off as his own.


    @Bredbury Blue for forcing his whole family to have matching man city tattoos. There's 8 in his camp.


    @carmine the sunshine of so many peoples lives 


    @RonniePickering22 great guy but sadly a Spurs fan.


    @Kadilo as above but a spammer.


    @3 minus 2 most improved user of a spellchecker in 2018. Well DUN!






    • Sad 1
    • Haha 2
  7. 20 minutes ago, BangrakBob said:

    Well you know if I can perhaps help you with understanding tactics and the game we play you might enjoy it more. Here to help.

    You and the lads (aka any press you read) no need for a breakdown today. Hope your enjoying the bread and butter lad. Not sure about the new pic either chap. Lad looks like he drinks white wine.

  8. 27 minutes ago, BangrakBob said:

    Our style of play is intentional, it's not because they can't play pure attacking football. It's a tactical choice. 

    I think we will see more of that type of football end of January on the run in. 

    That said, we did see glimpses of it in the second half against Burnley and if Keita gets going like it looks he will, we may see it sooner. 

    Stick a bit of bread and butter on that bob.

  9. 21 hours ago, keithsimmonds said:

    Sarri,s press conference in approx 30mins....asked(request a bet) for odds that t Sarri says

    "i dunno" 5 times  "offensive phase" 3 times "defensive phase" 3 times...they gave me a 2 word answer...the 2nd word was off.  ✌️

     SIMMONDS your team needs to turn up today big time. Even a draw would be sweet but I'm not hopeful. 

  10. On 12/4/2018 at 8:00 PM, Bredbury Blue said:

    And why weren't we permitted to name our own forums instead of this "Official...2019" nonsense. For example the Spurs one could have been "The World according to Carmine" or "Alfie asks you a question but never answers one" or "zpurs futball 365 bie 3mins2" or "Ronnie's prawn sandwich travelogue".

    I think another reason for the official threads is when a poster creates a thread they have the option to request it is closed. Imagine Carmine with his own thread, he'd close it down every time he starts crying. 

    • Like 1
  11. 17 minutes ago, rhodie said:

    OK, thanks Rc, understood. We could head to immigration on Monday and say I we were up in Kalasin and here now. Will she need a proper lease? Has a receipt with all details? Will she need copy of falang owners ID etc?

    My Mrs is on this and she reckons if you have a signed transfer declaration from the seller and a copy or photo of the owners ID then you could go to kalasin LTO and for ease of process. Stick it in her name. If not then you may have to solve your TM30 matter first if you are not reporting.

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