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Posts posted by Rc2702

  1. Just now, 3 minus 2 said:

    Gerrard lampard.. . exxellent players but wc A CHANCE to sit at the SAME  table the messi or ronnie'...NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS   scholesy was good .  vv good but same again.  rooney never QUITE  made it but he  came the closest.

    Gerrard and lampard were much better than rooney. Either ARD could have played for any team in the world. His debut for united was world class but that was it. Few wc goals too like but not WC.

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, 3 minus 2 said:

    Yeah.. but energy and pace too a degree can be managed and controlled it takes effort and HARD work but to a point it can be done look at ronaldo. Unfortunatly it was the cruciate injury that did for ibro.. post 27 atm note atm   it takes a yard of pace off and NOTHING any med regime can do..

    Injuries sustained in the past are not relevant. He just came back from a long lay off and has 20 in 21 in the same league your referencing for rooney and Phillips. Clearly a better player at 37. 

  3. Just now, alfieconn said:

    Iv'e tried Google but no joy and being as you made the comment i thought you might know !

    I do know thanks. As I said this type of discussion and all these DFLA tossas have no place in football. Football is the only matter that should be discussed here so I'm not furnishing discussions about anything else going forward.

  4. It's an interesting discussion but I think if anything it points to ibrahimovich being a better bet than anyone to return and succeed in the prem. The US league is a bit similar to the dutch leagues where you get players doing good numbers goal wise but cannot cut it in the Prem.


    Jannsen v suarez


    Looking at rooney and Phillips there ratios are decent but you look at ibrahimovich and he's a level above them and 4 years older so I still think he has more of a hunger but perhaps he's being smart to realise he's 37 and does not have the energy for a part time job when his season ends in USA.






  5. Gotta be some sales happening in both directions in Jan.  Things need shaking up a bit that is for sure. 


    Although if the talk is true and Arab oil to the value of 2 billion is gonna make Lewis walk away. That's not a bad outcome at all. Could be a monster in the making.

  6. Just now, Bredbury Blue said:

    M.E.N. Sport surveyed supporters on Thursday asking which position, if any, needed strengthening at City midway through the season.

    986 fans responded to the Twitter survey with a staggering 67 per cent of them suggesting a new midfielder was needed in the winter window.

    "Fernandinho really, really needs a natural substitute. He seems tiring to me."

    City are yet to replace Yaya Toure and are still in search of a long-term successor to Fernandinho. 

    Can't disagree with that. We had Fernando and Fernandinho for the defensive midfield position, got rid of Fernando a while back who wasn't replaced, got rid of Yaya who sometimes played there, Delph who could play there never gets a go so it all comes down to Fernandinho to fill that position and he hasn't looked anywhere near last season's form. This and having no experienced no.2 goalie is our biggest concern.

    We're also still a fullback short - Mendy gets injured a lot, Danilo looks to be out again with this week's ankle ligament injury, stand-in Delph is injured a lot leaving us only with one recognised fit fullback in Walker.

    Need a decent penalty taker as back up too. Skiiies it

  7. Just now, RonniePickering22 said:


    I'm not convinced our board would reinvest the 200m quid or whatever we would get for Kane back into the team at this point.


    The shambles of the 87m for Bale has likely not been forgotten at our club and we have some excellent youth prospects.


    Our future lies in those players for the most part is my belief but also I don't see Kane being sold unless he hands in a request or Poch leaves.

    That's seriously gonna upset matters. Sell kane and only the teams investment should be the benefactor. Bales sale was surrounded by euphoria it was a massive fee at the time but 200m now gets you 4 quality 25 year old winners who are ready immediately. 

  8. Just now, RonniePickering22 said:


    I'm not convinced our board would reinvest the 200m quid or whatever we would get for Kane back into the team at this point.


    The shambles of the 87m for Bale has likely not been forgotten at our club and we have some excellent youth prospects.


    Our future lies in those players for the most part is my belief but also I don't see Kane being sold unless he hands in a request or Poch leaves.

    Honestly, I think kane has an expiration date. He just looks years older now than just 18 months ago.  He's lost that youthful look and looks more of a pub team face than a hotshot. His performances are still good but is he really world class? Still undecided and at 26 you are or you are not. 200m would be a great deal and give Spurs a real shake up and after 3 successful years with no trophies, I think this is what is required otherwise the only accolade I see Spurs achieving is harry kane beating shearers pl  record. Great for him of course.

  9. Just now, RonniePickering22 said:


    He went to the best team in the country by a mile at that time....let's not forget that.


    Great player in his day.

    He went there for a payday and then got another bumper payday and got away with murder by questioning the direction of the club. Fair play for the wages like but let's not pretend his heart was ever in it for United till ringers.

  10. On 10/17/2018 at 4:34 PM, 3 minus 2 said:

    For a change Rc 's right,  appears  you know nothing about football.

    In matters of the national game I'm right more times than you dare dream of being. Stick to exeter you country bumpking.  Seriously I'd be handing out free dictionaries to all fans if I came across posts made by you. On a serious note now, how many schools did you get expelled from?

    • Haha 1
  11. Just now, RonniePickering22 said:


    Levy had an interview with some of the supporters and gave a fairly nondescript reply to the question of our summer transfers saying Poch saw our returning from injury players as almost new signings blah de blah but of course Poch himself hasn't said anything at all.


    Of course we want to strengthen the team....any supporter who doesn't needs psychiatric help....but also tellingly in the interview he said there is a budget but not an unlimited one or words to that effect.


    Basically we can't compete with the top of the table financially yet which we knew already.

    But he was also unprepared to sell players at any type of discount. I actually respect this but the Dembele situation looks bad for business and could have freed up funds. Truth is I think other clubs saw the predicament Spurs are in and purposely did not come  to the table. A harry kane sale could be the answer to Pochs progression. Un Unheard of Maybe, but look what coutinho sale did for lfc.

  12. Just now, RickG16 said:

    He's been an absolute pleasure to watch, and I don't care if it's not top level football. 

    I mean the guy had to sign for utd. Of course we would never had touched him. The cost for elastic to stretch over his head was too prohibitive anyway and he's a dirt box so it's a win win he went to utd but let's not forget why he went there. £££££££££££££££££££



  13. Just now, RickG16 said:

    He's been an absolute pleasure to watch, and I don't care if it's not top level football. 

    Shrekhead became a top player when Ronaldo left. Bottom line though his face would not have fitted in at la galaxy and there's more of an ageing population in DC so you know he's going to be diving right in. Shrekhead granny basher.

  14. 8 hours ago, carmine said:

    OK right so lets go back to R2D2 logic and understanding of the game.  


    I was surprised when Liverpool  drew a league game and lost a CL game you didn't start bleating on about them being in "crisis", because we all all know how interested you are in seeing how these things pan out!!!????


    You should tag up with BB, you make a great team!!????

    You and Alfie make an awful team but you come as a pair don't you.  Bottom line though. I have witnessed your mutterings of discontent with your board finally and I cannot disagree. Just takes you a while bit of trigg delay is all. 

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