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Posts posted by Rc2702

  1. Just now, RickG16 said:

    Don't know why that posted three times. Sue me.

    Nah fair play Rick.  You like to swim deeper than most Utd fans on here and at least you don't go round using emoticons with every message. Something wrong with that imo. 


    I think a fair portion of the blame is Mourinho and if factors like not getting his Mrs/family to commit to Manchester, losing his trusted Right hand and on top of that his acquisitions have not come to fruition.


    He has to be accountable and if his team sucked that much he should have sold players he did not rate.


    It's a strong team and with the right tactics and manager I think they can perform.


    Part of me thinks Mourinho just wants to do it his way and only his way and he is not prepared to change even if he has the talent at his disposal.


    He is displaying the 3rd year syndrome that has followed his career and it's becoming a circus.



    • Like 2
  2. I think the reluctance to hire Mourinho is starting to show. He has got it very wrong in terms of recruitment and his management style is not suiting the team. I think he needs to exit as he's clearly lost both the dressing room and the boardroom and is now in outburst mode.

    Seriously need a plan B and Zidane without 1 minute of PL experience is not it. I believe they are a capable team and someone could come in and make a big impact fast.



  3. Just now, blackcab said:


    I do agree with you. Unfortunately, if one party does not perform then often times the only remedy is Court.


    In Thailand that can take a decade or more, and you will have to pay substantial legal costs in advance. Even if you get a judgement, the chances are the company will have no assets to seize.

    I agree I don't see how a court direction will be helpful or productive. The opportunity is more important and understanding how the FDA certificate is allocated is the first issue we need to understand.


    The mnfr went against the advice of a very well placed associate and handled this deal in a very unsecured way but the opportunity is real which is why I have sought advice from TV members, some of whom, clearly have an understanding of the issues and the FDA matter is critical.


    If the opportunity for growth and a thai Co with significantly more experience can be sought then this is the main driver. Was a lot of work to get the FDA approval so this has got to be developed.

  4. Just now, 8OA8 said:

    Q1: Who obtained the Thai FDA approval? the manufacturer or your Thai distributor?

    Q2: Is there a registered trademark on your product? and if yes who holds the Thai registration? 

    Q3: Does your current distributor in Thailand have a special relationship with the outlets that are best placed to sell your product?

    Q4: Is there a possibility that your product isn't actually going to fly off the shelf in Thailand regardless of who your Thai distributor is?



    1. Checking, but paid for by overseas mnfr.

    2.checking, will confirm thai TM. 

    3. Does not seem to be the case at all. They have also been given enquiries for other big companies and do not seem to know how to handle them.

    4. Very difficult to answer. My understanding of the process for nationwide exposure on shelf was the item was originally trialled in a batch of stores and upon successful trial it was rolled out to all stores.


    The product sells a lot in EU and the purpose of the item is much more applicable in SEA and the price point has been brought in line with the region.

  5. 1 hour ago, blackcab said:

    1. As already mentioned, who obtained the FDA approval is quite crucial. I'm not 100 per cent on this, but if a Thai company has the approval, aren't they the only ones who can import? That definitely needs to be clarified with the FDA.


    2. You need a contact at, for example, Tesco (Thailand) Head Office who can give you their cost price and also sales data.


    3. You might still run into problems because the previous company has paid the fees to get the product as far as the shelf, so I would imagine they would want the FDA fees, slotting fees and some advertising spend back as a minimum if they are going to exit - assuming they hold the FDA license and can make life difficult.

    Thanks for the responses. I think the FDA was paid for by the mnfr but the Thai distributor has it. I'm just trying to find out if this Thai FDA is registered and if it is allocated to a specific company.


    I agree, we need someone with an existing relationship with the retailer who could delicately approach the matter. Existing supplier claims they are being paid "on scan" which indicates relationship is new and this payment method is being used as a reason for delaying payments to manufacturer and then some. This was not the deal agreed with overseas mnfr.


    The legal route could damage the existing retailers appetite for the product but if it appeared available via one of their more trusted suppliers with a better marketing plan and more experience overall. It could be an easier transition.


    There was no exclusive granted in any way shape or form and the Thai Co. has only paid 10% of what they owe and the last payment received was 5 months ago. 

  6. To be fair this joe lad is like 80 so his days are numbered and if he fancies grand entrances and envious looks then so be it. It's not like anyone takes his team that seriously. Lovely football and some good players but the semi final syndrome points to a lack of backbone.

  7. Just now, RickG16 said:

    There's a chance it could be the charger I guess but an IT guy already told me it's probably the battery.


    Usually I have the same attitude when a problem arises re: head honcho. Always go straight to the top! 

    I normally just step in when it does not get the attention it deserves. Some people (anywhere) think they can answer anything as a means of solving it for them and not the customer. 

  8. That's strange but I use Samsung  phones and have similar issues sometimes. Example.  I will charge my A5 and if shows just 2% battery but then I reboot it and it's on 97%.


    Also what about the chargers etc you are using  same as always or is there a variable to consider?


    I took an S6 uk unit into Samsung and got it fixed in thailand.  Good service. They tried to fob me off due to it being a uk unit but when I asked for the head honcho he sorted it.


  9. Just now, SantiSuk said:

    Has the design style you might expect from a currency trading billionaire. I'll bet the City money broker boys were licking their lips, while everyone else thought "ugly as ****".


    Would say it spoils the look of what was my walk to work for many years pre-retirement/pre-flite-to-Thailand, but property developers of similar grotesque taste already did that!



    I think these big rigs focus a bit more on the unlikely events (safety) than aesthetic these days. I bet it has Faraday cage shielding and all kinds of security measures padding it out. Billionaires can afford to be paranoid and find a solution to almost anything and there just ain't a standard model when you are in that league.

  10. OK so here's a live situation.


    A non food product is sold in the biggest convenience store in thailand for the last 6 months through a Thai company who obtained distribution from an overseas mnfr.


    The item is thai fda approved.


    60'000 units have been shipped to Thailand but the overseas company is deeply unhappy with the Thai distributor to the point no more stock will be sold to them.


    The product has a footprint in europe across tesco/boots/etc etc.


    The overseas company shipped 60k in one shipment they have zero visibility of sales but the item has been seen in the stores nationwide.


    The Potential is huge and could be replicated throughout SEA and through many similar stores to boots/tesco etc.


    The Thai Co.  Are in breach of contract the door is open for a long term distributor to step in and take the business but without visibility of sales with large store it's very difficult to guarantee the client is still buying.


    The item is still in store. It's been 6 months.


    How would you handle this?

    • Like 1
  11. Just now, 3 minus 2 said:

    Bale WILL step up..

    Bale is not stepping up to nothing. In both of their last 4 seasons the difference between games played by both players is like 90 games with bale in just under 100 games in his last 4 seasons. Madrid will know he cannot be reliedone upon he cannot fill the gap hence mbappe rumours.

  12. Just now, 3 minus 2 said:

    Cant see this MASSIVE gaping hole in the team. Did you see bale  in the champs lge.. massive gaping hole in the crowd though,?  last game was the lowest gate since ...  the game b4 ronaldo signed....?

    450 goals in 9 seasons and no hole?


    Massive hole. 

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