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Posts posted by Rc2702

  1. Why are the advertorials closed for discussion?


    Surely they have more value being open for discussion and allowing the advertiser to answer questions will increase interest and make the advertorial interactive?


    Yh it could go down in flames but it could be managed in the interests of all parties. 


    I read the keyvisa one about child passports for Thai children and that's a great topic.


    Just feeling it has more value for all parties being an open discussion and will create more measurable  ROI anyway.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, HungDonger said:

    There are taxi's available on the Laos side of the Friendship Bridge immediately after you depart immigration. They will take you over the bridge,get you through immigration on the Thai side and drive you to Udon Thani airport. Usual price is 1000 Baht per vehicle.  It is more convenient to do from the Laos side and costs the same as when you arrange from Nong Khai

    Ok but your paying 700 baht more doing it your way.

  3. I'm sure this chap runs a biz in Thailand and he's asking for handouts for professional wife. I like his style but what an absolute scrooge. I'd love to hear these audio files why don't you just upload them and someone may type it out anyway. I'd just like to hear them as I bet you anything my isan farm Mrs would understand 80% and be able to write it at the audios  pace and if she could not she certainly would never have the gall to admit defeat.


    Op and Mrs have some balls tho

    • Haha 1
  4. 8 hours ago, Pdavies99 said:

    I fly 4-6 times a year UK - Asia and I can tell you, you will never get this price, its just an advertising ploy!!   Sometimes you can get lucky I agree, and I have booked for £420 return, but never ever this time of the year.

    Davies that price is decent on return but I have beat it a few times although this time of year can be tricky but it depends on how fast you can decide to go. I book  to the minute. It takes a bit of patience but deals can be had at any time. That 205 rate is not there now but I will have eyes on the market from Monday night and we shall see.


    I've averaged 3 to and backs a year for nearly 4 years. Hopefully I can limit that to once every 18 months or longer.

  5. On 11/28/2018 at 11:57 AM, TunnelRat69 said:

    the above has my Vote, hurry before the secret is out - I can remember when Koh Samet was a hand full of bamboo bungalows, (Bring your own ice) and the only way to get there was Bus to Rayong, then Moto Taxi to the fishing boat area and negotiate a ride to the Island and negotiate your pickup a few days later (But that was in 2000)

    The only thing I did not like about PKK was our choice of hotel. Big white one next to forensics police or something. Really snooty hotel that said it had safes in the room and did not have any. The manor beach was great and the relaxed evening markets.

  6. 16 hours ago, steve187 said:

    op if its that cheap go for it, but normally if it seems too good to be true then it more than likely is, eurowings charge for food luggage and seat booking on top, the cheapest i can see for next week is mid £300's


    some bkk/lhr flights from £300

    I'm seeing a lot at 240 but eurowings is cheapest so far. Bhx is the airport I'm basing this on. 

  7. 16 hours ago, Henryford said:

    Problem is unless you are staying the BKK to UK price will be double that.

    I got a return flight to UK on 21/1 but after this flight into bkk I don't expect to fly back until 2020 or maybe ever I hope. Way things have panned out are allowing me to get out of UK next week but I thought I'd be back in Jan but it looks very unlikely and that's fine by me.

  8. Just now, Wrickk said:

    Fair enough. I don't require your approval of my post. Believe whatever you want, but I was honest here.

    It's just the lack of effort that I see. I mean within an hour of posting this lightweight thread you decide you don't need magnum and like you said she's a nurse and yet you go away for month excursions and yet she's apparently a nurse. How did you figure that worked.  If she really is a nurse maybe that's why her phones off. If it's a rebound and I'm assuming yours, may I ask did you ever stick in the same location you used to have an ex and do you think once one ex is truly out the picture  that they might pass your info to a friend. A marked man.


    You don't seem too cut up about it you don't really want to know the truth and you don't want to go into detail so what was the point? Are you having difficulty on your own? Try living in bkk for 3 months and not touching any woman whatsoever. No massages no temptations just try it. You might like it and if may teach you to be a little more selective instead of getting mugged off.



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    • Sad 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, Wrickk said:

    This actually ^. The girl I was with for 10 years (Not Thai, but Filipina living in Thailand, great job and everything) was exactly like this. We were having dinner, I think Spasso. We're sitting at the bar I'm having a beer and she's drinking whatever goofy NA drink they charge 350B for, all of a sudden she says "you are so mayabang, coz you are enjoying all these girls looking at you) this was not the first time something similar happened. I was like, "what?" I seriously had no idea, I'm stupid when it comes to that stuff, she was mad at me for 3 days. That's when I knew I was done. Now I have become the same person I think, the person I couldn't stand to be around. How ironic.

    Nah I don't believe you. You just drop too much unrequired info and your really weak on the actual details. You can always spot this as the people with real issues will go to some lengths to get their points out there. This just feels like one of those fake threads. I reckon this site has hundreds of such threads and maybe they serve a sinister purpose or maybe they are just good reads but your story is so lightweight it's pathetic.

    • Sad 1
  10. These PI threads happen a fair bit. I do wonder if these PI guys get any work. I think they do but does anyone actually know anyone who ever used 1 and do you think it is a common need here? I think it is but PI here I think are going to rob you blind. It happens all over, the PI market have no interest in solving your case quickly. I once knew a PI who had a case, the wife was concerned the husband was having an affair as she kept finding condoms and lube in the car. PI confirmed the movements of the target using magnetic GPS data logger on car. Car kept going to a prominent gay dogging spot in the area. Wife was never actually told the husband into sausage and beans but at least she knew where her husband was at night. 6 months of weekly GPS data reports they provided her. They knew the situation as soon as the word lube was mentioned. They never told her and never mentioned what the park was known for after dark.

    • Like 1
  11. On 11/27/2018 at 8:23 AM, Wrickk said:

    Honestly, I was with one girl for 10 years and never had any doubts about her. She was a good one, always honest and accountable. This one was off the rebound from her and I didn't meet her in an obvious "hook up" place. The reason I know what I think I know was her GPS was off all night, then it comes back, on the way to condo, but not "in" the condo (at 7am). So I know she went out and there were other signs before that today. You can belittle me and try and make me feel stupid, but I just came here asking an honest question. Maybe you are correct and I'm an idiot farang, color me played. I was in a bad way and made a mistake.

    This GPS stalking is on another level but I kind of understand it and here is my take. When your in a city like bkk or Pattaya maybe, I think you gotta understand women in those locations are going to be very on edge as it literally is on tap everywhere so even just going missing for an hour here or there can lead to misunderstandings which can evolve into full blown trust issues. I met my Mrs in bkk we lived there just a year and I saw it all the time the jealous streaks. Waitresses, any female communications just set her off and I think it's understandable. My remedy was moving us away from it and over time she began to realise that I have not one bit of interest in anyone else. That's my take thus far. 3.5 years later and it was simply a location change that was needed.


    It was not her families village either.


    Neutral ground.



    • Like 2
  12. There's a little product called a porn detection stick which scans a hard drive in minutes and identifies all videos and images based on skin pigment analysis. This can scan all file types and creates a database and file name for the scan. It's plug and play and anyone can use it. Its very comprehensive. Imagine if the RTP had that.





  13. I'd go with the 4G unlimited plan and hotspot it as then you have both phone and laptop connectivity.


    We have true internet and many complain about it but it's done well for us for more than a year and it includes a free unlimited SIM but if the internet ever goes down and it has on 2 occasions then the Mrs calls them and they put the phone SIM onto a 4g plan for a week. The outage only lasted a day at most on both occasions. The unlimited SIM is only 3G but it's ideal for me and it's so good I don't even use a phone number SIM card anymore. Just the 3g and communicate through line calls and WhatsApp.


    But you can get a 4G unlimited deal on there own which are hotspot friendly for laptop use.


    PS. My internet in Thailand is far better than my UK internet. UK internet seems 3rd world.



  14. 35 minutes ago, RonniePickering22 said:

    Well its half time and I couldn't predict anything based on the first 45 mins....no surprise as Inter know if they lose they might be out.


    Cracking game of football.

    Ya seen that villa match 5-5 something strange there wondering if it could be a case of a bit of Midland match fixing going on. Sturridge at wba and now mad scoreline at the villa.

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