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Posts posted by Rc2702

  1. 6 hours ago, RickG16 said:

    But we don't have to be in the same boat. We can give Jose the time he needs. Which is what we are doing.


    This is a guy who left his family in London to live in a hotel and manage this club. To me that's more indicative of someone who is dedicated to his job than any newspaper gossip which says otherwise.

    You have that the wrong way round. Are you saying that is still the case? Looks like Jose's Mrs has him sussed if he could not even get his family to move. How on earth you think that is a good sign is amazing. Could also be the reason he is also looking so glum. That would affect a lot of people.

  2. Yh I just think if there is any sensible Utd fans here then you will be discussing appointments pronto.


    The writing is on the wall and this appointment has run its course. You and Mourinho are in no man's land. Mourinho has never done a 4th season anywhere. Utd have already had 3 managers in the last 5 years and  caretakers and a poor attempt at making Giggs an assistant and look how well he has not done since.


    Jose is clearly disillusioned with the summer transfer targets and he probably had himself to blame for that too. Players do not want to sign for the guy and that is the most worrying thing for me if I was a Utd fan. Based on last weekends match it looks like some of the squad do not want to play for him either. If he has lost the dressing room you are going to struggle big time. 


    I think United need to end his reign and identify a replacement who could probably transform the team by simply playing the football you were known for. Would save a lot of cash too I expect.







    • Like 1
  3. Hi, 


    I am currently in UK and staying for two weeks with my cousin who has a flat in London.  Yesterday whilst we were out something happened as water was dripping off his ceiling in downstairs lounge. His bathroom is directly above it.  We took the bath panel off as we could not see any water and it was moist underneath but even when we ran the shower for ten minutes the issue did not occur and no leaks were visible.


    We spoke to his neighbour who confirms she was in the bathroom during the time it happened and the same leak had happened in her lounge too.


    So we ran the water a lot last night trying to see if this leak was caused by his bathroom. There was not a drop of water whilst we ran the shower or basin for over 10 minutes each.


    Today it happened again and his neighbour confirmed she was using the basin during the time the leak began.


    I consulted a tradesman mate who believes the leak is coming from my cousins neighbour.


    We checked the two flats above and both occupants confirmed no issues.


    The odd thing is that the neighbours ceiling does not have leakage today but my cousins does.


    I'm wondering if this is due to the neighbour using the shower yesterday and basin today?


    The mass of water from the shower causes hers and his ceilings to leak but the basin use only causes my cousins ceiling to be affected?


    Does this sound correct or am I missing something?


    When we did the tests on his flat there was no leak at all but some 7 hours later there is a leak which his neighbour confirms was the same time she used the basin.


    Any plumbers fancy wading in on this I'd be very grateful.







  4. 2 hours ago, Kenny202 said:

    Went to immigration to lodge everything today. Thought I had all my stuff together based on what they told me last week but seems the info they required was more specific. I wish they would have told me..I'll share here for the benefit of anyone contemplating the same thing...


    3 photos....all of me with the child....Front of our home, in the bedroom and the living room


    A hand drawn map of where I live. A google map printed no good according to them. That one will be interesting as our main road is simply called "Rural Road" and I don't write or read Thai so difficult to add landmarks such as schools or temples


    My son has to be present. They clearly told me last week this wasn't required. 


    I went to the bank this morning and got a statement going back 3 months showing I had maintained a balance over 400k THB last three months. I got this signed and stamped by the bank.

    This was rejected. They want a "retter" from the bank stating my balance has been over 400k THB last month. Signed and stamped. They also want a print out of my passbook. I had enough trouble just getting a statement from the bank this morning. The bank was looking at me like this was highly unusual. Staff pow wows ensued. The supervisor was summoned. I had to sign three papers and provide a copy of my passport and pay 100 baht commission. Took 30 minutes to get a bloody bank statement. They will spin off into orbit tomorrow when I ask them for a "retter". Really annoying as I clearly remember taking a copy of my passbook last year ...they rejected it and sent me back to get a signed statement.


    By the way, I was under the assumption the money only had to be in on the day when doing an extension for a child. The told me last week 2 months. Today they said one month ok.


    I'm sorry now I didn't just go to Bkk and get a stat dec from the embassy. A visa issued to the parent of a Thai should be the easiest to obtain and most legitimate reason you could have for living here. 

    Surely it is in the interests of the mother and the child that the father is living here, whether separated or not. If the father is here he would under normal circumstances be providing support and care for the child. I am his sole carer, have been since 4 months so no question he lives with me full time. I was wondering what a father would do if he was under the 50yo retirement age and maybe share cared the child? 


    Anyway, when has logic or rational thinking ever come into anything here. Supposed to be retired. I spend half of my life arsing about with government stuff. Visa, licenses, registrations, vehicle transfers. 3 days a couple of weeks ago just to transfer a motorcycle into my name. There was no problem...everything straight forward. When the women could see I was getting agitated after the 2nd day she kept saying...step step



    Just to be clear. I think retter means a letter.


    Good luck with it all it sounds like it will be solved soon enough. Worth it I'm sure.



  5. 8 minutes ago, colinneil said:

     Maybe you have a good point there, but she is a cousin of my wife, she used to be my carer every day, till 2 years ago.

    Now she only comes when my wife is away, around 3 times a year.

    I have spoken with my wife about an hour ago, and she said only Anne my carer knew she would be away, and my wife says she only asked her to come on sunday evening.

    I wish we could just move away from here, but as i am restricted in my movements i rely on my wife, so i have to get her agreement on things.

    I was born across the road, my family is here and they dont want me to move, so i am stuck.

    We hire a car when we visit some of my my Mrs family. We leave our car at home and pretend the hire car is our car. We also live in kranuan according to some of her family. 30 miles from where we live.

  6. 6 minutes ago, carmine said:

    Fair enough, but i also think that if your owners had backed him more earlier on he would in turn have gotten Liverpool a better side earlier.  Now its the strongest looking Liverpool line up i've seen in years.

    It is the strongest team I've seen for a very long time and that is why their is expectation from here on. 



  7. Met the Mrs in seacon square in bkk. She worked in two shops next to each other. A ladies leather shoe stall and a make up stall. I spotted her wechat ID on the wholesale info marketing label on the shoes and made a habit of passing the shop and talked to her on wechat. Was not easy to begin her English was 5% and the rest she was using a translator. Today she speaks 50-60% and as a bit of fun we do spelling tests which is a great way of demonstrating how much she has learned. 

  8. Just now, carmine said:

    I thought you'd had a few shandies when you spoke such crap about Klopp, but there you go.

    He backed his teams a bit too much at the beginning. Where are those lads now. It's nice to back the lads but he was not kidding anyone. The coutinho transfer turned out to be a master stroke. Forgot who was backing that from the off?


    I've put my hands up on this a couple of times TBH.  Klopp turned it round big time and I'm very happy he did but the jury is still out in terms of delivering success and that is what I seek for LFC nothing less.



  9. 13 minutes ago, BangrakBob said:

    Sorry pal bur I just can't get passed the fact you reckoned Jurgen Klopp was a carrot and wished for Jose Mourinho as manager but 12 months ago.


    That's OK I can't believe what a cry baby you become after a couple of shandies but at least your not copying and pasting anymore. The owners are complete wa×$ers has lost it's voice too I note.

  10. 1 hour ago, nev said:

    Exactly this, no leaders out on the pitch, I can see why Mourinio was looking at a commanding center back.

    We are Team of individuals right now and I cannot see it improving.

    It's going to be a rollercoaster ride this season for sure.

    All down to  thoroughly awful man management.  

    • Like 2
  11. 1 minute ago, RonniePickering22 said:


    Ya gotta feel for Emery with two tough openers.


    Not feeling it?


    Me neither bwahahaha.

    The only thing you can bank on with arenal is xhaka getting booked. Very strange team with some real quality individuals but not a team. 

    • Like 1
  12. 31 minutes ago, RickG16 said:

    Yeah I understand. But to me you never give the captaincy to a player who is leaving, even to help you make a few quid.

    That's precisely the point then. That's the type of diversion Mourinho seeks wherever possible.  The interview is clear anyway if you think there was positives in those words he spoke then he has done his job well. Pogba does have a case as captain though but as Mourinho said; only when valencia is not playing. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, RonniePickering22 said:

    One game in and the confidence is soaring...love it lol.

    Nah were a monster this season I am sorry but we are just way ahead of all other teams and there is a feel good factor about us. Sturridge coming back and knowing his new role is a new dimension too. If he stays fit as he looks and gets on for 20 mins a game he's got 15 goals in him and his longevity is preserved. It really is on for us this season.

  14. 1 minute ago, RickG16 said:

    So you are saying he will be sold in Jan?


    I guess there is a small chance what you are saying could be true. But <deleted> me that's an elaborate plan to maximise value, including giving the armband to a player that's leaving?!?

    Well, no it is not it's sensible. Player wants out Mourinho likely wants him out. Mourinho pushed for the player and Utd paid a WR fee at the time. Player is back from a great WC his value is intact but if there is a rift then value drops. So he tells him straight you want out you best play the part and perform solidly whilst the window is open. It's not elaborate and the only way we will know is if the window shuts with no sale and pogba goes missing for half a season.

  15. On 8/14/2018 at 12:01 PM, StevieH said:

    pleased to see joe gomez have such a mature game against a potentially problematic lad in arnautovic. and our full-backs, for so long a continuing source of pain for us, are now suddenly boss and brilliant at attacking. 


    james milner by the way. what a pro. looked like a lad who had had a nice rest over the summer as well.

    I've looked at the fixtures, I've reviewed all areas of the squad and I'd not be surprised one bit if after 10 PL games we have a minimum of:


    28 pts

    9 wins

    40 goals.


    We are now that good.







    • Haha 1
  16. 4 minutes ago, RickG16 said:

    We still don't know. Mourinho apparently doesn't know. But to just presume it's a rift with Jose is wrong. Sure Pog will be asked about it again so maybe he will elaborate.

    It's painfully obvious that this is about getting maximum value and if Barcelona are sniffing then you need to show solidarity to get the max value. I expect the player to throw his dummy out if barca see it is a bluff move and refuse to pay top dollar.


    Might be a good thing so I hope he stays and resonates negativity into the team.

  17. 54 minutes ago, champers said:

    If the relationship between Mourinho and Pogba has broken down, why did Mourinho pick Pogba v Leicester and make him captain?

    Some kidology going on methinks.

    Be a good move to maintain maximum sell on value.

  18. 10 minutes ago, RickG16 said:

    Shame you have to tow the Liverpool line on here mate. I enjoyed your non football posts on visa runs and SERIOUS cheese price increases 

    It's a fair point. Mourinho had a great 1st season but has saddled himself with a lack of harmony and he seems to like it. Fans are disgruntled with methods. Players are gutted with the lack of freedom to play attractive football. Players are slaughtered openly.  Pogba + Shaw + French lad + Rashford. All have been in the firing line.

    It's more of a soap opera than a football team. 

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